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Web video: To Get Our Economy Back On Track, We Must Rein In Jobs-Killing Gov't Mandates
Posted by Press Office on July 27, 2010
In his latest Web video, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) responds to a message from Stephanie in Middletown, who says that reducing the size of government is needed to help small businesses create jobs and get our economy moving again.

Boehner says:

There’s no question that all of the uncertainty created by Washington’s tax-and-spend agenda is freezing employers and costing jobs.  Small businesses are already speaking out about the costly new rules and mandates tucked within a number of new big-government policies – like the President’s health care law – that will hit them with millions of dollars in new costs at a time they can least afford it.

Fortunately, my colleague, Rep. Geoff Davis of Kentucky is offering a solution on America Speaking Out to put an end to all this costly government red tape.

Congressman Davis’s REINS Act says no new federal regulation with a major impact on our economy can be implemented without approval by Congress.  It’s exactly the type of common-sense idea that is needed to help small businesses put Americans back to work.

According to the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, there are at least 40 provisions in the health care overhaul that require, permit or contemplate federal rulemaking, which is just one of the reasons why it is expected that ObamaCare will require the hiring of more than 20,000 federal bureaucrats to oversee all of the burdensome mandates.

Think it’s a good idea to rein in the power of the Obama Administration to impose jobs-killing rules?  You can vote Congressman Davis’ solution, or submit your own idea to help put Americans back to work at AmericaSpeakingOut.com.


The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Alice Wheeler commented on 7/27/2010
    One of my concerns is the unnecessary expenditure programs on undeserving people. We need to require an unscheduled drug test each month of every occupant of Section 8 Housing and all the Teen Pregnancy Programs that have their hands out for taxpayer money. Too many of these people have fancy cars, fancy hairdos, and expensive clothes and manicures complete with fake nails, while the normal hardworking citizen lives on a very tight budget and is not able to indulge in these luxuries. These people to whom we are giving money every month should be deserving - They should not be taking or selling drugs if they are to receive all of these bonuses. We should never reward people for making the wrong decisions. They need to start becoming responsible citizens and provide for themselves and their children. We need to trim the budget of all unnecessary expenditures. That includes ACORN. Thank You! You always use good common sense. That is why we need you for our next President!
  • Mike Williams commented on 7/27/2010
    I first off want to say I completely agree with Alice Wheeler's comment on 7/27/2010. There has got to be something done about how these welfare recipients are spending OUR money. I work in a job where i walk into these houses often and all of these houses are suited with big screen t.v.'s and the top notch cable package. Both of which are of no necessity to sustain life. I have a decent job and do without both of those so why should my money be going to support it in their homes. Secondly I just want to address my opinion on abortion. I'm not exactly sure where the government is at on this issue, I keep hearing bits and pieces of news that say that tax money will be used to fund abortions, and then I hear it won't. Anyway I just want to give some input and say we need to work long and hard to ensure that tax money does not go to these funds. To know that my tax dollar is going to support some of these lifestyles on welfare is one thing, but then to use it to take the LIFE of and unborn child is chilling. I know that your working diligently towards this and I just voice my opinion on the issue with hopes that you'll continue to do so. This is not about money it's about morals, Our Country NEEDS to get back to the biblical morals it was once founded upon. Thank You for listening.
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