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How Not To Get Duped by a Consultant

We learned the hard way how not to hire a digital marketing agency. What you can gain from our mistakes.  Read more

6 Tips for Maximizing Corporate Gifting

Don't let your corporate holiday gifts go unnoticed. Follow these tips to properly show your appreciation.  Read more

Why Money Can Hurt Your Marketing

The size of your advertising spend has little to do with your success. In fact, sometimes too much cash can be a very bad thing.  Read more

No. 1 Marketing Mistake You're Making

Marketers need to inject a bit of this into their efforts to catch the most customers.  Read more

Retail Forecast: Lots of Good Cheer

Infographic: This season, shoppers will be out in full force. Here's a look at just how much they're planning to spend.  Read more

Does Sex Sell, or Just Make Customers Impatient?

Researchers delve into the finer points of advertising: Do sexy ads have the right effect on consumers? Maybe not.  Read more

5 Myths of Video Marketing (& How to Overcome Them)

Are you making the most of your online video program? Here are five big misconceptions you should avoid along with effective remedies.  Read more

6 Sales Lessons From the Election

The recent election teaches important lessons about what really works in sales and marketing.  Read more

TV Ads: The Secret to Taking a Tech Start-up Mainstream?

Tech start-ups are launching old-school TV campaigns. A return to the dot bomb era? Not quite--but think twice before stealing this strategy.  Read more

The Secrets of Exceptional Marketers

Here are the five best strategic marketing ideas of the past decade.  Read more