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#io12  *Check out my machine* at Input/Output
Input/Output - Google I/O 2012 »
Google I/O 2012 brings together thousands of developers for three days of deep technical content focused on building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise application...
Captioning #io12 : 100% of videos from #io12  are captioned
You can use the search link below to find all of them.
+Kalexin Baoerjiin and +Shahar Givol -- congratulations and please let me know your t-shirt sizes and where to mail them (direct message me). You came closest with your guesses of 420 and 412 hours from my post on July 28th.
Actual time: 406 hours.
"google i/o 2012", cc - YouTube »
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Naomi Black
+Daniel Carr actually, there's only about 150 or so hours of content from #io12. 406 hours is how long it took our team to turn around closed captions for all those videos.
Daniel Carr
Oh sorry. That's ok then I can watch half an hour per day :P

John Knox

+1'd on
 -  Public
A Triceratops head hangs out at GoogleIO.

#io12   #io2012   #lytrooftheday   #Lytro   #Photo  
Lytro / jmpk »
After a short hiatus for #IO12  the +Android Developers team are back, hosting weekly Office Hours each Wednesday and The Friday Review on Fridays.

To maintain the excitement of I/O, we'll be inviting speakers from different Android sessions to join us each week! You can find all the details including who, what, and where on the Android page of Google Developer Live.
Google Developers Live »
GDL is a place for developers around the world to connect face to face with Google employees, peers, and other industry luminaries.
Pekka Kujansuu
This is good news. :)
Good News

Photo from
Shared from the Google+ #io12 stream
Gener Eric Cruz
Google Now is amazing. Wonder how it will integrate with Magel.
Blue Gene
Google are awesome! They have really come on in leaps and bounds! 


 -  Public
#io12  is finally here—the Day 1 keynote starts in <20 minutes at 9:30am PDT. Tune in at to watch.
Google I/O 2012 »
Google I/O 2012 brings together thousands of developers for three days of deep technical content focused on building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise application...
Deniel Kom
ShinChven Zhang
Melissa Daniels changed her profile photo.
nomon chaudhry
Multiple colors, that's great, but can you remove the actual Google glass from the silver frames? I'm concerned because i wear prescription glasses.
prasath sri
Mam You are the only person I know who works in Google and chat with costumers of Google.My content is official.What I ask is "As you are the member in Google glass project dose the product have a separate logo or marketed with common logo of Google company".Now I am a member in plusgoogle with name "prasath sri" following "project Google glass" thank you.
Last week, we brought you all of the #io12 news about how you can live and work in the cloud anytime, anywhere, and with ease. In case you missed any of the action, here’s a roundup:

* Over 5 million businesses worldwide have gone Google.
* In just 10 weeks since launch, Google Drive has over 10 million users.
* Gmail has over 425 million users.
* Google App Engine serves more than 1 million ...
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Giovanni Cataldi
+Hai Bison yes but in this case you can only access files saved on the cloud, but you can't sync your files (on pc) with the cloud...
Hai Bison
+Giovanni Cataldi I hope Google will add that feature soon, and it should be Chrome (my opinion).
Input/Output - Google I/O 2012 »
Google I/O 2012 brings together thousands of developers for three days of deep technical content focused on building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise application...
Input/Output - Google I/O 2012 »
Google I/O 2012 brings together thousands of developers for three days of deep technical content focused on building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise application...
Input/Output - Google I/O 2012 »
Google I/O 2012 brings together thousands of developers for three days of deep technical content focused on building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise application...
What a crazy #io12  that was! It was great seeing all you #AndroidDev  folks in real life :)

If you missed any of the sessions you were planning on attending, YouTube embeds and links for session videos are starting to appear now on and in the I/O 2012 Android app.
Nicky Toh
Can't wait to see the I/O app open sourced
Joni Hoadley
Roman, I was there but never ran into you... how is that even possible?!?

From the web
If there's one resounding message from Google I/O this year it is that Google has morphed from being an internet services company to a fully-fledged computing powerhouse. It's now in the hardware business, but not only that it wants to reshape hardware as we know it.
Input/Output - Google I/O 2012 »
Google I/O 2012 brings together thousands of developers for three days of deep technical content focused on building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise application...
The Google Nexus 7 Is the Worst Gadget To Unbox, Ever—Watch Why »
The unboxing video is a tired trope of tech blogging, but that doesn't mean we can't find new ways to embarrass ourselves with it. Like, for example, every tech blogger in the world failing miserably ...
What a week!  Great to meet everyone at #io12 .  Thanks to everyone who came out -- and thanks to everyone who has tried out Google+ Events this week!  

We're both impressed and inspired by the creative events you've added.  The IO After Hours Party, our first big event, had over 14,000 photos added from more than 1,000 people.  

Thanks for the feedback from many of our early adopters.  A bug in a piece...
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Cliff Roth
+Jonathan Walther I agree 100% they shouldn't be in the 'red-box' notifications at all, just like the games and for the same reason. 

I also noticed that many invitations seem not to have 'no' as an option. There is also no 'mute' button so getting rid of them is an extra step. 
Juliane Clausen
Great that you fixed the nasty bug where all people got invitations. Would be great to be able to mute events. I got an update for this football crap again and don't want to block the user who invited me. 
#io12 is like a huge nerdy bachelor party for me since I am getting married tomorrow. Thanks for the great send off!
Alex Chan
I'm very happy for you, Mano.
Mano Marks
Thank you everyone!

From the web
Google's mysterious Project Tungsten has been revealed and no one was expecting this. Branded as the Nexus Q, Google has revealed its first product designed from the ground up – a spherical Android-powered hub that interacts with Android smartphones and tablets, as well as the ...
Did any of the #io12  atendees updated their nexus? whats in this update?
Edu Pereda
I wasn't an IO attendee, but here are the changes you get after updating to Jelly Bean:

I love Google Now, the new Notifications with preview and the new camara app, I must say.
Juan Irungaray
The thing is we already had jb on the io phone. My question s basically if this update is related to the apple injunction.
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