• Christian Farr
  • npr
  • franklin
  • Another NBC Reporter Refuses to Report Chicago Teachers Union’s Socialist TiesRead more
  • NPR congratulates itself for taking bold step of selling merchandise–for money!Read more
  • Benjamin Franklin’s account of the First ThanksgivingRead more
  • Protesters to Israel: “Move Back to Europe”, Rocket Attacks “Not That Scary”, Hamas Not a Terrorist GroupRead more

Another NBC Reporter Refuses to Report Chicago Teachers Union’s Socialist Ties

December 20, 2012

At a Chicago Teachers Union protest in November, NBC Chicago’s Charlie Wojciechowski refused to coverChicago Teachers Union members’ connection to the International Socialist Organization and told me Breitbart News was “full of s**t,” after I asked him if he would do so. Tuesday night, NBC Chicago’s Christian Farr followed suit by also refusing to cover those same ties displayed at a CTU protest he was covering.

Chicago Teachers Union organizers teamed up once again with Action Now for a protest directed at Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his so-called “fat cat” friends ahead of Wednesday’s vote to close underutilized Chicago schools. The protest was staged outside of the Chicago Public School headquarters.

As is typical of many CTU protests, however, few actual teachers and parents were present at the protest themselves, while many left-wing front groups were.

Action Now, formerly ACORN, had the largest presence, along with Stand Up Chicago, Teachers for Social Justice, and members of the International Socialist Organization.

I approached Christian Farr, the street reporter for NBC 5, about the coordination between CTU members and the International Socialists in the protest. He responded, “You just used the word socialist, you have an opinion of what they are doing.”

I proceeded to ask Mr. Farr if he would report that they were marching around with International Socialists and carrying Socialist Worker newspapers. Hostilely, Farr snapped, “No, I’m not going to report that! That’s a judgment.”

As revealed in the video footage of the protest, participants and leaders of the demonstration, such as Brandon Johnson, a social studies teacher in Chicago Public Schools, can be linked directly to the International Socialist Organization. Others can be seen waving around Socialist Worker newspapers. These are facts, not opinions.

WLS radio’s Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft have been the only “main-stream media” in Chicago to question the ties between the Chicago Teachers Union and the International Socialist Organization; when they interviewed CTU Vice President Jesse Sharkey, they asked him about his participation in the Midwest Marxism Conference held in October at the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism.

Farr, despite watching protesters march by with socialist publications and being told of the relationships of specific protest organizers with the ISO, appears to have a complete misunderstanding of the words “opinion” and “judgment.” It would be laughable if not so alarming that, to him, simply uttering the word “socialist” rendered me opinionated and judgmental, while he claimed to be “objective,” despite his outright refusal to cover the facts before him.

Cross Posted at: Breitbart News

An alternative: 45,000 more murders per year

December 20, 2012

We all mourn the tragedy of students and teachers killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in a gun-free zone.  However, another developing tragedy is the flock of politicians clamoring to look worthwhile.

The latest murder in Chicago, according to the not-up-to-date city public-safety website, was murder number 485, case number HV596086 which occurred on December 9 at 11:45 pm (validating my Grandfather’s warning that few good things happen after 11 pm).  Extrapolating 485 murders to the end of the year, 513 murders will occur in Chicago this year.  This would represent an increase of 80 murders over the 433 in 2011.

Although the murder increase in Chicago this year is more than three times the number of those killed at the school in Connecticut, for the national media, it doesn’t merit coverage. Because this inconvenient statistic from the city with the strictest gun control in the country controlled by the left for decades does not fit the politically correct narrative is an obvious explanation for ignoring case # HV596086.

Given that Chicago is approximately a third Caucasian, Hispanic and African-American and a disproportionate number of murder victims are black, the media ignoring this epidemic of murders is blatantly racist.  By the media’s determination of newsworthiness, the value of a white school child in Connecticut is greater than a black school child in Chicago when a political point is to be made.

Last year the murder rate in the country was 4.7 per 100,000.  Chicago’s this year will be 19.0 per 100k.  Chicago’s murder rate this year will be 3 times New York’s, 2 times Los Angles and 60% higher than Houston’s.  It will also be higher than El Paso(20 times) and Plano(14 times), TX, Mesa(6 times), AZ and Lincoln(20 times), NE, all places without restrictive gun control.

If the country were to adopt more restrictive gun control, as in the Chicago style, and the country’s murder rate came to reflect the experience in Chicago, 45,000 (19-4.7 X 315 mm/100k) more people would be murdered per year.  Given that politicians like to use ten year numbers instead of annual numbers to dramatize a point, the ten year number would be nearly half a million people dead.

Obviously there are many reasons why even with more restrictive gun control laws we would not expect the country’s murder rate to climb to Chicago’s.  However for the media, politicians and other controllers of the culture to ignore the statistics is nonsensical.

 Have a fulfilling and profitable(politically incorrect word) day, 

W C (Bill) Augustine,  www.atlasrising.tateauthor.com

NPR congratulates itself for taking bold step of selling merchandise–for money!

December 17, 2012

NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is embracing the capitalist system with fervor this weekend, as they open their staff-only merchandise sale to the public for the first time.

This may not have been news had it been *any* other radio station. But it’s NPR, conceived of by government and with a decidedly left-wing audience, it has traditionally eschewed the more pedestrian forms of collecting revenue, such as selling merchandise.

According to wikipedia, the station receives 50% of its funding from fees it charges member stations. In 2009, members stations received 6 percent of their revenue from government sources, along with an additional 10% of their revenue from the federal government’s Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

The two-day sale features items with the NPR logo as well as show-specific branded items, such as from their Saturday morning show “Car Talk.” A full-time store will open at their new location next year.

Let’s Build a Fence

December 3, 2012

Elections have Consequences

Although the degree is debatable, voters on November 6 chose control over freedom, central planning over free markets, security over liberty, equalitarianism over growth and the collective over the individual. Exit polls showed a double digit margin of voters preferring less rather than more government. Nevertheless decades of culture and communication control by the left prevented the political expression of limited government, a core traditional American value.

Assuming the political trend is obstinately entrenched it seems prudent to not only extrapolate but to envision probable solutions to ongoing problems within the context of the times.

Change is never easy. It is particularly more difficult as one acquires years. But change we must. As I discarded my stash of shoe polish in the basement after finding pre-scuffed new shoes for sale at a fashionable store, I will adapt.

Given the inescapable trends and their logical outcomes I will over time, within the constraints of the ‘statist’ viewpoint, speculate about logical solutions on a variety of issues. Here I wish to examine population movement.

Voters in Illinois, in addition to California among some other states, chose to double down on the status quo. With Illinois in more dire financial straits two years after a 67% income tax increase, the voters not only approved, but increased the majority’s margins in the legislature. The solution is obvious-more taxes.

The reality of the “law of diminishing returns” renders the revenue generated by a tax increase considerably less than the product of economic activity times the tax increase. A simple example is the cigarette tax. If an entity increases the tax one dollar per pack on an expected volume of one million packs, the tax does not generate one million dollars. Some people will chose to purchase their cigarettes elsewhere and others will quit smoking. In the case of the cigarette tax at least it will encourage some people to adapt a healthier lifestyle. While other tax increases will discourage beneficial behavior, i.e. sales tax increases discourage spending and income tax increases discourage productivity, each hampering growth.

In a society where local cultural differences have declined, technology allows a choice of location and mobility is the norm, businesses and people migrating from high-tax, low-opportunity states to more friendly environments is the ultimate quandary states such as Illinois face.

Giving tax breaks to large, government connected and politically invested companies to keep them in the state has limits. Some businesses and individuals must pay accordingly more. If a small business or individual leaves the state, the loss does not generate alarming publicity and political fallout, but the effects are cumulative.

The crux of the dilemma is: how does a state pay for politically demanded services plus large numbers of highly paid government employees when businesses and people have the freedom to flee? With productive tax-paying people fleeing who ultimately will pay the bill?

President Obama won the election. In remarks at a campaign event he said, “You didn’t build that” referring to business owners. While the remark may have been taken out of the context of the sentence or paragraph, it was certainly within the context of his remarks. Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren, the ideological source of his-you didn’t build that remark- recently won a straw poll of progressives as their choice for President in 2016. This is the new direction of the country?


Businesses and individuals have benefited by using state services including fire, police and environmental protections. Can one enter a clothing store, pillage and steal the merchandise without paying? Most businesses have prospered as a direct result of state investment in the education of their employees. They have an obligation to the state. How does this obligation differ from the lien a bank has on the business for providing capital? Can you avoid mortgage payments by moving? It only differs because the state has failed to legally secure its investment. This must change.

Right or not, the outdated constitution has implied guarantees of the right to relocate within the country. But that needn’t eliminate the responsibility to compensate a state for its investment.

Therefore, as both a practical matter of enhancing revenue and because of basic fairness issues, the state should implement an exit tax on businesses and individuals choosing to duck and leave their obligations behind. The former host’s state income tax should remain in effect for a period of five years after a business or individual leaves the state. The state should also consider a punitive 50% surcharge on businesses and individuals moving to a state without a state income tax.

Without such practical policies the state will continue to lose its revenue base and unfairly place more burdens upon those who recognize their community responsibilities.

We are all in this together. We succeed when we all pull together for the common good.

Have a fulfilling and profitable day—–SCRATCH THAT CLOSING

To the State from which all wealth and human advancement flow,

W C (Bill) Augustine, www.atlasrising.tateauthor.com

Benjamin Franklin’s account of the First Thanksgiving

November 22, 2012

I spent some time as an editor at Regnery Publishing, during which time we published “The Compleated Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.” I always enjoy rereading this account from Benjamin Franklin, which captures the history and the spirit of the American holiday.

Instead of a Fast They Proclaimed a Thanksgiving Benjamin Franklin (1785)

There is a tradition that in the planting of New England, the first settlers met with many difficulties and hardships, as is generally the case when a civiliz’d people attempt to establish themselves in a wilderness country.  Being so piously dispos’d, they sought relief from heaven by laying their wants and distresses before the Lord in frequent set days of fasting and prayer.  Constant meditation and discourse on these subjects kept their minds gloomy and discontented, and like the children of Israel there were many dispos’d to return to the Egypt which persecution had induc’d them to abandon.

At length, when it was proposed in the Assembly to proclaim another fast, a farmer of plain sense rose and remark’d that the inconveniences they suffer’d, and concerning which they had so often weary’d heaven with their complaints, were not so great as they might have expected, and were diminishing every day as the colony strengthen’d; that the earth began to reward their labour and furnish liberally for their subsistence; that their seas and rivers were full of fish, the air sweet, the climate healthy, and above all, they were in the full enjoyment of liberty, civil and religious.

He therefore thought that reflecting and conversing on these subjects would be more comfortable and lead more to make them contented with their situation; and that it would be more becoming the gratitude they ow’d to the divine being, if instead of a fast they should proclaim a thanksgiving.  His advice was taken, and from that day to this, they have in every year observ’d circumstances of public felicity sufficient to furnish employment for a Thanksgiving Day, which is therefore constantly ordered and religiously observed.

Taken from The Compleated Autobiography

Jackson Jr resigns on Thanksgiving Eve

November 21, 2012

The astoundingly unsurprising news that Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned today reveals far more about the sorry state of our local Chicago democratic leadership than the trite and pathetic story of Jackson Jr.’s downfall.

Jackson Jr., son of the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who has been AWOL from Congress since June 10, has been the subject of congressional investigations, embroiled in an affair, connected with the sale of the U.S. Senate seat, abandoned his role as representative to his district, and handled the entire situation with secrecy and derision for his constituents. Jackson Jr. had been in Congress since 1995, and recently beat out a primary challenge by Debbie Halvorson. The only question to most of us observing was when, not if, he would resign.

Had he done it prior to an October 22 deadline, his vacancy would have been chosen by Cook, Will, and Kankakee County Democratic chairmen–ultimately Cook’s Joe Berrios would have the most weight in such a scenario. Voters will now be presented with a special election some time in the next 115 days as mandated by law.

58 percent of these voters reelected Jackson Jr. over Republican Brian Woodworth, who received 27 percent of the vote. Also helpful for context: Cong. Derrick Smith  (D-IL) who was charged with taking bribes, was also reelected–with 77 percent of the vote.

The media’s coverage has been mediocre at best, covering the bare minimum. No pressing for interviews and letting Rev. Jackson get away with calling it a family matter. How much coverage of his opponent, Brian Woodworth, did they not give? And just how long, exactly, were concerns known, in particular to the democratic machine in Chicago, about Jackson Jr.’s inability to continue his job? Some news outlets even heralded the new look at “mood disorders” that Jackson Jr.’s plight was shining a light on.

It was in Crain’s Chicago Business where political columnist Greg Hinz waxed eloquently about his sympathy for the ailing Jackson Jr., writing “you gotta feel a little sorry for the guy in the middle of the carnage. Even the famous son of a famous father is only human.” Earlier this year, Hinz had written that Jackson Jr. was doing voters a favor by staying on the ballot and at least providing them the opportunity to vote for his replacement through a special election. But today Hinz wrote that Jackson’s departure is “totally without class.” So which is it? Even Hinz seems unsure.

What we can be sure of is that in Chicago, things are never what they seem, and the media can be counted on not to hold anyone *too* accountable. The fact that Jackson Jr. got reelected can be, in large part, attributed to this mediocre media.

Protesters to Israel: “Move Back to Europe”, Rocket Attacks “Not That Scary”, Hamas Not a Terrorist Group

November 20, 2012

Approximately 100 protesters gathered near the Vanderbilt University campus in Nashville on Saturday to protest Israel’s response to the recent barrage of Hamas rocket attacks. Hamas allies have launched 1,300 rocket attacks so far this year, and Israel has recently responded by precision targeting rocket launch sites and ammunition storage facilities, in addition to Hamas political infrastructure. Israel’s attempt to diminish terrorist capabilities has been done with precautions to minimize loss of innocent life. In fact, Israel continues to transport food for Gaza residents across the border even throughout the present conflict. Yet, as I interviewed many of those at the protest, the open hostility to Israel’s existence as a Jewish state and refusal to condemn Hamas was stunning.

One protester claimed ALL of Israel is on occupied land, including Tel Aviv, Jaffa, and Haifa. According to him, “Every square foot of Palestine is owned by the Palestinians. The Israelites have no reason to stay there, ever.” He went on to stay, “Your citizens are not supposed to be there. This land is not yours! Move off! Move back to Europe where you came from.” Another sign he held proclaimed “the imposter Jews should go back to Asia.”

A lady claimed the Israeli response to the Hamas rocket attacks is “almost the same” as the Holocaust which claimed the lives of over 6 million people. Several young children apparently with her gathered around a sign claiming that Israel’s military actions – a defense of herself against Gaza terrorists- is tantamount to another “holocaust.”

Another lady at the protest claimed that the Hamas rocket attacks are “not even that scary” and that “Israel is the great aggressor.” She also inaccurately declared that “no one has been allowed in or out [of Gaza] since 2007” and bizarrely claimed that Hamas has only fired “a couple of rockets back” at Israel. Furthermore, she stated Israel’s response in Gaza is “ethnic cleansing and genocide.” Reality conflicts with her opinions. In actuality, residents in southern Israel live in with the harsh reality of rocket attacks and often just have a 15 second warning or less to seek shelter. And, contrary to the protester, more than 800 rockets have been fired into Israel over just the last four weeks. And rather than indiscriminately targeting civilians, the IDF often provides advance warnings of military operations and uses precision targeting to minimize damage to surrounding areas.

While protesters boldly proclaimed Israel was a terrorist state since its founding, protesters claimed Hamas was NOT a terrorist organization! The United States Department of State disagrees, listing Hamas as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). One protester verbally berated the journalist for daring to inquire about the messaging on the signs.

The intolerance, bigotry, and ignorance displayed by the anti-Israel protesters  at the event proves discouraging for all those hoping for reason and peace to prevail  in the Middle East.

NBC covers for teachers union at Northwestern Marxist conference

November 14, 2012

NBC Chicago’s Charlie Wojciechowski ignored and lashed out a reporter who covered the Northwestern University Midwest Marxism conference over the weekend, in particular referring to reporting of Teachers Union VP Jesse Sharkey’s presence there as “full of sh*t.”

The conference was notable not only for its radical content and secretive nature (I was booted after being discovered as “not in solidarity”), but also for the large contingent of teachers present. Chicago Teachers Union t-shirts were for sale in the lobby and, in addition to Jesse Sharkey speaking to a breakout session, much of the content was dedicated to revisiting the successful partnership between the International Socialists Organization (ISO) and the CTU, and how they plan to collaborate even more closely in the future.

None of this fazed NBC’s Wojciechowski, who was covered an ISO/Action Now protest in downtown Chicago yesterday. In fact, he seemed quite irate that he was being clued in to actual news. From Rebel Pundit:

Rebel Pundit writes:

Wojcieckowski told me, “I’m working… We are doing something here… We are covering a protest.”

I questioned Wojciechowski further as to whether he was actually covering the protest, or covering it up? Wojciechowski replied, “If Breitbart was a legitimate organization, I would talk to you, but it’s not, Breitbart is full of shit.”

Wojciechowski went on apparently, to cover up who the leaders of the protest were and filed a report of which the protest leaders approved. While I did see and film Wojciechowski interviewing Mr. Sharkey, that interview does not appear in the story Wojciechowski filed, and remains unclear whether or not he ever asked Sharkey about his involvement with the Marxist organization.

Andrew Breitbart’s call to hold the media accountable remains truer than ever. You can find NBC Chicago on twitter here. See also The Blaze’s excellent send up of the protest where Rebel Pundit caught Wojciechowski covering for the CTU–a protest that apparently had almost NO TEACHERS.

Dear Republican Establishment: A letter from the American Conservative Grassroots

November 13, 2012

The letter below is from a group of grassroots conservatives who got together to pen their frustrations with the GOP. While these individuals do not wish to share their names, their sentiments are ones many of us share, including myself.

Dear Republican Establishment:

We hear you. We hear you blaming us for Mitt Romney’s recent defeat in the Presidential election. Now hear us.

Over a year ago, we told you that Mitt Romney would not be able to energize the base. You responded that anger at Obama would provide all the energy we needed. You were told that affection FOR a candidate is always a better model than depending on anger AT another candidate. You disagreed. And now, the votes are in. You were wrong.

We also told you the 2012 election would be centered on turning out the GOP base. You insisted the election would hinge on winning independents. We now know that Romney did, in fact, win independents. Congratulations. He won those who showed up. Unfortunately, 10 million 2008 voters failed to get up off the sofa to vote for Romney. Nice job picking candidates!

The grassroots predicted Obama’s victory model: to pivot hard left and drive up turnout of his base, to make independents terrified to vote for Romney, and to dispirit the GOP base. We noted that Romney was the candidate who best fit the Obama victory model, the only candidate who could deliver the one thing a billion Democrat dollars couldn’t buy – a dispirited GOP base. You rejected that idea outright. Well, we have the results. Obama successfully delivered his own base to the polls….while doing such a good job of destroying Romney that 10 million 2008 voters failed to show up at the polls….while a dispirited GOP base complained about the lackluster Romney campaign which failed to attack, failed to defend, etc.

So now you blame the grassroots for all that? We would remind you that State & National GOP leadership leaned heavily on the grassroots this election cycle NOT to repeat the tactics which delivered victory in the 2010 mid-term elections. We played along, and quietly did the hard, grassroots work of walking streets and pounding phones for Romney. And look what happened. We did what you asked, the way you wanted it. Rest assured, the grassroots will not repeat this mistake again. Until you figure out how to listen to us as equal partners, we will not play with you. We will attack as we see fit.

We also warned you that the nomination of Mitt Romney would totally remove Obamacare from the election. It most certainly did. The single greatest policy vulnerability Obama had was totally neutered by virtue of Romney being the ideological godfather of the policy in question. Thanks.

Oh. Stop hanging Akin & Mourdock around our neck. We didn’t know they didn’t understand how conception works. You didn’t know that the word “macaca” was part of George Allen’s vocabulary, either. And you didn’t blame him for the loss of the House and Senate in 2006. Interestingly, you put him up again this time around. We might make mistakes, but we don’t make them twice. So stop the scapegoating, please.

A word about demography: Women aren’t the problem, although we need to (and can) do better with them. Hispanics aren’t the problem, although we need to (and can) do better with them. The biggest nut of the problem is this: our campaign inspired 10 million… 10 MILLION… voters from 2008 who decided not to vote for Obama to stay home rather than come out and vote for Mitt Romney. We lost because we did not present bold colors, big ideas that could inspire a nation to join us.

We lost because Mitt Romney, a man we immensely admire and respect, was the wrong candidate on just about every level. Mitt’s failure to do the obvious and select Marco Rubio as VP makes it much, much harder to win the future Hispanic vote. It’s not impossible. It can be done. Don’t worry. The grassroots will fix this for you. Please stay out of our way. And don’t do anything stupid like granting citizenship to 15m illegals. We have to persuade Hispanics they are conservatives who belong in the GOP, just like that County GOP Chairman in New Mexico did with Susanna Martinez. We win Hispanics by persuading them that conservatism, that free enterprise rather than entitlement, is the path to the American Dream of individual liberty and prosperity.

Let it be known that we were good soldiers. We got on board and worked as hard and cheerfully as anyone else on the team. But please let the most important lesson of 2012 sink in: If we don’t nominate candidates who can inspire the grassroots of this country, we are not going to win, no matter how excited we think the independents are going be about them. If you cannot fire up your base, you are not going to fire up independents.

You cannot win without your base.

You cannot win by attacking your base.

Ok. Enough. We will not harp on it any more. You can poke us all you want. From here on, we’re working on 2014. And 2016.

We hope you will join us. And LISTEN.


The Conservative Grassroots,
AKA Tea Party, 912, Liberty, precinct Republicans, silent majority Americans


Women for Obama celebrate: abortion, fashion, and social justice

November 9, 2012

While filming the election night celebrations on the streets of Chicago, I interviewed several women who were among the large group gathered on State Street.

The first group of people I came across were cheering for abortion. When I questioned the woman in the group, she said that abortion was one of the things she felt she was getting with an Obama win, along with birth control, gay rights and women’s rights. Another woman I interviewed said “we’re not all going to die, because we’re arts students,”  while her companion added, “fashion is not dead!”:

Another woman celebrating Obama said the most important issues to her were “social justice, class equality, and the fact that people have to pay their own way.”

These were the women who were the target markets for the “vagina ads” the Obama campaign put out in the final weeks leading up to Obama.

Obama supporters celebrate: No more Israel; kill those motherf***ers

November 7, 2012

Obama supporters out celebrating his win on election night gathered on State Street Tuesday evening. I asked one man why he was celebrating Obama, and what that meant to him. He said, “It really means to me, no more Israel…Mitt Romney would go to war with Iran…Obama said f*** that shit. Kill those mother f***ers.”

Another said, “Palestine was there first, and Israel moved in in the 1940s and that’s an unfair attack.” A man of Jewish heritage accompanying him said, “I really do not think that us being with Israel is a good choice for us”:

One man felt that Obama could act as a peacemaker through negotiations: “He needs to get Israel and he needs to get Iran down at the table and say, ‘Iran, what do you need, how can we compromise, don’t close off the freaking strait of Hormuz’…he’s going to be that angel of peace between them.”

A sign of what’s to come?

IL sneaks in amendment to U.S. Constitution — vote NO

November 6, 2012

Some residents of Illinois (Chicago and nine other townships) will find not only an amendment to the state constitution, but also to the U.S. Constitution on the ballot today. It was slipped in without any reporting, and is worded differently in different townships:

“Should the United States Constitution be amended to clearly state that only individual persons, and not corporations, associations or any other organizational entities, are entitled to the rights enumerated in the Constitution?”


“Shall the U.S. Congress pass a bill, to be duly ratified by three-fourths of the states, adopting an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, empowering the federal government and the states to regulate and limit political contributions from corporations?”

In a letter sent out to parishoners, Father Thomas Milota wrote of the impact on religious freedoms such an amendment would have:

Although this initially sounds like one is prohibiting corporations from acting as an entity with the right guaranteed in the US constitution, this particular proposition seems designed directly to combat the Church’s recent struggle to maintain her religious liberty and freedom.

As you are aware, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a mandate earlier this year which would require certain ecclesiastical institutions to pay for services that are directly contrary to the teaching of the Church thus forcing her to compromise herself. This particular proposition seems to be designed to give the false impression that Catholics do not mind if the freedom of speech of the leadership of the Church is revoked.

Please vote “no” to this proposition.

In Christ,

Fr. Thomas A. Milota


Saints Peter and Paul Parish

While this will not be binding, it will be used as a tool for propaganda to say that Illinois residents support such a referendum and would effectively nullify the Citizens United decision.

Vote no. (Vote no also on the IL constitutional amendment as well as the Chicago amendment for electrical aggregation.)

Chicagoans: Vote “no” twice on Election Day

November 5, 2012

Chicagoans will face two questions on their ballots tomorrow in addition to the selection of candidates; they should vote “No” on both.

First, there is the Illinois Constitutional Amendment, which would require a greater majority to approve increases in benefits to teachers. However, this appears to be a ploy to aggregate and centralize more power in the hands of Springfield. For more information, ChicagoBluesGirl writes on Rebel Pundit:

What do Madigan and his buddies stand to gain by this amendment? “Power” comes to mind–more power over taxpayer money to steer toward his list of cronies.

According to Ballotpedia.org, there’s another reason:

 The proposed amendment creates new definitions for the terms “benefit increase,” “emolument increase,” and “beneficial determination,” which are not defined in other statutes or in existing case law. These definitions could generate litigation, resulting in additional costs. There may also be disagreement amongst the governing body on whether a bill, resolution or other action constitutes a “benefit increase,” “emolument increase,” or “beneficial determination.

There is also a city-specific ballot question that Chicagoans will see about electricity aggregation. Chicago would be the largest city to attempt such a thing, and on the face of it, like the first, it appears fine. We might even pay less money but we’d be sacrificing something else, which the libs over at Chicagoist are salivating about: green energy. Read Chicagoist for their take:

 The City and clean energy advocates also see the aggregation effort as an opportunity to give wind, solar and other renewable technologies a shot in the arm in Illinois…. If folks in the state capitol took Roberts’ advice, aggregation might offer Springfield an important opportunity to help keep the wind industry moving here. The Mayor and an array of heavy hitters have lined up behind the effort and its potential clean energy outcomes, so we hope City Hall will keep engaged in discussions around opportunities to boost rooftop solar with the new program to ensure a similar impact on clean energy production in Chicago.

So, as you see, it is a backdoor way to implement more of the “green energy” policies the left can’t wait to tack onto their myriad protected bike lanes, etc. etc. etc. We can thank Chicagoist for showing us exactly why we should vote no on this.

An Open Letter to My Kids

November 5, 2012

I woke with a start at 4 AM this morning. I felt a sense of foreboding and the same dread when I got a call another eerie dawn three years ago which marked the first day without Grandpa. I don’t know why, but I’ve been thinking a lot about him lately…having trouble sleeping…waking early. And here it is early morning again and finally it is emerging why he’s been in my thoughts so much these last days. I think he’d want me to write this letter…to all our kids.

Dad was in the Millright’s union. He was a hard worker and proved himself on the job rising in his position of labor to eventually owning his own company (and got to see the other side of unions). But if Grandpa was anything, he was a patriot. At age 17, during World War 2, he joined the Navy and that experience and love of liberty and country shaped the remainder of his life.

He was a good man who was honest even when it was not politically acceptable to be so. Grandpa’s public political life started when he got involved as an alderman in Burbank, IL. He got elected I am sure because of his intelligence and easy going personality. He got along with others and always had a lot of friends. Many of these friends came to him for advice because he listened more than he talked and when he talked he waited until he had something of value to say. He meant what he said and said what he meant. You could always depend on him to follow through. And he expected the same of all of us kids. He would be more disappointed in us if we lied than if we failed. Failure was OK if we had honestly tried at something and followed through till the end.

I remember that, as an alderman of our ward, Dad got a lot of phone calls after work. Mom did not appreciate these as each one would take quite a bit of time because my dad took his responsibility very seriously. This caused more than annoyance at home. Because he was honest, it was hard for him to accept the expectations placed on him to go with the status quo and be a place holder for the “powers that be.” He was not a “yes” man and this eventually made him somewhat unpopular; he voted for what was right and true and this made some people with power very angry at him. My sister and I, at the time in high school, had become lifeguards at the local park district pool. We had always been excellent swimmers, had taken the training courses, passed our tests, were interviewed and hired. Again, our parents always expected us to do our best so we were excellent at what we did. But because Dad didn’t “go along to get along” these jobs were announced to be “political favors” and were taken from us as a punishment to him. He was beside himself that we were hurt because of him. He had gotten into politics to make a difference. But because he had no aspirations of ascension, he eventually finished out his term to not return. We easily found other employment but he never forgot what happened to us because of his integrity.

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Ohio vs. Oihi, Paul Ryan vs. Obama, in pictures

November 5, 2012

H/T Angry Bird Brain

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