Worked at St. John's Epsicopal Church
Attended WNHS, TIU, RTS, GCS, FTS, and VTS
Lives in Raleigh, NC

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First day of's it going?
Raise Children in the Way They Should Go »
My son started kindergarten today. He is my oldest, and today, like most kids, he started school. He was so excited today (what a blessing for me), but there is also some apprehension within me. I bel...
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Mike Belmares

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Easy Pancakes »
This recipe doesn't require much thought early in the morning, and tastes great!
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A Faith to Nowhere: Live Out Loud »
Sometimes faith makes no sense. At the same time, faith doesn't always transcend experience and reason. God is reasonable, and sometimes, he is not. Right? It definitely true that the Lord speaks to u...
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"Houston, we have lift off!
My Saga Continues (Come Along for the Ride)! »
Seven seems to be a special number for me. I don't know why, but it is what it is. After seven year with the Young Life organization in Libertyville, IL I decide to just up a change everything. Libert...
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What is God doing with your life?
Your Faith is a "?" »
This is my journey. I'd rather look back on the journey that I'm currently on and tell you all how crazy it all was, how I was scared and full of anxiety, how I didn't know what life would be like in ...
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The end of the Festival of Weeks is approaching; or Festival of First Fruits...whichever you refer :)
Prayer for Whitsunday (Pentecost) »
Almighty God, on this day (the day of Pentecost) you opened the way of eternal life to every race and nation by the promised gift of your Holy Spirit; Shed abroad this gift throughout the world by the...
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Somebody Call The Ghostbusters! »
My Photo. MetroMonk: Michigan, United States: Modern person; ancient faith. I'm in both worlds simultaneously. Life is full of surprises, both good and bad, but no matter what, my coffee is warm a...
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Mike Belmares

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I was thinking about this same idea about prayer this morning. Funny how works that stuff in sometimes.
Prayer Isn't Telling God What to Do »
A.J. Swoboda on how to talk with God, not at Him.
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Mike Belmares

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No matter what demons may be inside- God can redeem 'em.
Vimeo Staff Picks on Vimeo »
We really love videos, and these are the videos we really, really love. All of these videos have been hand picked by the real humans who work at Vimeo. We hope you enjoy them!
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What brings you joy?
Pure Joy »
A story by Metromonk on Cowbird. Cowbird is a small community of storytellers, sharing heartfelt, personal stories.
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A creative communicator and natural networker passionate about fostering relationships and building community.
I am passionate about my faith and understanding others. I am totally energized when I connect with other and new people.

I'm a right-brained kind of guy. I have a good ability to envision the big picture and end-goal. I'm willing to do what it takes to get something done. Where there's a will, there is a way.

I enjoy my family tremendously, and, for some reason, trashy reality tv shows. I can always seem to find something interesting in seemingly uninteresting things.

My blog is about my journey and spiritual insights as they come to me (well, at least the ones I take the time to write down). It changes everyday. My coffee is always warm and the Lord is always with me- 2 constants in my life. In the midst of life and the noise, tension and stress abound, but there is peace to be had. Anyone can be a metromonk. May you come to know the stillness that lies beneath. The peace of the Lord be with you!
Bragging rights
My 2 children: JB and Sophie.
  • St. John's Epsicopal Church
    Director of Youth and Local Outreach, 2009 - 2012
  • Midland Young Life
    Area Director, 2005 - 2009
  • Lake County Young Life
    Staff, 2001 - 2005
  • Libertyville Public School
    Substitue Teach, 2002 - 2005
  • College Church of Wheaton
    Custodian, 1995 - 1999
  • Houlihan's
    Server, 1999 - 1999
  • Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon
    Host, 1998 - 1998
  • Midland Community Center
    Fitness Instructor, 2011 - 2012
  • Midland Public Schools
    Asst. Track Coach, 2006 - 2010
Places lived
Map of the places this user has lived
  • Raleigh, NC
  • MIdland, MI
  • Wheaton, IL
  • Libertyville, IL
  • Lake Bluff, IL
  • Grayslake, IL
  • Mundelein, IL
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