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Congressman Sean Duffy - Washington, DC

Congressman Sean Duffy
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  1. I'll be on the Huckabee show tonight at 7 pm cst on Fox News talking about the fiscal cliff deal and pay freeze. Fox will re-air the show tomorrow at 7 pm cst as well so you can watch the Packers win tonight and still see the show!
  2. In case the pictures below didn't capture the fun we had during the swearing in, here's the video. Thanks Speaker John Boehner for being such a good sport!
  3. So grateful to have my family with me today as I start my second term representing the great people of northern and central Wisconsin in the United States House of Representatives. This is truly the honor of my lifetime, and I will continue to work my hardest every day on your behalf.
    Photo: So grateful to have my family with me today as I start my second term representing the great people of northern and central Wisconsin in the United States House of Representatives. This is truly the honor of my lifetime, and I will continue to work my hardest every day on your behalf.
  4. I respect the effort that went into crafting this agreement which will prevent tax increases for many Americans, including many hard-working Wisconsin families. While my constituents want lower taxes, they also demand fiscal responsibility. They know that with more than $16 trillion of debt and borrowing $1 trillion a year our country is on an unsustainable path. I voted against this deal because it does not include a serious, sustainable plan for balancing the budget and reducing our debt.
  5. I was astonished to learn the President usurped Congressional power and signed an executive order last week authorizing pay increases for all federal employees. Maybe he doesn’t remember the pay freeze bill I introduced earlier this year which froze the salaries for Members of Congress and federal employees. American family budgets are being stretched to the limit. These families don’t need this Administration taking more money out of their pockets to fund pay raises for government employees! I’ll be reintroducing the pay freeze bill as soon as the 113th Congress is sworn in later this week.
  6. As we head into the Christmas holidays and spend time with our loved ones, it is important to remember those recently affected by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Today, thousands of people across social media are embracing #26...Acts, an effort to remember the victims of this massacre by participating in random acts of kindness, both large and small. I would encourage you all to look into this and participate. With Newtown still grieving and our country healing, it is important to come together and remember our bond as Americans during this holiday season. For more information on #26Acts and for other ways to get involved, please visit the NBC News website.See More
  7. As a father of a kindergartener and five other young children, this unspeakable tragedy is truly heartbreaking. Our prayers are with the families of those who lost their lives today in this senseless, incomprehensible act of violence. No rational or sane person can understand what was running through the mind of the madman who determined this violence was the solution to any problem, ever. My heart pours out for the families, as today is a tragedy for Connecticut, and a sad day for humanity. May God be with those souls tonight.
  8. Be sure to check out my remarks from our press conference on the fiscal cliff!
  9. I had a great time during a stop today at Ladysmith High School where I talked with more than 100 students about current events and what it's like representing them in Congress.
    Photo: I had a great time during a stop today at Ladysmith High School where I talked with more than 100 students about current events and what it's like representing them in Congress.
  10. Today we remember the more than 3,500 American patriots who lost their lives or were seriously wounded 71 years ago during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Let’s never forget that America must always be vigilant and prepared to defend itself from those seeking to cause us harm.

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