Strong Defense, Strong America

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Dear Friend -

Some argue that another $600 billion of defense cuts will not hurt America. We can do more with less, they say. Or, we can just do less. They are wrong.

Even before Congress agreed to slash roughly $400 billion in defense spending, our military commanders described our forces as being on the “ragged edge.” In unambiguous terms, our military leaders have warned that further cuts to an already tattered force would demand not only fundamental restructuring of our armed services but a vast re-ordering of what it is our nation expects from our military. The country’s next chief military officer has called these defense cuts “extraordinarily difficult and very high risk.” 

What is at risk is a weakening of the pillars of America: trade, jobs, diplomacy, global trust, innovation, and the American way of life. Defense cuts matter. Because a strong defense means a strong America.

Throughout these pages, you'll find more information about the impact of defense cuts. Use the links below to download one-pagers, watch videos, or read the latest news on defense cuts.

                           - Congressman Randy Forbes
                             Chairman, House Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee   

The Strong Defense, Strong America Resolution

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that further reductions to core national security funding will cause significant harm to United States interests.

Read the bill text.  

Fact Sheets

China A Dangerous Trajectory 

Does Defense Manufacturing Matter? 

Pawning Security for “Stimulus”

Disturbing Trend Lines: A Snapshot of American National Defense 

Views From Our Military Leaders

Analysis of America’s Current Military Readiness

Job Losses in Perspective and the Bottom Line for Those that Serve


In the News

Forbes: Leon Panetta Knows Best — Identify Needs First - (Roll Call)

Are Cuts to the Defense Budget Necessary? - (U.S. News Weekly) 

Decimating the 9-1-1 Force - (Defense News) 

Defence Cuts Imperil US Asia Role - (The Diplomat) 

Obama’s proposed cuts break promises to GIs - (Stars and Stripes) 

Forbes: Lawmakers Plan To File Resolution Against Further Defense Cuts - (Inside Defense) 

Impact of defense cuts would be severe in Hampton Roads - (Daily Press)

GOP lawmakers dig in against defense cuts - (Army Times) 

'Strong Defense, Strong America' - (Inside Defense)

'Strong Defense, Strong America' - (Weekly Standard) 

At risk: American trade, jobs, trust - (The Hill) 

Cut the debt, but don't undercut our military - (USA Today) 

On the offense over Defense cuts - (Politico)