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Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
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Weekly Jihad Report
Dec. 08 - Dec. 14
 Jihad Attacks:


 Allahu Akbars*:


 Dead Bodies:


 Critically Injured:


 *Suicide Attacks
Monthly Jihad Report
November, 2012
 Jihad Attacks:






 Dead Bodies:


 Critically Injured:



Dhimwit of the Month

City of Hamburg
November 2012

Thomas R. Pickering
October 2012

Susan Rice
September 2012

Barack Obama
August 2012

Professor Robert Shedinger
July 2012

George Galloway
June 2012

Islam's Stealth War on American Freedom
A Word to Offended Muslims
Why Islam is Not a Religion
Islam's Indian Slave Trade
Islam in Africa
The Islam Saturation Index
Ten Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace
What is 'Islamophobia'?"

What a Real Feminist
Looks Like (~2:22 mark)

"Brother, you can believe in stones, so long as you don't throw them at me..."
Wafa Sultan on al-Jazeera

Fundamentalist Fashion Show

Daily Show: Marijuana Debate

A Real Man Respects Women

Are you a Looter
or a Producer?



Visit the TROP Bookstore


. .
Picture of the Week

Islam with all the accessories.


Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle.  Those who follow him are harsh
 to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
  Quran 48:29

2012.12.19 (Peshawar, Pakistan) - An 18-year-old humanitarian worker is shot in the head by Muslim hardliners.
2012.12.19 (Charsadda, Pakistan) - Islamic militants shoot a female polio vaccine worker and her driver to death.
2012.12.18 (Landhi, Pakistan) - A Shia doctor is murdered in his own clinic by Sunni gumen.
2012.12.18 (Karachi, Pakistan) - Three female humanitarian workers are shot to death by the Taliban.
2012.12.17 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - Two people die from gunshot injuries after Muslims open fire on a group of Buddhist professionals.
2012.12.17 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Islamic Army of Iraq bombers slaughter eleven people at a car dealership.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.


Articles & Commentary

Egypt's Christians: Caught in the Middle  (Gatestone)
This article includes a link to a YouTube video of a Christian protester being beaten by Muslim Brotherhood thugs.

Chicago Media Goes Tokyo Rose  (WND)
Thanks to Pam Geller and Robert Spencer, CAIR's new spin campaign is DOA - and the terror-linked group isn't too happy about it.

No-Go Areas for Jews in Europe  (INN)
Hey, it's just like old times. . .

Praise for Sayyid Qutb  (YouTube)
(Video) Yvonne Ridley is a famous convert to Islam who has, as she proves in this video, fully accepted the supremacist teachings of the faith.

Minority Rights Day in Pakistan  (Human Rights)
So much Islam in Pakistan - and so little tolerance for anything else.

Egypt's Islamists Sexually Assaulting Women  (Gatestone)
The Muslim Brotherhood is skillfully neutralizing the opposition in an extremely devious way.

Hamas Nazis and American Supporters  (Daniel Greenfield)
The New York Times has a soft spot for practitioners of pragmatic genocide

What's in a Tattoo?  (Tribune)
Much was made recently when a dead Taliban was found with an 'unIslamic' tattoo on his back. This is a well-written retort.

The Source of Muslim Arrogance  (YouTube)
(Video) The cleric in this audio clip may not realize that Muslims in Iraq are being killed by other Muslims, but at least he understands his religion's attitude toward kafirs.

Fraud and Racketeering at CAIR  (Daniel Greenfield)
"CAIR further victimized their fellow Muslims to protect their own reputation."

Lipstick on a Pig? It's Still Jihad!  (WND)
Pam Geller battles the latest CAIR propaganda campaign (note the "ads").

It's Not the Taliban, It's Our Insults  (Jerusalem Post)
The proposed US Army handbook suggests that Western ignorance is to blame for attacks on overseas forces.

The Islamization of Copenhagen  (FrontPage Magazine)
"In Denmark, as elsewhere in the West today, alas, the good men and women who are daring to stand up to the evil of Islamization in even small ways are so rare that people write articles about them."

Islam in America  (Muslim Issue)
A nice list of Islam's contribution to American society in just the last four weeks.

What Outrages Muslims?  (Islam Watch)
Muslim outrage is highly selective. It covers burning copies of the Quran, but not the massacre of unbelievers.

Driving the Bus in France  (Islam vs. Europe)
(Video) An interview with mostly female bus drivers in France, who complain of the discrimination they experience in the interest of the Muslim community.

At the Receiving End of Fanaticism  (The Hindu)
"As chilling as the killing of Shias by Pakistani terrorists, who want them to be declared non-Muslims, is the general acceptance of sectarian violence."

"Sharia Thirsty" Takes Lead in Egypt  (Andrew Bostom)
Egyptians approve a Sharia-based constitution.

Movie: The Innocent Prophet  (Imran Firasat)
(Video) This is the video made by an ex-Muslim from Pakistan, who is being threatened with expulsion from Spain because of it.

Blasphemy and Islam  (Andrew C. McCarthy)
"What is the point of a federal government that cannot tell America's enemies from America?

Islamic Fascism: Qutb and Azzam  (American Thinker)
"The failure of the West to recognize the substance of Islamist ideology and their profound dislike of freedom, leads back to the mistaken belief that the root cause of terrorism is U.S. policies."

CAIR's 'Jihad' Propaganda Campaign  (Daily Caller)
Will anyone be fooled by CAIR's campaign to convince Americans that 'Jihad' just means 'getting to a better place'?.

Egypt: A New Dark Age Begins  (Robert Spencer)
Islam's war on civilization is making remarkable headway in Egypt.

The Silence about the Jewish Refugees  (Gatestone)
"Today, fewer than 4,500 Jews remain in Arab countries. Israel absorbed and integrated 600,000 of the more than 850,000 who left."

"Whoever Fights Us, Fights Islam"  (Gatestone)
"Secular, moderate or liberal Muslims - so long as they define themselves as Muslims - are destined to lose the debate with their more radical brethren."

Imagining Atheists in the Middle East  (al-Bawaba)
Muslims may disagree about whether a person can be beaten into believing, but no one seems terribly interested in stopping Islamists from trying.

The Road to Damascus  (Daniel Greenfield)
"The difference between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda is that the Muslim Brotherhood wins an election before shooting people in the streets while Al Qaeda shoots people in the street without waiting for an election."

The Luxor Massacre Remembered  (FrontPage Magazine)
"35 of the 58 tourists killed were Swiss and one Swiss woman saw the terrorists beheading her father."


More Resources from TROP

Previous Picture of the Week

A Buddhist monk in Burma echoes universal exasperation
 with Muslim entitlement.  While the Muslim community always
blames its bad behavior on others, the rest of the world
is starting to figure out the common denominator.

Talk about taking one for the team.
A recent fatwa endorses sodomy as a means of "advancing
 Islam" by widening the anus so that it might hold  the quantity
of explosives necessary to bring down a plane full of people


Obedient Women
Obedient Women

 Islam gets results.

Respectful Children
Respectful Children

Impressive Technical Skills

Moral Clarity


Most Popular Picture of the Week

In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94
terror attacks across 10
countries during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.


Hate speech? Sounds like it to us, too... but, oddly enough, devout Muslims would have to disagree.

(Some people don't seem to understand the point that we're making here.  Try clicking on the link!)


Gay men being rounded up for "processing" in the Islamic world, where
they are
demonized, banned, beaten, probed, forced into marriage,
incarcerated, lashed, hanged, brutalized, stoned, tortured and shot


So, you think the Ku Klux Klan
and the Spanish Inquisition are bad?
So do we, but...

Put the Numbers in Perspective

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years. (

More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65 years. (source)

Muslim countries have lower rates of adultery.


Where Islam is "Misunderstood"

For some very odd reason, the perfect religion of Islam
is routinely "misunderstood" each and every day to sanction
terrorism in the name of Allah.  Since 9/11, this occurs in:

India and the Sudan and Algeria and New York and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and Arkansas and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and California and Kuwait and Virginia and Ethiopia and Georgia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Louisiana and Texas and Tanzania and Illinois and Australia and Pennsylvania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Afghanistan and Chad and Canada and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Argentina and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and North Carolina and Germany and Arizona and Lebanon and Iran and Kazakhstan and Sweden and Azerbaijan and Iraq and Scotland and Macedonia and Bulgaria and...

...and pretty much wherever Islam is taken seriously

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who
are near to you, and let them find harshness in you,
and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty"
 Qur'an, Sura 9:123


French School Cancels Father Christmas Tradition...
Sudan Arrests Priests for Baptizing Convert...
3-Year-Old Named 'Jihad' Sent to School with I Am a Bomb T-Shirt
Lebanese Cleric Calls for Killing 'Prophet' Insulters...
Taliban Kill 8 Polio Workers in 48 Hours...
Parents Burn Girl's Face for Leaving Islam...
Florida Muslim Planned to Kill New Yorkers over Christmas...
Turkey Tells Christians to Build Church on Cemetery...
Ft. Hood Killer Wins Battle of the Beard...
UK 'Donates' $825,000 to Osama's Right-Hand Man in Europe...
Man to be Lashed for 'Indecency' at a Mosque...
(Propaganda) Iran: Israeli Death Squads Behind Sandy Hook...
'Dr. Islam' Jailed for Abusing British Women...
Egyptian Actress Wins Defama-tion Suit Against Cleric...
Muslim Bomber Hoped to Kill Church or Aid Workers...
Denmark Charges Iranian-Born Blogger with Hate Speech...
Saudi Gets 25 Years, 2000 Lashes for Holding Parties...
'Arab Spring' Rebels Dabble with Chemical Weapons...
Turkey Universities to Include Religion on Entrance Exams...
Iran's 'Cultural Heritage' Agency Destroys Church View...
Chechen Mosque Dedicated to 'Bloodthirsty Dictator'...
Sharia Enforcers Attack Egyptian Cafes...
Spain Warns Ex-Muslim Refugee Against Criticizing Islam...
Syrian Warplanes Bomb Palestinian Refugee Camp...
Jailed Iranians Receive Human Rights Award...
Two Christian Teens Shot to Death by Allah Praisers...
Terrorists Have Killed 35,000 Pakistanis Since 9/11...
Cairo Islamists Burn Down Opposition Party Offices...
(UK) al-Qaeda Cleric Racks Up the Freebies at Taxpayer Expense...
Sudan Wages 'Scorched Earth' Campaign Against Villagers...
Minors Tortured in Turkey's Penal System...
Ayatollah Khomeini's Grand-daughter Fears Arrest...
Egyptian Judge Bans Coptic Women from Voting...
Cleric Orders Christians to Convert or Die...
Picture Shows Sharia Caning Victim Ripped Open...
Christian Children Abducted in Egypt...
UK Debate on Evolution Shut Down by Angry Muslims...
Prayer Leader Orders Marriage of 5-Year-Old Girl...
German Railway Bomb Intended to be Another 'Madrid'...
Yemeni May Face Death for Facebook Post...
Wife Thrown over Balcony for Getting Pregnant...
Danish Muslims Attempt to Extort Local Church...
Ohio Imam Sentenced for $3.8 Million Food Stamp Fraud...
Syria's 'Arab Spring' Rebels Vow to Fight Democracy...
Church Offered Bombing or Jizya over Malala Prayers...
Iran Brags of Close Relations with Gaza Terrorists...
Couple Freed After Killing Daughter with Acid...
FBI Contradicts CAIR: No Wave of Anti-Muslim Hate Crime...
Cleric Arrested for Arranging 'Temporary Marriages'...
Hindu Doctor Gunned Down...
Judge Agrees to Help Woman in Exchange for Marriage...
Muslim Students Burn Down Church...
Turkey Moves Past 'The Simp-sons' in Free Speech Crackdown
Texas Schoolbooks: 'Allah is the Almighty'...
Hindu Hacked to Death for Eloping with Muslim Woman...
Woman Lashed 100 Times for Giving Water to Man...
16-Year-Old Girl Set on Fire...
Indon. Official Laments Wasting Money on 'Non-Virgin' Wife...
Muslim Brotherhood Condemned over Journalist Killing...
Egypt TV Bans Romantic Songs...
Saudi Kills Man for Smoking at Mosque...
72-Year-Old Swedish Missionary Dies from Shooting...
Kuwait Approves Death Penalty for 'Cursing' God or the Quran...
16 Administered Sharia Canings in 'Moderate Indonesia'...
Top Cleric Advocates Limiting Female Employment to 4 Hours
Egypt's Top Judge Welcomes Amputations for Theft...
Iran 'Killing Imprisoned Pastor by Neglect'...
al-Shabaab Offers Bounty for Killing Kenyan Cops...
Egyptian Scholars: Vote for Sharia a 'Religious Duty'...
CAIR Battles Anti-Sharia Bill in Michigan...
Thai Gunmen Target Buddhist Teachers...
Jailed Christian Mother Seeks Asylum from Spain...
Two Brothers Abuse 110 Children over the Internet...
Egypt Sentences Christian to 3 Years for 'Insulting Islam'...
6-Year-Old Hindu Girl Gang-Raped...
(UK) 'Too Westernized' Muslim Woman Jumps to Her Death...
Palestinian Kids Simulate Rocket Launch...
Jakarta's Child-Molesting Clerics Dodge the Law...
Ansar al-Sharia Put Coptic Pope on Hit List...
CAIR Backs Morsi's Power Grab, March to Sharia...
Muslim Brotherhood Defends al-Qaeda-Linked Group...
New US Army Manual Orders Soldiers Not to Criticize Enemy...
Religion of Peace Attempt to Blow Up German Railway Station...
(US) Arizona 'Quran-Killing' Trial Opens...
'Moderate Indonesia': Shias Ordered to Convert Leave...
Public Housing Goes Halal in the Netherlands...
Malaysian Teen Ticketed for Giving Piggy-Back Ride...
Woman Killed for Wanting to Raise Daughter Christian...
Egyptian Islamists Detain and Beat Political Opponents...
Islamists Kill Thai Baby...
Iran Holds Top Spot in Highest Executions per Capita...
UK Census Shows Islam Surging and Christianity Declining...
Atheist Jailed in 'Moderate Indonesia'...
Imams Get into Fistfight at Mosque over Leading Prayer...
Devout Muslims Jailed for Trying to Bomb High-Speed Train...
Genocide Advocate Teaches Australian Muslims to Convert Others to Islam...
Quran-Quoting Soldiers Attack Gays...
London Rejects Mega-Mosque...
Fatwa: Allah Approves of Red Hair Dye, Doesn't Like Black...
Sudan Catches Bird Spying for Israel...
Iran Still Holding Christian Converts in Prison...
Taliban Vow Attacks on Secularists...
(US) Muslim Immigrants Over-whelm Ohio Housing Program...
Muslim Prison Rates Double That of Others in West Bengal...
Turkish 'Hooligans' Riot at Wheelchair Basketball Game...
Abu Qatada Moves into New UK Home Paid for by Taxpayers...
Video: Syrian Rebels Using Children to Behead Civilians...
Fatwa Slams Islamic Apologist...
Children at Quran School Sing Praises of Osama bin Laden...
Shiites Chased Out of Homes in 'Moderate Indonesia'...
Head of Women's Affairs Shot to Death in Afghanistan...
Taliban Gets $200 Million a Year from 'Misinterpreters of Islam'
French Official Warns of More Muslim Mass Killers...
Pak. Protesters PhD Author Arrested for Blasphemy...
(Editorial) MPAC Church's Hate Mail Not So Hateful...
Turkish Immigrants Hope for Muslim Germany...
Iran Launches 'Halal YouTube'...
Arab Spring Countries More Corrupt Under Islamists...
Muslim Brotherhood: 'Beating Them is the Only Way'...
Brother Beheads Sister for Immoral Behavior...
Ahmadinejad Rattled by Diplomat's Leg-Crossing...
Christian Man and Wife Severely Beaten...
Report: Spain Mulling Deportation of Islam Critic...
Honor Motive Probed in Killing of Family of Five...
Imam Accused of Stealing Money for Mosque...
No Community Activities at Ground Zero 'Community Center'...
Boy Beggar Mutilated by Gang to Increase Earnings...
Malaysia's Sharia Cops Crack Down on Non-Muslim 'Gays'...
Salafis Kidnap Christians to Force Children into Fighting...
Muslim Brotherhood Set Up Torture Chambers...
Sharia Police Begin to Patrol Streets of Egypt...
Religion of Peace Cleric: 'Jews are Apes'...
Report Finds Slavery in Yemen...
Indonesian Fundamentalists Push for Female Genital Mutilation...
Syrian Christians Face Attacks and Starvation...
Murder Victims Chosen Based on Ability to Recite Quran...
Muslim Mob Attacks Christian School on Quran Rumor...
UK: Proportion of Muslim Men in Prison Rises 25% in One Year...
German Opinion of Islam Deteri-orates with Time and Contact...
Taliban Posts Job Openings on Facebook...
Taliban Beheadings Take Toll on Pakistan Police Morale...
French Schools Throw Away Non-Halal Food...
Boko Haram Burn Down 27 Schools
CAIR Leader Turns Spokesman for Syrian Rebels...
Arab Spring Rebels Test Chemical Weapons...
Dubai Charges Gang-Rape Victim with Drinking...
Children Suffer from PTSD in Multicultural Sydney...
Village Bans Mobile Phones to Keep Women from Eloping...
Family Kills Grown Daughter for Relationship with Hindu...
12-Year-Old Murdered for Refusing Forced Marriage...
Two Anti-Morsi Protesters Beaten to Death by Brotherhood
Mother of Four to Be Flogged for Marrying by Choice...
Blogger Faces Death Penalty for Apostasy...
Saudi University Head Rips Up Student's Art Exhibit...
Dead 'Blasphemer' was Mentally Challenged...
Santa Claus Gets a Reprieve at French School...
Perfume Named After Gaza Rocket...
US-Approved Arms for Libyan Rebels Fall into Islamist Hands...
(Blog) San Antonio Terror Suspect Pleads Guilty...
Schoolgirl Killed for Working on Polio Campaign...
Belgium Swears in Elected Officials Pledging Sharia State...
Mother Convicted of Killing Son for Not Learning Quran...
Christian Girl Raped, Tortured - 'Converted' to Islam...
Teacher Picks Out Schoolgirl for Husband's Second Wife...
Iran's Revolutionary Guards Burn Satellite Dishes...
Dutch Soccer Referee Beaten to Death by 3 Teen Players...
Syrian Priest Tortured to Death by Religion of Peace...
Fatwa Issued Against Women Working as Receptionists...
Snakes on a Plane - EgyptAir Flight Diverted...
(US) Immigrant Pleads Guilty to Plotting Synagogue Attacks...
Tunisian Islamists Attack Union Members with Knives...
Palestinian Radio Glorifies Suicide Bombing...




List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2012.12.19 Pakistan Charsadda 2 0 Islamic militants shoot a female polio vaccine worker and her driver to death.
2012.12.19 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An 18-year-old humanitarian worker is shot in the head by Muslim hardliners.
2012.12.18 Pakistan Landhi 1 0 A Shia doctor is murdered in his own clinic by Sunni gumen.
2012.12.18 Pakistan Karachi 3 5 Three female humanitarian workers are shot to death by the Taliban.
2012.12.17 Pakistan Jamrud 19 74 Five boys and two women are among nineteen civilians dismantled by Religion of Peace bombers at a bus stop.
2012.12.17 Iraq Tikrit 5 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills five Iraqis.
2012.12.17 Iraq Khaznah 7 12 A community of Shabak religious minorities is the target of a Sunni car bomb that leaves seven dead, mostly women and children.
2012.12.17 Iraq Baghdad 11 40 Islamic Army of Iraq bombers slaughter eleven people at a car dealership.
2012.12.17 Thailand Narathiwat 2 5 Two people die from gunshot injuries after Muslims open fire on a group of Buddhist professionals.
2012.12.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 26-year-old Buddhist woman is murdered by Muslim 'separatist' gunmen.
2012.12.16 Iraq Qara-Tabba 3 0 A woman and child are among three Iraqis exterminated in their home by Mujahideen.
2012.12.16 Iraq Kirkuk 9 55 Determined Sunni bombers set a series of bombs outside two Shia mosques that leave nine worshippers dead, including two children.
2012.12.15 Pakistan Makan Bagh 1 0 A 16-year-old girl dies in a hospital from an earlier Taliban blast targeting schoolgirls.
2012.12.15 Pakistan Peshawar 5 45 Islamic militants fire rockets into an airport, killing at least five civilians.
2012.12.14 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 Three people are left dead after an al-Shabaab car bomb.
2012.12.14 Iraq Samarrah 2 20 Sunni bombers kill two Shia pilgrims in an attack on their bus.
2012.12.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 15 Two civilians and a US soldier are blown up by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.12.13 Syria Qatana 24 30 Women and children are among two dozen innocents slaughtered by a Sunni 'rebel' car bomb attack on a residential neighborhood.
2012.12.13 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gunmen take out two sectarian rivals at a tailor shop.
2012.12.13 Pakistan Mastung 1 0 A Hindu doctor is murdered by an Islamic fanatic.
2012.12.12 Iraq Fallujah 4 0 Four Iraqi policemen are machine-gunned at a checkpoint by Islamist 'insurgents'.
2012.12.12 Syria Damascus 9 50 Two Fedayeen suicide car bombers rack up nine kills.
2012.12.12 India Macherla 1 0 A Hindu man is hacked to death for eloping with a Muslim woman against the will of religious leaders.
2012.12.12 Iraq Tikrit 2 1 Muslim terrorists kill two university students with an IED.
2012.12.12 Pakistan Karachi 2 8 Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers take out two locals.
2012.12.12 Pakistan Gilgit 3 7 Three students are killed during a clash between Sunni and Shia.
2012.12.12 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 The custodian of a Shiite mosque and his nephew are mowed down by a Sunni drive-by.
2012.12.11 Nigeria Dalwa 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death in front of other family members in their home by Islamic extremists.
2012.12.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Wahhabi terrorists gun down a 23-year-old Shiite shopkeeper.
2012.12.11 Thailand Narathiwat 4 4 A baby and woman are among four shot to death in a tea shop by Islamic terrorists.
2012.12.11 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A school director and teacher are murdered in the cafeteria by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.12.11 Yemen Mukalla 1 0 An official is assassinated by al-Qaeda on his way to work.
2012.12.11 Pakistan Hasan Owlia 1 0 A Hindu is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2012.12.10 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 The acting head of women's affairs is brutally shot to death by fundamentalists on her way to work.
2012.12.10 Pakistan Gulbahar 1 0 A Shia police officer is gunned down by Sunni terrorists.
2012.12.10 Afghanistan Nimroz 1 0 A local police chief is blown up by the Taliban.
2012.12.10 Pakistan Kaki 6 8 At least six innocents are killed when Shahid suicide bombers assault a police station near a mosque.
2012.12.10 Iraq Yathrib 3 2 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned by Muslim terrorists.
2012.12.10 Tunisia Bou Chebka 1 0 Suspected Salafis pick off a border guard.
2012.12.09 Lebanon Tripoli 4 40 Sniper and rocket fire between Sunni and Shia residents leaves four dead.
2012.12.09 Pakistan Shaikh Yousuf Chowk 5 3 Islamic militants are thought responsible for opening fire on a group of vegetable traders on their way to market.
2012.12.09 Nigeria Potiskum 1 0 At least one local is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2012.12.09 Pakistan Bara 1 1 A sapper is killed trying to defuse a bomb planted by Muslim extremists.
2012.12.09 Pakistan Miramshah 2 0 Two local soldiers are kidnapped by the Taliban and executed.
2012.12.09 Afghanistan Ghorak 2 2 Religious extremists kill two civilians with a roadside bomb.
2012.12.09 Iraq Iskandariyah 3 3 An 8-year-old is among three family members slain in their home by al-Qaeda bombers.
2012.12.08 Yemen Maarib 17 0 Seventeen local security personnel are killed in an al-Qaeda ambush while guarding a pipeline.
2012.12.08 Kenya Nairobi 5 13 Islamists throw a grenade into a crowd of moderates leaving a mosque, killing at least five.
2012.12.08 Pakistan Datta Khel 1 3 A tribesman cutting wood with family is killed during a mortar strike by militant Muslims.
2012.12.07 Pakistan Pishin 1 3 A Sunni drive-by attack leaves at least one Shia dead.
2012.12.07 Pakistan Much 1 0 Wahhabi terrorists storm a market and open fire on a Shia trader.
2012.12.07 India Kolkata 1 0 A young woman is pulled out onto the street and beheaded by her brother for immorality.
2012.12.06 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two unarmed protesters are surrounded, beaten and stabbed to death by Muslim Brotherhood.
2012.12.06 Nigeria Gamboru 6 0 Six people are executed in cold blood by Islamists after being unable to recite from the Quran.
2012.12.06 Lebanon Tripoli 11 20 A 13-year-old boy is among eleven civilians taken out by sectarian snipers.
2012.12.06 Iraq Jisr Diyala 5 0 Five policemen are shot in their sleep by Islamic Army of Iraq terrorists.
2012.12.06 Nigeria Yankaba 2 0 Two Christian teenagers are executed by gunmen on a motorcycle yelling, 'Allah akbar'.
2012.12.05 Pakistan Wana 3 9 Two Fedayeen suicide car bombers take out three Pakistanis.
2012.12.05 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A prayer leader is shot to death inside a seminary by sectarian rivals.
2012.12.05 Russia Nalchik 1 0 A television journalist is murdered by suspected Muslim extremists.
2012.12.05 Somalia Leego 3 0 al-Shabaab Islamists attack and kill three cattle herders.
2012.12.05 Iraq Fallujah 2 1 Muslim 'insurgents' take down two civilians with a roadside bomb.
2012.12.05 Pakistan Khudadad 1 0 A Shia activist is slain by loyal Sunnis outside a car showroom.
2012.12.04 Iraq Zayouna 6 0 al-Qaeda gunmen force their way into a home and shoot four children to death along with their mother and father.
2012.12.04 Egypt Giza 1 0 A 20-year-old woman's throat is slashed by her brother over adultery.
2012.12.04 Pakistan Bannu 0 6 A Shahid suicide bomber slams his car into a checkpoint.
2012.12.04 Pakistan Swat 1 7 A woman is killed in a Taliban blast thought to have targeted a schoolgirl.
2012.12.04 Thailand Narathiwat 0 1 A Buddhist teacher is shot and badly wounded by militant Muslims.
2012.12.04 Lebanon Tripoli 2 14 Two people are killed when Sunni and Shia shoot at each other.
2012.12.04 Nigeria Kano 2 2 Two people are left dead following a violent rampage by Boko Haram Islamists.
2012.12.04 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 A targeted attack on two Shia brothers leaves both dead.
2012.12.04 Somalia Galgala 12 9 A dozen local soldiers are killed in the Puntland region by an al-Shabaab roadside bomb.
2012.12.04 Pakistan Larkana 2 0 A Shiite cleric and his 4-year-old daughter are shot to death by Wahhabi terrorists.
2012.12.03 Afghanistan Trin Kot 5 8 Two women are among five people torn to shreds by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2012.12.03 Pakistan Qalagey 3 1 Suspected fundamentalists murder three family members and torch two schools.
2012.12.03 Pakistan Peshawar 2 2 Islamic militants kill two local cops with a roadside bomb.
2012.12.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 32-year-old female teacher is shot four times by Muslim 'separatists' while on her way to school.
2012.12.03 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A senior cleric is brought down in a hail of bullets from Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.12.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' execute a 45-year-old man.
2012.12.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 59-year-old female Buddhist plantation worker is stabbed to death by suspected 'insurgents'.
2012.12.03 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 72-year-old female Christian charity worker is shot in the neck by suspected Islamists.
2012.12.02 Nigeria Chibok 10 0 Religion of Peace proponents invade a Christian village in the middle of the night and massacre ten residents.
2012.12.02 Syria Homs 15 24 Islamists are suspected of car bombing a Shia mosque, killing at least fifteen.
2012.12.02 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 35 A second bombing on a Shia religious procession in as many days leaves at least two dead.
2012.12.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 5 18 Two medical students are among five Afghans killed during a Fedayeen suicide attack on a base.
2012.12.02 Iraq Samarrah 3 0 A man and his two sons are murdered in their home by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2012.12.02 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A young man dies after being tortured over allegations that he burned a Quran.
2012.12.02 Iraq Nineveh 3 0 Three professionals including a doctor are assassinated by gunmen as they leave their homes.
2012.12.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Two teachers are among three civilians shot to death by Boko Haram.
2012.12.02 Afghanistan Kapisa 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is murdered by fundamentalists for ignoring orders to stop working on a polio campaign.
2012.12.01 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 7 30 Three children in a Shia religious procession are disassembled by Sunni bombers along with four others.
2012.12.01 Nigeria Gamboru Ngala 2 0 Two guards die when Muslims shouting 'Allah Akbar' burn churches.
2012.12.01 Somalia Kismayo 1 5 Islamic militia is suspected of killing a civilian with a grenade.
2012.12.01 Afghanistan Dehrawud 3 0 Two children are among three people blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.12.01 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A 40-year-old Shiite is murdered on the street by Sunni terrorists.
2012.12.01 India Kuri Rawana 1 0 A 22-year-old Muslim woman is beaten to death for loving a Hindu man.
2012.11.30 Thailand Pattani 1 5 Islamic 'separatists' kill a local soldier with a bomb.
2012.11.30 Iraq Alexandria 4 0 Terrorists kill four Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2012.11.30 Pakistan Baldia 2 0 A Shia father and son are brought down by Sunni snipers.
2012.11.30 Pakistan Beaver Ridge Canaan 2 0 A 12-year-old girl and her father are murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen.
2012.11.30 Afghanistan Qala-e-Naw 4 0 Four Afghans lose their lives to a Taliban ambush.
2012.11.30 Afghanistan Kandlan 2 0 Two agricultural workers are kidnapped and executed by Sunni fundamentalists.
2012.11.30 Nigeria Damasak 5 0 Two bakery workers and two boys are among five people machine-gunned by Boko Haram Islamists.
2012.11.30 Pakistan Chamarkand 3 6 Two brothers are among three civilians who lose their lives to a bomb attack by Muslim militants.
2012.11.29 Iraq Basmaiyah 2 11 Muslim terrorists bomb a restaurant, killing two patrons.
2012.11.29 Pakistan Gunjaan Abad 1 0 Wahhabi gunmen murder a Shiite shop owner.
2012.11.29 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 60-year-old caretaker at a Shia mosque is picked off by Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen.
2012.11.29 Syria Daraa 4 0 Four people are killed when suspected Islamists bomb a house.
2012.11.29 Iraq Karbala 8 22 An Islamic Army of Iraq car bomb kills eight at the entrance of Shia Shrine.
2012.11.29 Pakistan Wana 3 7 A 13-year-old suicide bomber kills three other people at a market.
2012.11.29 Iraq Fallujah 3 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber at a bank takes out three Iraqis.
2012.11.29 Iraq Hilla 33 166 Two bomb blasts at a restaurant packed with Shia pilgrims, obliterating over thirty.
2012.11.29 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A Shia man and his wife are chased down along a city street and shot to death by Religion of Peace radicals.
2012.11.29 Afghanistan Dih Rawud 10 8 A woman and five children are among ten civilians torn to shreds by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2012.11.29 Iraq Mosul 2 2 Mujahid car bombers send two souls to Allah.
2012.11.28 Afghanistan Maqur 3 4 Three local troops are slaughtered by Sunni fundamentalists.
2012.11.28 Afghanistan Nawzad 4 0 Four civilians are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2012.11.28 Yemen Sanaa 2 0 A Saudi diplomat is one of two people assassinated by suspected al-Qaeda gunmen.
2012.11.28 Syria Jaramana 54 120 Fifty-four people are blown to bits by two Fedayeen suicide bombers in a residential neighborhood.
2012.11.28 Iraq Tarmiyah 7 0 Four young children are among a family of seven massacred in their home by al-Qaeda.
2012.11.28 Afghanistan Quro 5 0 Five civilians are kidnapped by the Taliban and executed.
2012.11.28 Somalia Shalanbod 3 7 An al-Shabaab ambush leaves three dead.
2012.11.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a Buddhist man to death.
2012.11.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 55-year-old man is gunned down at a tea shop by suspected terrorists.
2012.11.27 Iraq Kirkuk 5 58 Mujahideen car bombers murder five Iraqis.
2012.11.27 Iraq Kirkuk 2 7 A Sunni bomb near a Kurdish youth club leaves two dead.
2012.11.27 Pakistan Khairpur 1 6 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists open fire on a Shia procession, killing one member.
2012.11.27 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 25-year-old Shiite is shot in the head and chest by Sunni radicals.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 9 20 Nine Shiites are slaughtered by Sunni bombers.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 7 21 Seven Shiite worshippers are taken out by an Islamic Army of Iraq car bomb outside their mosque.
2012.11.27 Iraq Ramadi 6 13 Two car bombs leave six Iraqis dead.
2012.11.27 Nigeria Rann 5 1 A Boko Haram assault on a police station leaves five officers dead.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 6 32 Six people are killed by an al-Qaeda bomb detonated near a Shia mosque.
2012.11.26 Israel Tel Sheva 1 0 A 15-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her brothers for dating a boy.
2012.11.26 Pakistan Karachi 1 4 A bomb targeting a Shia procession kills at least one passerby.
2012.11.26 Pakistan Gulbahar 1 0 A 30-year-old Shiite bleeds to death following a drive-by attack by Sunnis.
2012.11.26 Nigeria Barkinladi 10 3 Fundamentalists fire into a bar selling alcohol, killing at least ten patrons.
2012.11.26 Iran Isfahan 1 0 A 57-year-old Jewish woman is stabbed to death in her home after refusing orders to leave by Muslims interested in expanding a mosque.
2012.11.26 India Adoli 1 0 A man is 'honor killed' by his wife's family for marrying without their permission.
2012.11.26 Afghanistan Khost 2 19 Two civilians bleed to death following remote detonation of a Taliban bomb on a bicycle.
2012.11.26 Nigeria Abuja 2 0 Jama�atu Ansarul Muslimina terrorists attack a police station and kill two officers.
2012.11.25 Nigeria Jaji 15 30 Two suicide bombers massacre fifteen worshippers at a Protestant church.
2012.11.25 Somalia Kismayo 4 0 An Islamist bomb at a market place leaves at least four dead.
2012.11.25 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 6 90 Six more innocents are pulled apart when a second Shiite religious procession is hit with a Sunni bombing.
2012.11.25 Somalia Kismayo 1 2 A woman is torn to pieces by an al-Shabaab bomb.
2012.11.25 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Mujahideen take out a 13-year-old boy with an IED.
2012.11.25 Nigeria Gamboru Ngala 1 0 A tailor is shot to death by fundamentalists for making clothes deemed 'inappropriate for women.'
2012.11.24 Somalia Bulohawo 2 10 At least two civilians are killed when al-Shabaab militia attack a small town.
2012.11.24 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 A civilian loses his life to a Taliban ambush.
2012.11.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 28 At least one student is killed in a sectarian clash between Shia and Sunni students.
2012.11.24 Yemen Sanaa 4 10 A rocket fired at Shiites celebrating a religious holiday sends at least four straight to Allah.
2012.11.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 10 22 Four children are among ten members of a Shia funeral procession disassembled by Religion of Peace rival bombers.
2012.11.23 Afghanistan Maidan Shar 3 90 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three others, including a woman.
2012.11.23 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Gunmen take out the head of a Sunni charity.
2012.11.23 Pakistan Bara 2 0 Two members of a peace committee are blown up by Sunni militants.
2012.11.22 Pakistan Qabar 2 0 Islamic militants attack a local police post and murder two officers after taking one hostage.
2012.11.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A female Buddhist school principal dies from injuries after being hit by automatic weapons fire in a target attack.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 18 12 Three young children are among eighteen people murdered by Boko Haram in a series of terror attacks.
2012.11.22 Pakistan Bannu 4 6 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder four Pakistanis in two attacks.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Bichi 4 2 Angry Muslims riot, burn churches and kills four Christians over a rumor of blasphemy concerning a t-shirt.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Karachi 2 17 A suicide bombing is among two bomb blasts outside a Shiite mosque that leave two innocents dead.
2012.11.21 India Srinagar 1 2 A police officer dies following an ambush by Islamic militants.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Rawalpindi 23 62 Children are among the casualties when a Shahid suicide bomber plows into a Shiite procession and detonates, killing dozens.
2012.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 A Shahid suicide bomber sends two Afghans to Allah.
2012.11.21 Dagestan Shamilkala 3 1 Islamic 'insurgents' plant a bomb at a bank that kills two disposal experts and a civilian.
2012.11.21 Israel Tel Aviv 0 27 Arab terrorists bomb a passenger bus.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Jamrud 1 1 A truck driver is shot in the head by Taliban militants.
2012.11.20 Israel Eshkol 2 23 Two Israelis are killed during a Hamas rocket attack.
2012.11.20 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A government official is shot in the head by suspected Islamists.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shia civilian.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Kulachi 1 0 A tribal elder is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2012.11.20 Pal. Auth. Gaza City 6 0 Six torture victims are brutally murdered by a Hamas lynch mob and then dragged through the streets on motorcycles.
2012.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 26 Sectarian attacks leave three dead and two dozen injured.
2012.11.19 Pakistan Charmang 1 2 Rockets fired by Islamic militants crush a 6-year-old girl.
2012.11.19 Syria Barad 20 0 al-Nusrah claims a suicide bombing that leaves twenty dead.

There is a reason we call it Islamic terrorism, and it isn't
because we falsely attribute motives to the terrorists, but
because Islam is the stated purpose and aim of the terrorists.
Daniel Greenfield
lake lanier house for sale by owner

Previous Years:

Islamic Terror Attacks for First Part of 2012

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2011

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2010

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2009

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2008

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2007

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2006

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2005

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2004

Islamic Attacks from September 11th, 2001 through 2003

About the List of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims

If we are "at war" with Islam it is not because there is something
 wrong with us, but because there is something wrong with Islam.

"I am one of the servants of Allah.  We do our duty of fighting for the
sake of the religion of Allah.  It is also our duty to send a call to
all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to
embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. 
Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion." 
Osama bin Laden (1957 - 2011)

If we should respect the Quran because not doing so causes Muslims to
get angry and kill, then here are the other things we should stop doing:

Educating  women.  Selling alcohol.  Pre-marital sexSharing a
non-Muslim religious faith. 
Democracy.  Disaster reliefSporting events
Free speech. Allowing women to dress as they please.  Being gay
Hindu.  Being Christian.  Being Jewish.  Being Buddhist
Sikh.  Being Ahmadi.  Being Sufi.  Going to the wrong mosque...


  Hamas Wants Your Money!   

This is Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Hamas terror group, which the Palestinians have chosen to run their government.  He wants your money...  unconditionally.

These are his people, the Hamas terrorists who have slaughtered hundreds of innocent people in shopping malls, cafes and even on buses.  (They're holding Qurans).

This is an example of who they murder: Mazal Marciano a talented and devoted mother of two small children.  She made easy pickings for Haniyeh and his henchmen.

Are you burning with the Peace of Islam?

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