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STIVERS BLOG: December 2012
Posted by Steve Stivers on December 31, 2012

There is so much negativity today in the news and everywhere we look that it is always nice when we can pause to recognize good things that are happening in our community.  I would like to take the opportunity to use this blog to highlight some of the positive events that are happening in Central Ohio.

With the holidays and New Year upon us it is always comforting to see acts of charitable giving, especially from such an unusual source.

Earlier this month, a first-grader named Caroline donated $300 to the Mid-Ohio Foodbank because she wanted to help the poor. What is even more impressive about this story is that Caroline chose to make this donation instead of receiving birthday presents. Caroline was inspired to commit this random act of kindness by her friend who donated money to the Breast Cancer Foundation in memory of Caroline’s mother.

It is so nice to see our youth demonstrating such kindness and I hope this story is as inspiring to you as it is to me. Many of us can forget that the holiday season is about giving, not receiving, and I believe that we can all learn from the kindness of this little girl.

I am thankful to represent a great district with engaged constituents, especially in times of need. I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season and remember this touching story.

You can see an interview with Caroline by CLICKING HERE.