Live Well

Healthy living for everyone

From acupuncture to homeopathy, read about treatments that fall outside of mainstream healthcare.

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Winter tiredness

Dreading the darker days? Here are six energy boosters to lift your mood and brighten up your day.

Keep warm and well

Advice on how to keep you and your family warm and well over the winter.

Knee exercises for runners

Knee exercises to help you run better, run pain-free and avoid knee pain.

Child measurement

Find out more about this year's National Child Measurement Programme.

Asthma in the cold

If you suffer with asthma, find out how cold weather affects your symptoms.

Tips for cutting down on alcohol

Practical tips on how you can reduce your drinking as the festive season approaches.

Strength and Flex podcasts

A five-week workout plan to improve your strength and flexibility

Download the strength and flexibility podcasts

5K+ running podcasts

Improve your running with these podcasts for Couch to 5K graduates

Download the Couch to 5K+ podcasts

Couch to 5K podcasts

Link to Couch to 5K podcasts

This audio running plan will guide you from couch to running 5K in just nine weeks.

Find the sport that's right for you

Find out which sport you're best suited to with this short psychological and aptitude test

Find your sport

BMI calculator and tracker iPhone app

Download the BMI healthy weight calculator and tracker app and use it to track the whole family's BMI over time

BMI iPhone app