Scientific American's 2012 Gadget Guide: Tech That Will Satisfy Your Inner Geek [Slide Show]

Scientific American has combed shopping malls and Web sites for 10 of the geekiest gadgets that leverage science and technology in novel and surprising ways

gadget,camp,stylus,robot,mobile,phone GADGETS GALORE: Clockwise from the top left square: BioLite CampStove, GoSmart stylus, Sparkfun's Mr. Robot and SpareOne's emergency mobile phone. Image: Courtesy of Scientific American

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Two things we love at Scientific American are science and technology—especially in the form of gadgets. When these elements come together in an interesting approach to achieving the mundane—such as keeping your hands warm or charging a mobile phone—we take note. This year's gadget guide includes 10 devices that take advantage of basic science to tackle some particular task in new and fun ways.

Scientific American's 2012 Gadget Guide


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Scientific American 's 2012 Gadget Guide: Tech That Will Satisfy Your Inner Geek [Slide Show]

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