January , 2013

Video: Brahimi Expects ‘Hell’ in Syria without Resolution

Harsh words coming after a meeting with Russia:
Video: Brahimi Expects ‘Hell’ in Syria without Resolution

Report: Assad Won’t Leave Home

With the fighting continuing in Syria, the balance of power has moved away from Bashar Assad's regime. The Washington Post is reporting that Assad will not even leave his house. Moreover, Middle Eastern intelligence officials, citing accounts from defectors that could ...
Report: Assad Won’t Leave Home

Old Audio of Top American Imam: Resurrected Caliphate Should Wage Jihad

Imam Zaid Shakir, one of the founders of America’s first Muslim college, preached in 1992 that a new Caliphate (an Islamic state ruling the world by Sharia) should be created that will wage jihad and “use…weaponry against the enemies of ...
Old Audio of Top American Imam: Resurrected Caliphate Should Wage Jihad

Sharia is Now the Law of the Land in Egypt: Analysis of the Constitution

Sharia is now Egypt’s law of the land. The Islamist-written draft constitution was approved by about 64% of voters. The Muslim Brotherhood believes its time has come. At long last, it has overtaken the land where the group was founded ...
Sharia is Now the Law of the Land in Egypt: Analysis of the Constitution

The Lessons of the Islamist Victory in Egypt and the Islamist Defeat in Libya

The U.S. is trying to ride the Arab Spring like an out-of-control horse, not knowing where it will end up and fixated on surviving with as few injuries as possible. Falling into an Islamist ditch as happened in Egypt is ...
The Lessons of the Islamist Victory in Egypt and the Islamist Defeat in Libya

Video: Chavez Near Death

January - 4 - 2013 Reporter: Matthew Avitabile Respond

<iframe width=”500″ height=”281″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/rsCNw25T_J4″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Church Leader That Hosted Controversial Muslim Convention: “Evangelical Zionism” is “Evil”

January - 3 - 2013 Reporter: Ryan Mauro Respond

On December 15, All Saints Episcopal Church of Pasadena hosted the annual convention of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a group with Muslim Brotherhood origins and a controversial past. The question of why All Saints would collaborate with this specific group persisted. The answer came during the event when Reverend Ed Bacon listed “acts of evil” [...]

Reading About Marcus Evans

January - 1 - 2013 Reporter: Matthew Avitabile Respond

With all of the ups and downs of the national and global economy, people and companies want to find out as much as they can on how to secure a better economic or fiscal footing for the years to come. This is not always easy, especially if you are in a particularly precarious situation already [...]

New Muslims Against Islamists interview: Raquel Evita Saraswati

December - 30 - 2012 Reporter: Ryan Mauro Respond

The latest interview in my “Muslims Against Islamists” series is very eye-opening. It is with Raquel Evita Saraswati, a Muslim-American women’s right activist. Here’s an excerpt: Islamism – a theo-political ideology responsible for the subjugation of women, minorities and Muslim dissidents – does not recognize the value of the individual, and misogyny thrives wherever that [...]

My 2nd Fox & Friends Segment on Friday: Top 5 Threats in 2013

December - 30 - 2012 Reporter: Ryan Mauro Respond

Six Killed in Karachi Blast

December - 29 - 2012 Reporter: Matthew Avitabile Respond

Six people were killed in a bus explosion in Karachi, Pakistan today. This comes as the United States has decided to again launch drone strikes on suspected terrorists in Waziristan. Six people were killed Saturday when a bus exploded outside the main railway station in Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi, authorities said. About 50 people were [...]

Getting those Domain Coupons

December - 29 - 2012 Reporter: Matthew Avitabile Respond

Building up a site can be a great chance to get where you need to get. When you are able to use a reliable set of tools, your site can become the one that you want it to be. When you are able to find a reliable webhost, this can be a great step in [...]

Video: Brahimi Expects ‘Hell’ in Syria without Resolution

December - 29 - 2012 Reporter: Matthew Avitabile Respond

Harsh words coming after a meeting with Russia:

Finding Hosting Promo Codes

December - 29 - 2012 Reporter: Matthew Avitabile Respond

Making your site the one that you are looking for can take a long time. You will be able to build a site from the ground up. You can use a template online to build your site with other people’s experiences to make sure that you have the quality that you have been looking for. [...]

Report: Assad Won’t Leave Home

December - 29 - 2012 Reporter: Matthew Avitabile Respond

With the fighting continuing in Syria, the balance of power has moved away from Bashar Assad’s regime. The Washington Post is reporting that Assad will not even leave his house. Moreover, Middle Eastern intelligence officials, citing accounts from defectors that could not be verified, say Assad has ceased going outdoors during daylight hours, apparently out [...]

Rest in Peace, General Schwartzkopf

December - 28 - 2012 Reporter: Matthew Avitabile Respond

A little background in this documentary on the Gulf War. Rest in peace: Please bookmark!

Obama Nominates John Kerry for Secretary of State

December - 28 - 2012 Reporter: Timothy Knight Respond

Setting the mood for his administration’s second term foreign policy right before Christmas, President Obama announced yesterday afternoon that he has nominated former Democratic nominee for the Oval Office and current Massachusetts Senator John Kerry to become our Secretary of State at the retirement of Hillary Clinton. Kerry, who has served in leading positions on [...]

Video: Fighting in Central African Republic Intensifies

December - 28 - 2012 Reporter: Matthew Avitabile Respond

Clip: My “Fox & Friends First” Segment This AM

December - 28 - 2012 Reporter: Ryan Mauro Respond

I was on FOX News Channel twice this morning at 5:20 am and 6:45 am. This is the 5:20 segment am with “Fox & Friends First.” If I’m able to procure the second clip from “Fox & Friends,” I’ll post it.   Watch the latest video at <a href=”http://video.foxnews.com”>video.foxnews.com</a>

How to Make Jihadists Believe Allah Doesn’t Approve of Them: Defeat Them in Battle

December - 27 - 2012 Reporter: Ryan Mauro Respond

The seemingly endless supply of martyrdom-seeking jihadists makes it tempting to abandon the battlefields, but withdrawal does not come without cost. For many Muslims, victory is a display of approval from Allah and defeat is judgment. One success can inspire a generation, while a series of undeniable losses can cause re-examination of the jihad’s merits. The monotheistic religions [...]

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Ryan Mauro is the founder of World Threats.com

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The End of the Second Iranian Revolution?

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Geert Wilders Acquitted of All Hate Crimes Charges

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Death Toll Tops 80 in Syria and is Climbing Quickly

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