Behind the Headlines

Your guide to the science that makes the news

Prescription drugs and grapefruit a 'deadly mix'

Tuesday Nov 27 2012

Mixing grapefruit and prescription drugs can be 'deadly'

'A breakfast of grapefruit and marmalade on toast could be lethal for people taking medication' is the alarming warning in the Daily Mail. It is prompted by a review highlighting the potential for over 80 drugs to interact with the fruit…

Psoriasis drug could hold key to dementia treatment

Monday Nov 26 2012

Psoriasis drug may offer hope of dementia treatment

BBC News reports that, "drugs used to calm inflammation in psoriasis may also help to combat the effects of Alzheimer's disease, a study on mice suggests." Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia, a condition characterised...

New meningitis B vaccine gets go-ahead

Monday Nov 19 2012

'Breakthrough' meningitis vaccine to be given UK licence

The announcement of a new meningitis vaccine has been widely reported in the papers, with the Daily Star claiming it could soon save thousands of lives in the UK. The Daily Mail predicts it will "soon be offered to all babies" to protect against...

'Alarming' rise in antibiotic resistance

Friday Nov 16 2012

'Alarming' rise in antibiotic resistance

'Resistance to antibiotics is one of the greatest threats to modern health,' BBC News reports, as the Chief Medical Officer, speaking before the launch of Antibiotic Awareness Day, warns that antibiotics are losing their effectiveness at an alarming rate…

Baby paracetamol: asthma risk not proven

Tuesday Nov 13 2012

Paracetamol use in infants 'increases asthma risk'

"Babies given Calpol and other forms of paracetamol are more likely to develop asthma," the Daily Mail reports. But this headline contradicts the findings of the study it is based on, which also did not focus on specific brands of paracetamol...

Could illegal drug meth hold key to flu cure?

Monday Nov 12 2012

Could illegal drug meth hold key to flu cure?

'Scientists in Taiwan have discovered that methamphetamine – one of the most widely used addictive drugs – may also have flu-fighting properties' the Daily Mail has reported. Could this highly addictive drug provide a potential cure for the flu?...

Effects of supplements on medicines 'dangerous'

Monday Oct 29 2012

'Hidden dangers' of mixing herbal remedies with medication

Herbal remedies such as echinacea and St John’s Wort "could make medication dangerous", the Daily Mail has warned. The story is based on a large review of evidence that aimed to identify potentially harmful interactions...

Antipsychotics still overprescribed in dementia

Friday Oct 19 2012

'Chemical cosh' drugs still over-prescribed to dementia patients

"'Chemical cosh' drugs given to 50pc more dementia patients than thought," The Daily Telegraph reports, while the Daily Express runs with a rather more tasteless headline "Shocking rise in dementia patients on 'zombie' drugs"...

New 5-day morning-after pill in 'promiscuity' claims

Friday Oct 19 2012

New 5-day morning-after pill in 'promiscuity pill' claims

The Daily Mail raise concerns about what they dub the promiscuity pill – a new type of emergency contraceptive that is effective up to five days after sex. But is there actually evidence that access to emergency contraceptives 'leads to unsafe sex'…

Widely used sleeping pill 'increases dementia' risk

Friday Sep 28 2012

Widely used sleeping pill 'increases dementia' risk

Sleeping pills taken by millions are linked to dementia, according to The Daily Telegraph. As an estimated 10 million to 11 million prescriptions for benzodiazepines are reported to be issued...

What is Behind the Headlines?

What is Behind the Headlines?

We give you the facts without the fiction. Professor Sir Muir Gray, founder of Behind the Headlines, explains more...

Miracle Foods: myths and the media

Each day there's a new crop of possibly life-changing headlines about how food affects our health. Read our report on the health properties of food

Clinical trials and medical research

Clinical trials explained, including how to take part in one and why medical research is important

Video: clinical trials

In this video, find out about clinical trials, what they involve and who can take part in one.

Atlas of risk

NHS Atlas of Risk

Compare cause of death and health risks based on age, sex and where you live

Strength and Flex

Download our Strength and flexibility podcast series and get a free personal trainer