Congressman Alan Nunnelee
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  1. Fifteen months ago my son Reed was training to run a sub 3 hour time in the Mississippi Blues Marathon. (Sub 3 hours is the gold standard for Marathon runners.). His training was interrupted by a cancer diagnosis. Last year, he was too wea...k to run the full race, so he was determined to run the half marathon.

    On Saturday, Reed achieved his goal and is the fastest marathoner in the state of Mississippi.

    This is not merely a race time, it is victory over cancer.

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
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    Photo: Fifteen months ago my son Reed was training to run a sub 3 hour time in the Mississippi Blues Marathon. (Sub 3 hours is the gold standard for Marathon runners.). His training was interrupted by a cancer diagnosis.  Last year, he was too weak to run the full race, so he was determined to run the half marathon.

On Saturday, Reed achieved his goal and is the fastest marathoner in the state of Mississippi.

This is not merely a race time, it is victory over cancer.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
  2. From my newsletter this week:

    Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell reached a deal to avert the fiscal cliff in the middle of the night on New Year’s Eve. The deal was then quickly rushed through the U.S. Senate while most people were asleep. On New Year’s Day the main flaw in the deal quickly became apparent: it failed to address out-of-control spending.

    The deal include a promise to look at spending cuts at some indefinite point in the future. Increasing taxes today while putting off spending cuts until later is a tactic Washington has used for decades. Unfortunately, those spending cuts never materialize.
    At a time when we are adding 4 billion dollars in debt every day, spending must be cut and tough choices must be made. Medicare and Social Security will go broke if we do not act to save them for this generation and generations to come. Welfare spending has grown to over $1 trillion annually. Poorly designed programs that encourage abuse and dependency need to be reformed to ensure aid is going to those who truly need it. We need to get the economy growing again so fewer people will be forced to rely on government assistance.

    The best thing that can be said about the fiscal cliff deal is it makes permanent most of the tax cuts put in place back in 2001 and 2003. However, it is misleading to say that this bill protected the middle class from a tax increase. If you have a job, your next paycheck will be smaller than your last because the fiscal cliff deal included allowing payroll taxes to go back up to 6.2%. Comprehensive tax reform making the tax code simpler, fairer, and encouraging to economic growth is still needed.

    This vote was a tough choice, and we will have many more in the future. As we face these choices, the American people deserve solutions to our problems, not deals that avoid them.
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    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Alan Nunnelee (R-Miss) released the following statement on his opposition to the McConnell-Biden fiscal cliff deal:

    “Out of control spending is the reason we are $16 trillion in debt and, unfortunately, this deal adds to the problem. Allowing more revenue today and promising to look at cutting spending down the road is the oldest trick in the Washington book. Somehow, the day to cut spending never comes. I cannot support a deal that adds to our spending-driven debt crisis.”
  4. The House of Representatives again made it clear we are not in favor of raising anybody’s taxes. We know that our debt problem comes from too much spending, not because taxes are too low. Increasing taxes will also hammer our already weak economic recovery because taking money from the people that earned it to give to wasteful big government is the last thing we need to do.

    There is much confus...ion about what the fiscal cliff is, and what it isn’t. It is critically important people understand current law states everybody’s taxes go up if we do nothing. It takes no vote from anybody, no action by the President, for taxes to go up. The only way to stop taxes from going up is to pass new legislation. The point of Speaker Boehner’s “Plan B” was to save as many taxpayers as possible from a devastating tax increase.

    Current law also states on January 1, automatic spending cuts to most government programs, known as sequestration, will begin to take effect. If it were up to me to design a spending cut plan, sequestration would not be the way I would do it because not all government spending is equally useful. However, one thing that would definitely be worse than the sequester cuts would be no cuts at all. Spending is the reason we are $16 trillion in debt. Spending must be cut and if this is the only way we can do it this year; then that is the way we will cut.

    The Democrat-controlled Senate and President Obama do have the option to act on the bill we passed in August which stopped all of the tax hikes.

    Unfortunately, they are obsessed with tax increases and are extremely unlikely to agree to our ideal solution. It is my hope that sometime between now and the New Year’s Day the two parties will come together and find a solution that puts our country on sounder fiscal footing.
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  5. Thoughts and prayers are with the people of Newtown, CT. What a horrific tragedy.
  6. Thanks to Paul Ryan and the House Budget Committee for putting together this chart. Shows spending is the problem.
    Photo: Thanks to Paul Ryan and the House Budget Committee for putting together this chart.  Shows spending is the problem.
  7. "For the last decade, Americans have been getting $5 worth of government and only charged $3," he said. "Well, we're not getting it at a discount. We're just passing on that discount to successive generations. My goal is to cut spending — t...o honestly deal with the debt, so that I can pass on freedom and opportunity to my grandchildren." More
  8. The problem of overspending did not start four years ago, but it has gotten much worse. We have to change course. Until the President and his party decide to face reality and get serious about cutting spending we will not make progress towards an agreement. Spending is pushing us off the fiscal cliff.

Earlier in January

Earlier in December

Earlier in 2012