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Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
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Weekly Jihad Report
Jan 03 - Jan 09
 Jihad Attacks:


 Allah Akbars*:


 Dead Bodies:


 Critically Injured:


 *Suicide Attacks
Monthly Jihad Report
December, 2014
 Jihad Attacks:




 Allah Akbars:


 Dead Bodies:


 Critically Injured:



Dhimwit of the Month

French Police
December 2014

Rev. Gina Campbell
November 2014

Ben Affleck
October 2014

Theresa May
September 2014

August 2014

Jimmy Carter
July 2014

A Warning to the West from the Heart of Islam
Tiny Minority of Radicals? Try 72%
Islam Co-Opts Judeo-Christian Values
Islamic Slavery; Islamic Denial
A Word to Offended Muslims
Why Islam is Not a Religion
Islam's Indian Slave Trade
Islam's Rule of Numbers
Ten Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

What a Real Feminist
Looks Like (~2:22 mark)

"Brother, you can believe in stones, so long as you don't throw them at me..."
Wafa Sultan on al-Jazeera

Fundamentalist Fashion Show

I’d rather die standing up
 than live on my knees
Stephane Charbonnier


Visit the TROP Bookstore


. .
Picture of the Week

Islam: the only religion that will kill you for not appreciating it
- and then claim that you're the one with the phobia.

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace "Mohammed is God's apostle.  Those who follow him are harsh
 to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
  Quran 48:29

2015.01.11 (Potiskum, Nigeria) - Six others are killed when two female suicide bombers detonate in succession at a popular market.
2015.01.10 (Sheikh Zuweid, Egypt) - Two people are beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2015.01.10 (Tripoli, Lebanon) - Two caliphate suicide bombers at a Shiite cafe blows eight patrons to bits.
2015.01.09 (Rawalpindi, Pakistan) - Eight worshippers are blown to bits by a suicide bomber at a Shia mosque.
2015.01.09 (Paris, France) - Four hostages are taken and killed by an Islamic gunman at a Jewish grocery.
2015.01.08 (Baghdad, Iraq) - A Sunni suicide bomber wades into a Shiite mosque and slaughters at least eight worshippers.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.


Articles & Commentary

Europe's Immigration Problem  (National Review)
Unassimilated populations are ticking time bombs that are starting to go off.

Fear of an Anti-Muslim Backlash  (Daniel Greenfield)
If the narrative is constantly written to cast Muslims as equal victims then there will be no incentive for them to change the root problem, which is Islam.

OIC Calls for More Censorship  (PJ Media)
The world's largest Muslim body says that the violence will subside if we stay quiet about the true nature of Islam.

How Western Intervention Destroyed Libya  (American Thinker)
Obama took the glory for toppling Gaddafi, but what's happened there since?

What is Islamization?  (10 News)
"Islamization provides maneuvering space for a political ideology that has oppression and extermination of all non-Muslims as both means and goal."

Bill Warner: No Golden Rule in Islam  (Sun News)
(Video) An interview with the Bill Warner, who founded the Center for the Study of Political Islam.

4 People Who Gave the Hedbo Killers What They Wanted  (PJ Media)
Terrorists want to see Islam advanced in the West free of criticism.

Wake Up: It's War  (National Review)
France is finding out that Muslim hatred of Jews never ends with Jews.

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November 2014  (Gatestone)
The monthly round-up from Raymond Ibrahim.

Western Sleepwalkers  (FrontPage Magazine)
"Unable to deny the reality of theologically inspired Muslim violence daily filling the international news, they resort to blaming Western historical crimes, or scapegoating Israel."

We Promise to Stop Laughing  (Leonard Pitts Jr.)
What else can we give up to placate murderous fundamentalists?

Journalists and Jihadis  (American Thinker)
"Muslim sensitivities are now more important than truth."

Terrorist Nation  (Truth Revolt)
"From the murder of the Israeli athletes in the Munich Olympics in 1972, through the murder of 5 rabbis at prayer in 2014, the Palestinian cause has been driven by terror."

Greater Jihad is About Preparing for War  (10 News)
"Seen from a psychological perspective, the greater jihad is nothing but self-radicalization."

Muslims Fear Backlash From People They Keep Killing  (Greenfield)
Muslim pity is generally reserved for Muslims.

Flogging a Liberal Blogger  (Gatestone)
The Saudis picked a good week to flay a liberal activist. They'll do it to him again next week too - assuming he survives.

Muslims Can't Get a Break?  (Robert Spencer)
Did CNN really say that?

It's OK to Fear Islam  (Sun News)
"Blaming the victim of terrorism for feeling scared, accusing them of racism is not just a form of denial, it's an attempt to keep others in denial too."

Not Crazy Killer - Islamic Fundamentalists  (10News)
A psychiatrist knows what a real psychopath is - and Muslim terrorists don't qualify.

Europe is Being Raped - and Seems to Like It  (Molschky)
"Those Muslims you accepted in your nice, tiny, comfortable countries live by other laws and confess entirely different values. Your tolerant laws for them are just a sign of weakness."

'Islamophobia' is a Myth  (National Review)
"The idea of Islamophobia has always been informed more by the swirling fantasies and panics of the political and media elites than by any real, measurable levels of hate or violence against Muslims."

The Problem is Within Islam  (American Thinker)
"Can you remember the last time monks with suicide belts stormed a mall food court or a group of knife-wielding nuns beheaded an infidel before mass?"

Media Cowards  (Town Hall)
If Charbonnier had lived on his knees, he would have had more company in the media.

Stop Pretending the Terror Isn't About Islam  (The Federalist)
"Trying to divorce violence from Islam is the most intellectually dishonest and historically illiterate argument going right now."

Islam, You Have a Serious Problem  (Daily Telegraph)
"Frankly, if your all powerful deity is so fragile a cartoon poses a threat then you may want to reconsider your belief system."

Call it 'Islamonausea'  (Nicolai Sennels)
We aren't afraid so much as disgusted by the violent and supremacist teachings of Islam.

'Islamophobia': Thought Crime of a Totalitarian Future  (FrontPage)
Look for the pamphlet by David Horowitz and Robert Spencer.

Laughing at Muhammad?  (Daniel Greenfield)
Muslims kill to discourage thinking, because thinking discourages Islam.

Hamas, PA Step Up Human Rights Violations  (Gatestone)
"It would be a good idea if the international community and media stopped turning a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinians at the hands of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority."

The Only Way to Stop Islamic Massacres  (Diana West)
"We should no longer show any respect for an ideology that rejects our fundamental values. The only way to defend our democratic values and fundamental freedoms is to start the de-Islamization of our societies."

The Paris Terror Attack  (Ayaan Hirsi Ali)
"Perhaps the West will finally put away its legion of useless tropes trying to deny the relationship between violence and radical Islam."

Appeasement Comes Back to Haunt France  (FrontPage)
Inviting the enemy behind the lines in the form of mass immigration. How's that working out?

'If Anyone Insults a Prophet, Kill Him'  (Masud)
Here are the verses and traditions that mandate violence against those who dare question the Religion of Peace.


More Resources from TROP

Previous Picture of the Week

No submission


Islam... so good that it just makes you want to holler.
(and maybe hurt someone).



The Religion of Peace is about helping children get ahead in life.


Most Popular Picture of the Week

In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94
terror attacks across 10
countries during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.


Hate speech? Sounds like it to us, too... but, oddly enough, devout Muslims would have to disagree.

(Some people don't seem to understand the point that we're making here.  Try clicking on the link!)


Gay men being rounded up for "processing" in the Islamic world, where
homosexuals are
demonized, banned, beaten, probed, forced into marriage,
incarcerated, lashed, hanged, brutalized, stoned, tortured and shot


So, you think the Ku Klux Klan
and the Spanish Inquisition are bad?
So do we, but...

Put the Numbers in Perspective

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years. (

More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65 years. (source)

Muslim countries have lower rates of adultery.


Where Islam is "Misunderstood"

For some mysterious reason, the PERFECT religion of Islam
is routinely "misunderstood" each and every day. 
Since 9/11, terrorism in the name of Allah occurs in:

India and the Sudan and Algeria and New York and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and Arkansas and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and California and Kuwait and Virginia and Ethiopia and Georgia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Louisiana and Texas and Tanzania and Illinois and Pennsylvania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and New Jersey and the Netherlands and Afghanistan and Chad and Oklahoma and Canada and Washington State and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Argentina and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and North Carolina and Germany and Arizona and Lebanon and Iran and Kazakhstan and Sweden and Azerbaijan and Iraq and Scotland and Macedonia and Bulgaria and Cameroon and Massachusetts and Djibouti and Australia and...

...and pretty much wherever Islam is taken seriously

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who
are near to you, and let them find harshness in you,
and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty"
 Qur'an, Sura 9:123


British Cleric: New Hebdo Cover 'an Act of War'...
'Homeland" May Scrap Muslim Plot after Hebdo Killings...
5,000 Terrorists in Syria Could Return to EU...
ISIS Video Shows Child Executing Prisoners...
'For Muslims Who Believe the Quran, There is No Such Thing as an Age Limit to Marrying'...
Only 1 in 10 Turks Condemn Armenian Genocide...
Montreal Paper Prints 'Connect-the-Dots' Muhammad Drawing...
Cleric: Pope Deserved Death for Insulting Islam...
Linguist Compares Religious Texts - Islam 'Most Violent'...
Hamas Set Turns Synagogue Stabbing into Musical...
Cleric Leads Pakistan Rally for Hebdo Killers...
Boko Haram Killing More Africans than Ebola..
Erdogan Turns Palace Guard into 'Circus'...
'Smiling Abbas' the New Green Helmet Guy...
Three Muslims Arrested for Plotting Terror in Canada...
ISIS to US Soldiers: 'We Know Your Wives and Children'...
Sex Slaves Forced to Give Blood Transfusions to IS...
Fatah Praises Terrorists One Day After Paris Rally...
Hamas Announces Terror Training Camps for 15-Year-Olds...
Boko Haram Massacre: 'I Kept Stepping on Dead Bodies'...
'Simpsons' Pays Tribute to Hebdo...
800 Tanzanian Girls Fled Genital Mutilation...
Turkish Papers Blame Hebdo for Slaughter...
14-Year-Old Boy 'Kills Dozens of Apostates'...
FB Atheist Sentenced to 3 Years After Father Testifies...
Cleric Condemns 'UnIslamic' Snowmen...
Convicted 'South Park' Terrorist Sues to Pray with CAIR Convict...
Hebdo Gunman Hit Neighbor for Listening to 'Infidel' Pop Music
'Crusaders' Blamed for K-Pop Concert Kiss...
Colorado Students Forced into Hijabs for Mosque Visit...
Paris Jogger Shot by Islamist...
After Firebombing and Shooting German Official Still Slams Rally
Father Shot in Front of Family
UK: Man Wields Machete, Praises Allah - and Stabbing 'Whites'...
White House Snubs Solidarity Rally...
Afghan Muslims Rally in Support of Hebdo Killers...
Thousands of French Jews Make Plans to Leave...
BBC Reporter Makes Anti-Israel Comments to Jews at Rally...
Fatwa Against Corn Rows...
France: 3.7 Million Rally...
White House 'Redoubles' Effort to Promote Islam...
Morocco Snubs Hebdo Rally...
UK's Muslim Minister: 'Lazy' to Say that It's Not About Islam...
German Newspaper Torched After Reprinting Cartoons...
Egyptian Cleric Rejoices in 'Punishment' of Hebdo Editors...
British Cleric Backs Massacre: 'What Do You Expect'...
France: 750 'No-Go' Zones Where Sharia Rules...
Supermarket Gunman Quotes Quran, 'We Live by Sharia'...
Pro-Israel Muslim Ambushed by Australian News Channel...
Muslim Shopkeeper Helped Hide Jewish Customers...
Peshawar Child Was Shot 11 Times...
Hindu Nurse Hacked to Death...
Murdered Jewish Grocery Hostages Identified...
al-Jazeera Calls 'I am Charlie' Slogan 'Alienating'...
Mumbai Police Block Posts of Hebdo Cartooons...
Up to 8,000 Nepali Girls Trafficked to the Emirates...
Religion of Peace: 10-Year-Old Girl with Suicide Vest, 20 Dead...
Grocery Store Killer Knelt for Regular Prayers...
Massive Boko Haram Slaughter: 'Killing Just Went On and On'...
NY Times Drops Killers' Ref-erences to Quran and Allah...
Pregnant Woman Flogged for Being Found with Man...
'If Someone Offends the Prophet Then There is No Problem - We Kill Them'...
CAIR Tries Changing Subject to Anders Brievik...
Algerian Muslims Celebrate: 'Strike France and the Jews'...
Saudis Vow to Flog Liberal Blogger Each Week...
Indonesian Teacher Threatened over Cultural Visit to Church...
Pakistan Beauty Salon Caters to Victims of Acid Attacks...
AP Called Out on 'Piss Christ' Hypocrisy...
German Satire Magazine Hits Back with 'Small Penis' Joke...
CyberCaliphate Vows to Make Tennessee 'Infidels' Suffer...
Paris Grand Synagogue Closed for First Time Since WWII...
100,000 Jews Have Fled Paris Since 2013...
82% of French Unhappy with Muslim Denial...
Hundreds of Terrorists Leave 'Moderate' Hamas for ISIS...
(US) Former Carter Aide Wants to Ban Cartoons He Hasn't Seen...
Cartoonist's Ex-Muslim Lover: There is No Moderate Islam...
Female Hebdo Staffer Ordered to Wear Veil, Read Quran...
Paris Websites Hacked with 'Death to Charlie' Message...
France: Gunmen Kill Hostages at Jewish Grocery...
Brunei Bans Christmas...
Fatwa Tells Muslims to Repent for Tattoos...
2 of 3 Germans See Islam as a Threat...
Swedish Politician Reported for 'Religion of Peace' FB Remark...
White House Spokesman Hints at More Pro-Islam Propaganda...
Zuckerberg: They Tried to Put Me on a Death List...
Christian Women Beaten with Bats for Resisting Rape...
Imam Denounces Beheadings - Quickly Beheaded...
ISIS Has 30 to 50 Thousand...
Liberal Activist to Be Flogged for Insulting Islam...
Minnesota Muslim Voices Support for Beheading...
Boko Haram Assaults Town: Death Toll May Be 2000...
Tunisian Journalists Executed According to 'Law of Allah'...
Killers Targeted Editors and Cartoonists: Called Out Names...
'Blasphemer' Shot to Death...
IS Mass Graves Discovered: 320 Including Women and Children...
Muslim Politician Offers to Reward Hebdo Killers...
British Cleric: Sharia Requires 'Consequences' for Insults...
CNN Anchor Responds to Paris Massacre with Anti-Israel Rant..
704,000 More Syrian Refugees in Last Six Months...
Mark Steyn Tells Media to 'Man Up'...
Iran Seeks Ban on 'Zionist' WhatsApp...
French Policewoman Shot Dead
German PM Slams Anti-Islam Movement...
Bride and Groom Murdered over Wedding Decorations...
Irish Muslim Leader Warns Media Not to Publish Cartoons...
'Anti-Fascists' Plan Fascist-Style Tactics on Demonstrators...
Hebdo Suspected Identified: Returnees from Syria...
'I'd Rather Die Standing Than Live on My Knees'...
Hebdo Gunmen Praised Allah - Video of Cop Killing...
Reposting: Charlie Hebdo's Muhammad Cartoons...
NY Daily News Blurs Out Hebdo Muhammad Cartoon...
Iran Humiliates and Parades 'Mischief Makers'...
'Prophet Has Been Avenged!': Assault on Office of Satirical French Newspaper Kills 12...
Danish Mosque: We Support ISIS and Suicide Bombings...
Magician Beheaded by IS...
IS Gives Jihadi Brides 5 Minutes to Pick a Husband...
PA Siphons Gaza 'Rebuilding' Funds...
Italy: Muslim Trashes Church While Reciting Quran...
Bride Divorced and Reported to Police for Not Being a Virgin
IS to Indonesia: We Will Enforce Sharia by Slaughter...
Iran Bans Musician from Travel Because Group Includes Women
Would-Be Suicide Bombers Beaten to Death by Afghan Locals...
New Caliphate Deprives 670,000 Children of Education...
Artist Beaten by 'Anti-Fascists'
Abbas: Life Sentence with Hard Labor for Selling to Jews...
'Refugee' to US Burns Down Apartment Buildings...
Church Guards Gunned Down in Cairo...
Bosnian Imam Stabbed for Promoting Non-Violence...
More Mass Graves of Yazidi Women and Children Found...
Iraq: 5000 Yazidi Children and Women Sold into Sex Slavery
Kuwaiti MP Charged for Voicing Doubts about Ban on Alcohol...
Beheader Beheaded for Lighting Up?...
Cafe Killer Fooled AUS into Granting Refugee Status...
British National Tires of Gay Sex Propositions in Saudi...
Cocaine Found at Home of ISIS Leader...
Caliphate Runs $250 Million Budget Surplus...
Swedish Mosque Fire Not Arson (or a Hate Crime)...
Berlin: Jewish Man Beaten by Arabic Speakers...
Hamas Terrorist Treated in Israel - Tries to Stay...
Ceremony to Honor Victim Slain for Tolerant Views is Attacked
Canada Looks to Send Gay Man Back to Islamic World...
Malaysian Fatwas Frown on Botox, Petting Puppies...
Hackers Mocked after Targeting Wrong Site...
Pakistan: 311 Shiites Murdered in 2014...
'Every Person is Born a Muslim'
Islam in Thailand: 17,000 Attacks in 11 Years...
'War Refugees' Pitch Fit over Sweden Being Too Cold'...
Calls in Britain to Screen Toddlers for Extremist Views...
Syria Commissions Suicide Bomber Platoon with Qurans...
Suicide Bombings Surge 94% in 2014...
Taliban Leader Uses LinkedIn...
Boko Haram Preaches Before Abducting Children...
Dutch Police Pay for Sharia Patrols to Keep Peace...
Islam 'Forbids' Men from Becoming Homemakers...
Iran to Amputate Thief's Hand...
Man Yelling 'Allah Akbar' Tries to Strangle French Cop...
Turkey to Allow First New Church in 90 Years...
20 Christians Separated and Abducted in Libya...
ISIS Hostage Mocks Would-Be Rescuers in Propaganda Shoot
Fatah Anticipates Netanyahu's Hanging by the ICC...
Saudi Video: Horrible Mistreatment of Dog...
'Non-Violence' Imam Beats Wife While Shouting Quran Verses...
(India) Buddhist Tourist Raped by Muslim Tour Guides...
African Captives Used for Slave Farm Labor...
German Journalist Fakes Hate for Other Journalists...
Child Molested and Dumped at Mosque - Imam Suspected...
Fatah Vows Retaliation Against 'Enemy' America...
IS Blows Up Historic Castle...
Pro-Sharia Group Linked to First Deadly Attack in AUS...
20 Former ISIS Militants Free on Australian Streets...
Swedish Police and Fireworkers Forced into Retreat...
Iran: Two Executions per Day...
F*** the Court - I Only Answer to Allah!...
Turks stage Annual 'Chase Santa Out of Town' Skit...
Caliphate Fighters 'Have Ebola', Shoot More Doctors...
Russian Republic Terrorists Pledge Loyalty to ISIS...
Slavery the 'Biggest Honor' for a Non-Muslim Woman...
Cleric Fears Banning Terror Incitement will Ban Quran...




List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2015.01.11 Nigeria Potiskum 6 46 Six others are killed when two female suicide bombers detonate in succession at a popular market.
2015.01.10 Lebanon Tripoli 8 36 Two caliphate suicide bombers at a Shiite cafe blows eight patrons to bits.
2015.01.10 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 Two people are beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2015.01.09 Pakistan Rawalpindi 8 20 Eight worshippers are blown to bits by a suicide bomber at a Shia mosque.
2015.01.09 France Paris 4 5 Four hostages are taken and killed by an Islamic gunman at a Jewish grocery.
2015.01.08 France Montrouge 1 1 A policewoman investigating a traffic accident is ambushed and killed by a Muslim extremist.
2015.01.08 Iraq Baghdad 8 16 A Sunni suicide bomber wades into a Shiite mosque and slaughters at least eight worshippers.
2015.01.07 Afghanistan Baghlan 6 3 Six road workers are machine-gunned point-blank by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2015.01.07 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A magician is beheaded by the Islamic State on the grounds that illusions are an insult to Allah.
2015.01.07 Yemen Sanaa 37 67 A al-Qaeda suicide bus bomber scatters body parts and snuffs out thirty-seven lives at a college.
2015.01.07 Afghanistan Zhari 2 11 Taliban bombers take out two children gathering firewood.
2015.01.07 France Paris 12 10 A dozen people are slaughtered by gunmen 'avenging' the prophet at a newspaper office which printed satirical cartoons critical of Islam.
2015.01.07 Afghanistan Nawzad 1 0 A local cop dies trying to stop a suicide bomber.
2015.01.07 Nigeria Baga 2000 0 More than 2000 villagers are feared dead following a massive killing spree by Boko Haram that spanned 16 villages.
2015.01.07 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Jihadis set off two bombs near a restaurant, killing four.
2015.01.07 Iraq Ghazlani 5 0 Five Iraqis are abducted from their homes and shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2015.01.07 Iraq Mosul 4 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims the lives of four others.
2015.01.07 Pakistan Qila Saifullah 1 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban kidnap, execute a man and then toss his body by the side of the road.
2015.01.07 Pakistan Kamra 1 0 A mentally-challenged man is accused of blasphemy and quickly shot to death in his home.
2015.01.06 Syria Deir al-Zor 1 0 A man is beheaded - allegedly for smoking.
2015.01.06 Dagestan Khasavyurt 2 2 Suspected extremists ambush and kill two local cops.
2015.01.06 Afghanistan Shekhzo 3 2 Three family members are modularized when fundamentalists fire a rocket into their home.
2015.01.06 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two men guarding a church are shot to death by extremists.
2015.01.06 Pakistan Landhi 2 0 Two security personnel are slain by Islamist militants.
2015.01.06 Iraq al-Jubba 23 21 A suicide attack on a mosque and the ensuing clash leave two dozen dead.
2015.01.06 Turkey Sultanahmet 1 1 Polic blame al-Qaeda after a pregnant Russian woman sets off a suicide blast at a station.
2015.01.06 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 Two Shiite brothers are murdered in their shop by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2015.01.06 Egypt Cairo 1 3 An Ajnad Misr bomb hidden in a flower pot kills a policeman trying to defuse it.
2015.01.06 Iraq Mosul 23 0 Three female lawyers and twenty young men are executed in cold blood by caliphate members.
2015.01.06 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Radical Muslims murder a bride and groom for putting wedding decorations on their car.
2015.01.06 Iraq Haditha 7 13 Seven Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.01.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 Six civilians are affected by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.01.05 Afghanistan Zabul 2 9 Two civilians at a market are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2015.01.05 Pakistan Kalya 5 11 Terrorists bomb a playground, claiming five lives.
2015.01.05 Nigeria Baga 31 0 At least ten women are among over thirty killed during an assault on a village by Boko Haram.
2015.01.05 Iraq Salaheddin 8 0 Eight Iraqis are lined up and shot in the head by the Islamic State.
2015.01.05 Mali Nampala 7 0 An al-Qaeda-backed attack on a small border town leaves seven dead.
2015.01.05 Saudi Arabia Arar 3 3 A suicide blast leaves three border guards dead.
2015.01.05 Afghanistan Zabul 3 11 A Taliban suicide bomber takes out three civilians.
2015.01.04 Nigeria Kantoma 2 10 Two people preparing for church are shot to death by Fulani terrorists.
2015.01.04 Tunisia Zaghouan 1 0 Religious extremists slit the throat of an off-duty policeman.
2015.01.04 Yemen Ansarullah 4 25 A journalist is among four people blown to bits by an al-Qaeda bomb.
2015.01.04 Somalia Mogadishu 4 1 Four civilians are reduced to pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.04 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 A female doctor and her husband are murdered by fundamentalists.
2015.01.04 Somalia Baladweyne 1 0 A teenager is beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2015.01.04 Nigeria Lugda 1 4 One person dies from injuries suffered from a Boko Haram bombing.
2015.01.04 Iraq Fallujah 4 5 Four are killed when ISIS sends shells into a town.
2015.01.03 Mali Gao 2 0 A man and son are ambushed and killed by Islamic extremists.
2015.01.03 Iraq Shirquat 7 0 A child and two women are among seven civilians disassembled by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.01.03 Iraq Garma 15 0 Fifteen Iraqis are lined up and shot in the back of the head by caliphate members.
2015.01.03 Iraq Anbar 1 0 A local journalist is arrested and executed by the Islamic State for 'being an infidel'.
2015.01.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A security guard at a school is picked off by Muslim gunmen.
2015.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 23 0 Sectarian Jihadis execute two dozen people and throw their bodies into a river.
2015.01.02 Iraq Tuz 3 0 Three civilians are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.02 Libya Sukna 17 0 Jihadists slit the throats of fourteen soldiers and three civilians.
2015.01.02 Somalia Galkayo 1 5 Teachers are among the casualties of a deadly car bomb attack outside a school.
2015.01.02 Somalia Baidoa 7 3 A surprise attack by al-Shabaab leaves seven local soldiers dead.
2015.01.02 Afghanistan Lashkargah 4 0 Four bank employees are killed by a planted bomb.
2015.01.02 Libya Sabha 14 0 Fourteen local soldiers are captured and executed by Islamic State supporters.
2015.01.02 Nigeria Ambe-Madaki 15 40 Fifteen villagers are massacred when Muslim terrorists attack a Christian village.
2015.01.01 Iraq Samarrah 2 5 Two worshippers bleed to death when Sunnis mortar a Shiite shrine.
2015.01.01 Nigeria Gombe 0 8 A suicide bomber detonates at the entrance of a church service.
2015.01.01 Iraq Fallujah 15 0 Fifteen tribesmen are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.01 Afghanistan Kapisa 1 3 One person is killed when Jihadis bomb a car.
2015.01.01 Syria Aleppo 13 18 Terrorists fire rockets into a neighborhood, killing over a dozen.
2015.01.01 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Mujahideen murder three people in their own home.
2015.01.01 Iraq Yathrib 7 0 Seven Iraqis are killed in a house by caliphate members.
2015.01.01 Cameroon Maroua 15 10 Islamists pour machine-gun fire into a bus, killing fifteen passengers.
2015.01.01 Iraq Basra 3 2 Three Sunni preachers are shot to death by sectarian Jihadis.
2015.01.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite doctor is assassinated outside his clinic by Sunni radicals.
2015.01.01 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 Sunni hardliners murder a border guard.
2014.12.31 Afghanistan Qush Tepa 5 9 The Taliban ambush and kill five militants trying to give up their arms.
2014.12.31 Afghanistan Bati Kot 2 5 Sunni hardliners fire bullets into a store, killing two people.
2014.12.31 Afghanistan Oruzgan 3 5 A Taliban in police uniform shoots eight local cops.
2014.12.31 Yemen Ibb 49 70 A suicide bomber dressed as a woman slaughters nearly fifty innocents at a Shiite celebration, including women and children.
2014.12.31 Nigeria Fika 6 6 A pro-Sharia suicide car bomber kills six people.
2014.12.31 Nigeria Kantoma 3 0 Three members of a church are cut down in a vicious assault by Muslim terrorists.
2014.12.31 Iran Sarbaz 2 0 A Shiite teacher is among two people killed in a suspected sectarian attack.
2014.12.31 Pakistan Swat 3 1 Sunni fundamentalists attack and kill three members of a security patrol.
2014.12.31 Philippines Mlang 2 30 Muslim 'rebels' set off a bomb packed with nails at a market crowded with New Year's revelers, killing two.
2014.12.30 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Kurds are captured at Sinjar and beheaded by ISIS.
2014.12.30 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 A young woman is among two people murdered by suspected al-Shabaab.
2014.12.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia activist is lynched by devout Sunnis.
2014.12.30 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two physicians are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.30 Libya Tobruk 0 11 Eleven others are wounded when a suicide bomber detonates outside parliament.
2014.12.30 Syria Aleppo 15 5 Jabha Shamiyeh claim a bombing that leaves fifteen dead.
2014.12.30 Syria Raqqa 13 0 Thirteen prisoners are pulled out of a truck and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.29 Syria Deir al-Zor 70 0 Seventy tribal victims of a mass Islamic State execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2014.12.29 Afghanistan Helmand 4 3 Four Afghans are murdered by militants seeking a theocratic state.
2014.12.29 Syria Homs 8 12 Two suicide bombers target separate natural gas facilities, killing at least eight others.
2014.12.29 Iraq Taji 17 35 A Shahid suicide bomber dismantles seventeen Shiite mourners at a funeral tent.
2014.12.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Terrorists shoot a man to death at a market.
2014.12.29 Yemen Hadramawt 2 11 al-Qaeda take out two members of a security patrol.
2014.12.29 Yemen Marib 1 2 al-Qaeda bombers kill a civilian.
2014.12.29 Nigeria Kautikari 15 0 Fifteen people are machine-gunned in the street by Boko Haram.
2014.12.29 Iraq al-Baghdadi 4 13 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates inside a restaurant, killing four patrons.
2014.12.29 Iraq Baqubah 2 3 Terrorists riddle two civilians with bullets as they drive by.
2014.12.28 Syria Aleppo 6 10 Two children are among six souls sent to Allah by a caliphate car bomb.
2014.12.28 Egypt Alexandria 1 4 Suspected Islamists spray gunfire at a security checkpoint, killing one person.
2014.12.28 Yemen Aden 1 2 One person is taken out by an al-Qaeda blast.
2014.12.28 Afghanistan Lahgman 2 2 Two civilians are blown to bits by fundamentalist bombers.
2014.12.28 Iran Saravan 3 0 Jaish-ul Adl members are suspected of an attack that leaves three border guards dead.
2014.12.28 Uganda Kampala 1 0 A Muslim scholar is shot to death for refusing to cooperate with Islamic radicals.
2014.12.28 India Bangalore 1 3 Students Islamic Movement of India are suspected of a blast near a bar that leaves a woman dead
2014.12.28 Nigeria Potiskum 1 0 A bomb targeting soccer fans kills a food vendor.
2014.12.27 Pakistan Bhiri Sha Rehman 1 0 An Ahmadi is shot in the head shortly after a TV preacher rails against the religious minority.
2014.12.27 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two guards at a bank are gunned down by suspected extremists.
2014.12.27 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 1 0 A Kurdish imam is shot to death by Shiite militia.
2014.12.27 Yemen Sanaa 12 0 A dozen people are left dead after Sunnis and Shia clash.
2014.12.27 Cameroon Mozogo 30 3 Boko Haram burn down a village and slaughter at least thirty residents.
2014.12.27 Nigeria Tattaura 10 0 Muslims slaughter ten Christians.
2014.12.27 Afghanistan Wardak 3 5 Fundamentalists send a rocket into a volleyball match, killing three participants.
2014.12.26 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four Afghans are exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2014.12.26 Pakistan Sarki Mela 1 2 A civilian is killed when militant Muslims open indiscriminate fire at a checkpoint.
2014.12.26 Afghanistan Nad-e-Ali 3 0 A woman and child are among three killed by a Religion of Peace IED.
2014.12.25 Israel Jerusalem 0 2 Palestinians fire-bomb a family vehicle, severely injuring an 11-year-old girl.
2014.12.25 Libya Sirte 1 0 A 13-year-old Coptic girl is murdered and dumped after being abducted by Islamists.
2014.12.25 Libya al-Sidra 22 0 Twenty-two local soldiers are killed during a surprise attack by Fajr Libya.
2014.12.25 Libya Benghazi 20 0 Six people are beheaded, and fourteen others shot by Islamists.
2014.12.25 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Four others are killed during an al-Shabaab small arms attack targeting Christians celebrating Christmas.
2014.12.25 Iraq Jalawla 10 0 Ten victims of an ISIS ambush are found in a shallow grave.
2014.12.25 DRC Ndalya 10 12 ADF terrorists hack ten villagers to death in the middle of the night.
2014.12.25 Egypt al-Arish 1 1 Religious extremists kill one person with a planted landmine.
2014.12.25 Afghanistan Faryab 2 1 A woman and daughter are murdered in their own home in a suspected honor killing.
2014.12.24 Iraq al-Baghdadi 4 0 Four children are reported dead during a siege in which ISIS lobs chlorine canisters into a town.
2014.12.24 Iraq Yusufiya 4 7 Four civilians at a market are pulled into pieces by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2014.12.24 Somalia Garbahaarreey 2 0 Two brothers are captured and executed by al-Shabaab.
2014.12.24 Iraq Madain 43 61 At least forty Iraqis are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.12.23 Libya Sirte 2 1 Muslim radicals murder a Christian couple and abduct their daughter.
2014.12.23 Uganda Mayuge 1 0 A moderate Shia cleric is shot to death by ADF.
2014.12.23 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 6 A Taliban bomb explodes in front of a bank, killing one person.
2014.12.23 Yemen Sanaa 1 2 An al-Qaeda bomb produces one dead Shiite.
2014.12.23 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Two captives are shot in the head by Ansar Beit al-Maqdis.
2014.12.23 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 20 0 Twenty victims of 'brutal' ISIS executions are discovered in a mass grave.
2014.12.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Two people are disassembled by Mujahideen bombers.
2014.12.23 Somalia Kismayo 1 2 Islamists gun down a local official.
2014.12.23 Yemen Sanaa 2 2 al-Qaeda is thought responsible for bombing and small arms attacks that kill two Shiites.
2014.12.22 France Nantes 1 9 One person is left clinically dead when yet another man shouting Allah Akbar plunges his car into a Christmas market.
2014.12.22 Nigeria Bauchi 8 20 Religion of Peace bombers hit a market at closing time, killing at least eight innocents.
2014.12.22 Nigeria Gombe 20 21 Sharia proponents detonate a bomb at a bus station, sending shrapnel through dozens of bystanders.
2014.12.22 Pakistan Gulberg 1 2 A sectarian drive-by on three Shiites sitting outside motorcycle showroom leaves one dead.
2014.12.21 Yemen Arhab 4 26 An Ansarullah ambush leaves four dead.
2014.12.21 Afghanistan Shor Darya 5 0 Five children are disassembled by a Taliban landmine.
2014.12.21 Iraq Mosul 5 0 The caliphate executes five Yazidi women.
2014.12.21 Yemen Arhab 42 0 Forty-two Shiites are killed in a revenge attack by Sunni radicals.
2014.12.21 France Dijon 0 13 A convert to Islam praises Allah as he runs down pedestrians with his car 'for the children of Palestine'.
2014.12.21 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 4 A married couple lose their lives to an Islamic State mortar round.
2014.12.20 Afghanistan Kunar 7 3 Two young girls are among seven civilians disassembled by a Religion of Peace IED.
2014.12.20 Nigeria Gwoza 50 0 Islamic extremists round up fifty - mostly elderly - innocents and massacre them at a high school.
2014.12.20 France Joue-les-Tours 0 3 A foreign-born Muslim attacks French police officer with a knife while shouting praises to Allah.
2014.12.20 Afghanistan Jawzjan 7 4 Seven local cops are killed when Taliban ambush their check post.
2014.12.20 Iraq Tikrit 17 0 Women and children are among seventeen Iraqis executed in their homes by caliphate members.
2014.12.20 Iraq Hardan 70 0 The remains of many Yazidi victims of ISIS execution are found in a mass grave, including women and children.
2014.12.20 Iraq Madain 4 9 Terrorists detonate a bomb in a commercial district that leaves four dead.
2014.12.20 Syria Aleppo 1 0 A man is publicly beheaded by the caliphate.
2014.12.20 Iraq Taji 3 12 Three Iraqis standing outside a shop are sectionalized by Mujahid bombers.
2014.12.19 Pakistan Muridke 2 0 A married couple are shot to death by the woman's conservative family for marrying without permission.
2014.12.19 Afghanistan Laghman 1 6 A child is killed and six others injured from Taliban shrapnel.
2014.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 A bomb near an industrial area kills three.
2014.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Jihadis bomb a commercial district, killing two.
2014.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two people at a car repair shop are modularized by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2014.12.19 Yemen Seyun 3 5 An al-Qaeda bomb produces three dead locals.
2014.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 Four patrons at a market are cut to ribbons by Islamic bombers.
2014.12.19 Pakistan Daudzai 1 0 A traffic cop is machine-gunned in the road by Jihadis on a motorcycle.
2014.12.18 Iraq Nahyat al-Alam 1 0 A rival cleric is beheaded by fundamentalists on charges of 'sorcery'.
2014.12.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A Shahid suicide bomber kills one other person.
2014.12.18 Yemen Hodeida 18 15 Hardline Sunni suicide bombers take out eighteen Shiites.
2014.12.18 Pakistan Damadola 3 0 Three members of a security patrol are blown to bits by religious extremists.
2014.12.18 Iraq Baghdad 4 6 A bombing near a mosque leaves four dead.
2014.12.18 Iraq Mahmoudiya 4 0 A married couple and their two children are murdered in their own home by Mujahideen gunmen.
2014.12.18 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two sheikhs are kidnapped and killed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.18 Iraq Qasreej 7 0 Seven Iraqis are reportedly blown up by a suicide bomber.
2014.12.17 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 5 Two people are sectionalized by a Taliban bomb.
2014.12.17 Iraq Abu Ghraib 4 5 An 8-year-old boy and his mother are among five people dismantled by a Mujahid roadside blast.
2014.12.17 Nigeria Sabon Gida Shagogo 10 0 Fulani terrorists burn down a church and kill ten villagers, including the pastor.
2014.12.17 Syria Deir al-Zor 230 0 The bodies of over two-hundred tribal victims of an ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2014.12.17 Iraq Anbar 150 0 Human rights groups report the execution of one-hundred and fifty women for refusing to be brides for caliphate Jihadis.
2014.12.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 10 14 A Fedayeen suicide assault on a bank leaves ten others dead.
2014.12.16 Iraq Mosul 13 0 ISIS releases video of a mass beheading with thirteen victims kneeling in front of Shahada flags.
2014.12.16 Yemen Radaa 31 12 Twenty schoolgirls are among thirty-one innocents pulled into pieces by two Sunni suicide bombers.
2014.12.16 Pakistan Peshawar 148 122 One-hundred and thirty-two children are among over one-hundred and forty murdered in cold blood by Taliban gunmen, who attacked their school shouting praises to Allah.
2014.12.16 Syria Haresta 18 0 Eighteen civilians on a bus are machine-gunned by terrorists.
2014.12.16 CAR Mbres 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill a Christian with a grenade.
2014.12.16 Iraq Khan Bani Saad 2 0 Shiites kidnap two Sunnis and torture them to death.
2014.12.15 Iraq al-Alam 17 0 Caliphate militants execute seventeen captured tribesmen.
2014.12.15 Afghanistan Sabokhil 1 1 The Taliban take out a civilian with a roadside bomb.
2014.12.15 Somalia Lower Shabelle 10 0 An al-Shabaab attack on a local security base leaves ten personnel dead.
2014.12.15 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded by Sunnis on video for belonging to the Alawite religious minority.
2014.12.15 Pakistan Tangy 1 0 A Shiite is abducted, tortured and strangled by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2014.12.15 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 2 One person is killed when a suspected terrorist takes several people hostage.
2014.12.15 Iraq Mosul 30 0 Thirty young men are reportedly executed for refusing to join the Islamic State.
2014.12.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 An older Shiite man is abducted and strangled by Sunni rivals.
2014.12.15 Nigeria Cross Kawa 10 2 Islamic extremists massacre ten travelers and abduct a woman and her 2-year-old baby.
2014.12.15 Syria Yarmouk 2 0 al-Nusra publicly executes two Palestinians for blasphemy.
2014.12.15 Australia Sydney 2 5 Two others, including a woman, are killed when a radical cleric takes employees and patrons of a cafe hostage and proclaims his faith in Allah.
2014.12.14 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 1 0 A cop is shot and killed by Shiite radicals.
2014.12.14 Nigeria Gumsuri 33 191 At least thirty-three villagers are slaughtered by pro-Sharia militants.
2014.12.14 Egypt al-Arish 1 1 Religious fanatics open fire on two police officers, killing one.
2014.12.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 2 A woman is killed and her two children injured when fundamentalists hit her house with a rocket.
2014.12.14 Afghanistan Ghurband 4 4 Four local cops are gunned down by religious fanatics.
2014.12.14 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Christians die after being tortured by the Islamic State.

* Honor killings appear on the list, but are not included in the counter

There is a reason we call it Islamic terrorism, and it isn't
because we falsely attribute motives to the terrorists, but
because Islam is the stated purpose and aim of the terrorists.
Daniel Greenfield

Previous Years:

Islamic Terror Attacks for First Part of 2014

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2013

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2011

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2010

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2009

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2008

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2007

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2006

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2005

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2004

Islamic Attacks from September 11th, 2001 through 2003

About the List of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims

If we are "at war" with Islam it is not because there is something
 wrong with us, but because there is something wrong with Islam.

"I am one of the servants of Allah.  We do our duty of fighting for the
sake of the religion of Allah.  It is also our duty to send a call to
all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to
embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. 
Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion." 
Osama bin Laden (1957 - 2011)

If Muslim men like hijabs so much, maybe they should wear them.

If we should respect the Quran because not doing so causes Muslims to
get angry and kill, then here are the other things we should stop doing:

Educating  women.  Selling alcohol.  Pre-marital sexSharing a
non-Muslim religious faith. 
Democracy.  Disaster reliefSporting events
Free speech. Allowing women to dress as they please.  Being gay
Hindu.  Being Christian.  Being Jewish.  Being Buddhist
Sikh.  Being Ahmadi.  Being Sufi.  Going to the wrong mosque...


  Hamas Wants Your Money!   

This is Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Hamas terror group, which the Palestinians have chosen to run their government.  He wants your money...  unconditionally.

These are his people, the Hamas terrorists who have slaughtered hundreds of innocent people in shopping malls, cafes and even on buses.  (They're holding Qurans).

This is an example of who they murder: Mazal Marciano a talented and devoted mother of two small children.  She made easy pickings for Haniyeh and his henchmen.

Are you burning with the Peace of Islam?

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