Architects & Engineers:
Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
A 15-min Documentary with Ed Asner

Top AE911Truth Media

9/11: Blueprint For Truth
(The Trailer)

FOX News
with Richard Gage, AIA

The Reality Report
with Richard Gage, AIA

FOX TV, Fresno,
with Richard Gage, AIA

with Richard Gage, AIA

Vancouver Omni TV,
with Richard Gage, AIA

CBC - The Fifth Estate
"The Unofficial Story"

Latest News

Wake up your Campus to the 9/11 Evidence: Join the College Outreach Team PDF Print E-mail
Written by AE911Truth Staff   
Monday, 22 October 2012 20:15
The potential for college outreach was confirmed as every student who initially subscribed to the official story abandoned it by the end of Gage’s explosive presentation at Diablo Valley College. Students were inspired to take action based on their new awareness of 9/11.

If you are a student or professor, or if you live near a university, junior college, or any place of higher learning, we invite you to volunteer with AE911Truth and start organizing at your school to promote a new World Trade Center investigation. The College Outreach Team has been revived for the 2012–2013 school year in conjunction with the promising Spring AE911Truth College Speaking Tour, and we have plenty of opportunities for new volunteers. With just a few hours of effort, you can begin to make an impact on your college campus, alma mater, or nearby university.

Over the past century, many grassroots movements have taken place at college campuses. From civil rights and war protests to political rallies, universities have always been havens for free speech, scientific research, and open discourse, and AE911Truth has left its own impression on campuses around the world. The live presentation of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth has been given to students at more than 49 colleges since 2007, including such prestigious institutions as MIT, the University of Toronto, and Cambridge University.

Meet the AE911Truth Board of Directors PDF Print E-mail
Written by AE911Truth Staff   
Monday, 22 October 2012 19:37

Major decisions at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth are made by a five-member Board of Directors, currently consisting of CEO Richard Gage, AIA; Treasurer Tom Spellman; Secretary Robert McCoy; and Board Members Dan Barnum and Eli Rika.

Richard Gage, AIA, is the founder and CEO of AE911Truth and is guided in turn by the Board of Directors

Richard Gage, AIA, has been an architect for 24 years and has worked on $100M projects, including numerous fireproofed, steel-framed buildings. He began researching the destruction of the World Trade Center high-rises after hearing the myth-shattering radio interview of 9/11 researcher David Ray Griffin in 2006.

Tom Spellman has an undergraduate degree in architecture (with a minor in civil engineering) from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He also managed a housing co-op for 15 years and was an accountant for five years. An Internet discussion about 9/11 in late 2002 convinced him that the official story was a fraud. Upon hearing Dr. Steven Jones state that random fires and damage could not produce a symmetrical collapse, he understood that explosives had to be involved. He contacted Richard Gage to clarify technical points made during a presentation and was invited to join the weekly team calls as a volunteer. He has served as Treasurer ever since.

Join the AE911Truth Fundraising Family! A Deeply Rewarding Experience PDF Print E-mail
Written by Eli Rika   
Friday, 19 October 2012 12:58

Experts Speak Out Soars to #1 on PBS…

Remember Building 7 Campaign featured on Fox News…

Ed Asner interviewed by CBS about WTC 7 mini-documentary…

Fundraising Team Leader Joe D’Angelo has a passion for connecting with AE911Truth supporters over the phone and discussing the latest developments in the 9/11 Truth movement

These recent events propelled Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth into the national spotlight and helped inform countless people about the destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers, but did you know that none of these successes would have been possible without the dedicated volunteers on the AE911Truth Fundraising Team? They keep the engine running so that we can continue to produce breakthrough documentaries, reach out to the public with the explosive 9/11 evidence, and take important steps towards a real 9/11 investigation. In the wake of these recent triumphs – and with new breakthroughs on the horizon – we are looking to expand the fundraising team and bring in a few good men and women from across America to help fund our organization’s vital mission.

We Reached #1 on PBS - Help Us Get to #1 on for Just $2.99! PDF Print E-mail
Written by AE911Truth   
Thursday, 18 October 2012 16:53

Dear AE911Truth Supporter,

More great news – we’re on! But we need your help to carry this victory even higher.

In addition to becoming the #1 most watched and shared video on PBS online – ahead of NOVA and Masterpiece Theater – the new film “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” is now available on, the world’s largest online retailer!

You can help us get to #1 on Amazon Instant Video by watching the groundbreaking documentary right now at $2.99 for a seven-day online rental or $9.99 for a permanent download.

9/11 Lawsuit Heads Toward U.S. Supreme Court – With Your Help PDF Print E-mail
Written by Vincent Gillespie   
Wednesday, 17 October 2012 09:27

Family Member Ellen Mariani Featured in Experts Speak Out

By Vincent Gillespie, Secretary-Treasurer of the Ellen Mariani Legal Defense Fund

Editor’s Note: 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani, one of the four family members featured in 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, has challenged the official story in the U.S. court system for over a decade, and this could be her last chance to get a civil trial for the murder of her husband Louis. She needs to raise $11,000 by November 1 so that her legal team can make its final effort to re-open her lawsuit and present it to the Supreme Court. You can donate to her legal fund and find out more about the case at

Ellen Mariani lost her husband, Louis Neil Mariani, when Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower on 9/11, and she hasn’t given up the fight for justice since that tragic day

Embattled widow Ellen Mariani wants to tell the U.S. Supreme Court that the $3.75 million settlement of her late husband’s 9/11 claims was tainted, and she has authorized a legal defense fund to allow her to carry on her decade-long fight, announced Mariani backers August 30 from Massachusetts.

Mariani was the first person to sue airlines and airports for a 9/11 death--in Chicago federal court in early 2002. She was also one of the earliest family members to speak publicly about her doubts about the official 9/11 story. None of the remains of her husband Louis Neil Mariani, booked as a passenger on United Air Lines Flight 175, were ever returned to her. According to the official 9/11 story, Arab hijackers flew her husband’s plane into the South Tower of the World Trade Center after slipping past airport security with box cutters--but Mariani doesn’t buy it.

AE911Truth at Global Social Responsibility Conference - Oct. 24, 2012 PDF Print E-mail
Written by AE911Truth   
Wednesday, 10 October 2012 17:33

Global Social Responsibility Conference at St. Cloud State University

More Mass Media Breakthroughs PDF Print E-mail
Written by AE911Truth Staff   
Tuesday, 02 October 2012 11:39

CBS Sunday Morning features Ed Asner
questioning 9/11 and showing WTC 7’s free fall
on national television
Fox News’ Alan Colmes also covers Asner’s
views on 9/11

Help us push this media wave even higher!

Dear AE911Truth Supporter,

Over the past several days you have helped us regain the slipped ground on PBS’s website since we achieved #1 Most Watched and Most Shared rankings with Colorado Public Television (CPT12)’s showing of “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out.Thank you so much! As of this writing, your efforts have pushed us back up to the #2 Most Watched spot, after dropping for a time to #8.

We have always retained the #1 “Most Shared” spot, suggesting that people who see the explosive evidence are much more motivated to share it with others than are those who watch other PBS online previews and programs. That certainly does not surprise us … and it’s another point we can all make to help encourage the media to give us more and better coverage.

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