Illinois Senate Postpones Gun Ban Vote

4 Jan 2013 post a comment

This Illinois Senate postponed voting on two anti-gun House Bills that passed out of the Public Health Committee on Wednesday. The proposed measures would lead to a virtual gun ban in the state of Illinois. A major effort to urge state senators to vote against the bills, led by the NRA-ILA was successful for now, but a vote on the Illinois Senate floor could come as early as Tuesday, January 8th.

House Bills 815 and 1263 seek to impose major restrictions on gun ranges, ban possession of magazines with a capacity higher than 10 rounds, ban all detachable-magazine-semi-automatic rifles and pistols. Among a lengthy list of other new restrictions against second amendment rights, these bills also seek to create felony penalties against those not in compliance, as well as criminalize victims of gun theft, with new “lost and stolen penalties.”

The NRA-ILA says the "phone calls have a made a difference" and is continuing to ask all Illinois Second Amendment supporters to take immediate action and call their state senators at (217) 782-2000 and urge them vote against House Bills 815 and 1263. 

Click here to see the list of new gun restrictions.



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