Congressman Randy Neugebauer
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Congressman Randy Neugebauer - Washington, DC

Congressman Randy Neugebauer
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman Randy NeugebauerSee All
    • Your survey questions need refinement. For example the latest one reads "Do you believe the federal government should consider banning certain weapons in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy?" As written, I would answer "No", but if you had omitted the phrase "in the wake of the Sandy Hook tradegy", I would have answered "Yes". Unfortunately, I fear that you will interpret my answer to mean CONSIDER ABSOLUTELY BANNING NO WEAPONS, which is incorrect. I would consider banning certain weapons but not because of Sandy Hook.
      37 minutes ago
    • Eddie Bilderback
      Is there anything to a bill changing the const. to allow obama an other term ???????
      19 hours ago
    • Barbara Cherry Rice
      Please push for the defunding of Planned Parenthood Congressman Randy Neugebauer! 1/2 a billion of gov. funding to murder over 900 babies a year must stop. Thx for your leadership.
      Yesterday at 7:24am
  2. U.S.D.A. is accepting applications through January 16th for its Advisory Committee on Beginning Farmers and Ranchers. If you or someone you know are in the ranching and farming industry and might be interested in advising the Secretary of Agriculture on broad issues affecting new farmers and ranchers, click here to learn more:
  3. LikesSee All
  4. I was honored to work with members of the Texas GOP delegation in the 112th Congress. I wish the best of luck to all who are not returning in the 113th, and look forward to continue to work on making our country, and our state, a better place to live.
    Photo: I was honored to work with members of the Texas GOP delegation in the 112th Congress. I wish the best of luck to all who are not returning in the 113th, and look forward to continue to work on making our country, and our state, a better place to live.
  5. I thought long and hard on the fiscal cliff vote, and ultimately decided it was not in the best interest of our country. Here's my statement, explaining why. Thanks to everyone who called, wrote, and posted here on facebook to share your opinions.
  6. Tonight I voted against a pay raise for Congress and Federal government employees. In 2011, Congress put a pay freeze in place to stop automatic cost-of-living increases. H.R. 6726 extends the pay freeze through 2013.
  7. My Washington office is open today, and my staff can take your calls on the fiscal cliff at 202-225-4005. I'll also be checking your comments on my facebook page, so please feel free to share your thoughts on the latest news here.
  8. As we close out 2012, I know there are a lot of questions about the fiscal cliff, the farm bill, and the President's executive order on a pay raise for federal employees. Read the Roundup for the latest information on each of those issues. I'll keep you updated as more information becomes available. And have a happy and blessed new year in 2013.
  9. On Dec. 31, we will hit our $16.394 trillion debt limit. Can't imagine that much debt? Try this:
    1. If you laid $1 bills end–to-end, the national debt would stretch between the Earth and the sun more than 16 times.
    2. A stack of 16 trillion dollar bills, laid flat on top of each other, packed down with no space between them would go past Mt. Everest, out of the stratosphere, past the international space station, past the moon, around the far side, and back twice. So Calling it "mountains" of debt is quite literally an understatement.
    3. $16 trillion in dollar bills laid out flat would carpet the entire states of Florida, Delaware, and Rhode Island.
  10. I'm following the heartbreaking news coming from Newtown, Connecticut today. Dana and I are praying for the children, teachers, and families affected by this senseless violence.

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