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12/31/2012 Take My Poll
What do you think? What is the best way to avert the fiscal cliff? CLICK HERE TO TAKE MY SURVEY Congress and the President have an opportunity to agree on a plan that would save our country from the fiscal cliff--the largest tax increase to ever hit ...
12/12/2012 Take My Poll
11/29/2012 Take My Survey
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT OUR $16 TRILLION NATIONAL DEBT? CLICK HERE TO TAKE MY SURVEY ON THE NATIONAL DEBT Our national debt has exceeded $16 trillion, and I want to hear from you. What is your reaction to our government's debt and spending? Please CL...
11/20/2012 What Makes You Thankful?
STIVERS’ OFFICE TOYS FOR TOTS DROP OFF LOCATION My Central Ohio District Office is a drop site for Toys for Tots this year. You can drop off new, unwrapped toys from now until December 14, 2012, at the following location: Representative Steve Stiver...
09/21/2012 ICYMI: Stivers Vets Bills Pass House
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Stivers Veterans Bills Pass House I am proud to announce that two of the veterans bills I introduced have passed out of the House of Representatives in recent weeks: HIRE AT HOME ACT: As a 27 year veteran in the Ohio Army Natio...
09/11/2012 Remembering September 11th
REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11TH UNWAVERING PERSERVERENCE It has been 11 years since the horrific events of September 11, 2001. We remember the unwavering perseverance of the men and women who on this tragic day defined our country’s greatness and determin...
08/01/2012 Helping Job Seekers and Creators
How to Help Job Seekers and Job Creators I appreciate the opportunity to keep you updated on the issues impacting the constituents of Ohio’s 15th Congressional District. If you would like to continue to receive my e-newsletter, PLEASE CLICK HERE TODA...
07/03/2012 Happy Fourth of July!
The fourth of July recognizes the day our great nation gained its freedom because of the courageous men and women who fought so hard for it. Family and friends will honor this day by hanging our nation’s flag, singing patriotic songs, and celebrating...
06/28/2012 TAKE MY POLL
The Supreme Court ruled this week to uphold the President’s health care law. I was disappointed by the decision. You can read the Supreme Court's decision by CLICKING HERE. The health care law is a huge burden that has hurt our economy by driving up ...
06/11/2012 Looking for a Job?
CENTRAL OHIO JOB FAIR TO BE HELD ON JUNE 13 If you, or someone you know, are looking for a job, you are invited to attend my upcoming Central Ohio Job Fair on June 13, 2012. There are a number of challenges currently facing our country – first and fo...
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