Hensarling Condemns President's Unprecedented 'Recess Appointment' of CFPB Director

January 4, 2012

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman and Financial Services Committee Vice Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today condemning President Obama’s unprecedented “recess appointment” of Richard Cordray as director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). 

“Today’s ‘recess appointment’ of a director to head the CFPB—with the Senate not even in recess—marks a dangerous break from precedent and demonstrates this administration’s continued failure to focus on the serious scrutiny and reform this agency deserves.  

“President Obama’s action today, along with the unchecked leadership of the CFPB, represents an abuse of executive power and an unwillingness of this administration to be held accountable to anyone. The constitutionality of this appointment is dubious at best, and I applaud my Republican colleagues in the Senate who are standing up to oppose it. 

“Under Dodd-Frank, this single credit czar will have the power to decide whether the Rodriguez family of Mesquite, Texas, can obtain a mortgage; whether the King family of Athens, Texas, can get a car loan; or whether the Schoen family of Kaufman, Texas, can even get a credit card in order to buy their groceries. 

“Senate Republicans were absolutely right to stop this nomination last year, and they are right to demand meaningful changes to this new government bureaucracy so that it is more accountable to the American people.”


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