Architects & Engineers:
Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
A 15-min Documentary with Ed Asner

Sign the AE911Truth Petition

Top AE911Truth Media

9/11: Blueprint For Truth
(The Trailer)

FOX News
with Richard Gage, AIA

The Reality Report
with Richard Gage, AIA

FOX TV, Fresno,
with Richard Gage, AIA

with Richard Gage, AIA

Vancouver Omni TV,
with Richard Gage, AIA

CBC - The Fifth Estate
"The Unofficial Story"


"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

~ John Adams

The Evidence

Click Here to Download PDF Version of this Brochure 

I. Videos

Videos by AE911Truth

Videos Featuring AE911Truth

WTC Demolition Raw Footage

Videos Opposing AE911Truth

Foreign Language Translations

Videos by Others



II. Multimedia

NIST Slideshows AE911Truth Slideshows


Flash Brochure


III. Audio




IV. Documents

NIST Technical Articles
AE911Truth Evidence Brochure Foreign Translations
9/11 Investigator Newspaper


I. Videos

Videos by AE911Truth


AE911Truth's 9/11: Blueprint For Truth:

Watch the 9/11: Blueprint For Truth Trailer.
The 9/11: Blueprint For Truth Movie

(10 minute version.)

Download WMV (39MB)
Download MOV (79MB)

The 9/11: Blueprint For Truth Movie

(30 minute version.)

Download WMV (127MB)
Download MOV (277MB)

The 9/11: Blueprint For Truth Movie

(60 minute version.)

The 9/11: Blueprint For Truth Movie

Total Time: Approx. 2 hours.



Purchase the 9/11: Blueprint For Truth Companion Edition DVD Now

Purchase the full 2 hour 9/11: Blueprint For Truth DVD now.


^ Top





Press Conferences:


This event at the Marine's Memorial Club & Hotel in San Francisco celebrated the milestone that 1,000 architects & engineers have taken a close look at the evidence and concluded that the government's cover story does not resolve the facts.
AE911Truth held an historic press conference at the National Press Club on September 9th 2010. Iran's English speaking press agency was among those present to cover the story of the 1,000+ architects & engineers who are calling for a real investigation into the destruction of the 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11.





Explosive Testimony:


Physicist Jeff Farrer, one of the scientists who found thermite in the World Trade Center dust. He discusses his process of discovery using the scientific method. This video also contains raw footage of one of the world class experts appearing in our upcoming documentary, '9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out'.

Total Time: Approx.45 min.

Physicist Steven Jones was one of the scientists who found thermite inside the World Trade Center's dust. Chain of custody of the WTC dust and nanothermite are discussed in depth. He appears in the upcoming documentary, '9/11 Explosive Evidence —Experts Speak Out'.

Total time: Approx. 30 min.

Chemical Engineer Mark Basile is another scientist who found thermite in the World Trade Center dust. He discusses in-depth his process of discovery using the scientific method. This interview contains footage from the upcoming documentary, '9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out'

Total Time: Approx. 14 min.


Scott Grainger, Fire Protection Engineer: This interview is some raw footage of one of the world class experts appearing in Architects and Engineer's upcoming hard hitting documentary, "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out". Watch now!

Tom Sullivan, Former Explosives Loader for Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI): This interview is some raw footage of one of the world class experts appearing in Architects and Engineer's upcoming hard hitting documentary, "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out". Watch now!

Stephen Barasch, High-rise Architect: This is a AE911Truth exclusive interview. Watch now!

Les Young, High-rise Architect: This is a AE911Truth exclusive interview. Watch now!

Robert McCoy, High-rise Architect: This interview is some raw footage of one of the world class experts appearing in Architects and Engineer's upcoming hard hitting documentary, "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out". Watch now!

^ Top




Washington, D.C., The Mock Debate:


Debating the reasons for the collapse of the 3 buildings at the World Trade Center at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on September 9th, 2010.

Total Time: Approx. 105 min.

Former Senator, Mike Gravel showing support for AE911Truth at the Washington DC National Press Club with Dave Slesinger and Richard Gage, AIA.

Total Time: Approx. 20 min.

^ Top




Short Evidentiary Videos:


Eyes Wide Shut: Exposé of NIST's gross negligence in regard to molten steel on 9/11.

Total Time: Approx. 3 min.




Videos About Our Political Efforts:





^ Top



Videos Featuring AE911Truth

George Galloway's 'The Real Deal' hosting Richard Gage

New Zealand TV program 'Close-up' interviews Richard Gage

CBC's 'The Fifth Estate' hosts Richard Gage

Dick Gregory Supporting AE911Truth

Richard Gage on The Standard

Richard Gage on CCTV

Iranian "Press TV" covers AE911Truth's Washington DC Press Conference


Richard Gage is on the Reality Report with Gary Franchi

Richard Gage is interviewed on Fox News Detroit


^ Top





Videos by Others

AE911Truth's David Chandler, Physics Professor:

David Chandler's 'WTC7 in Freefall'

David Chandler's 'The North Tower Exploding'

David Chandler's 'Downward Acceleration of the North Tower'

NIST Admits Freefall

Let Me Know When You See Fire

Niels M. Harrit - TV 2 News Interview



^ Top




Videos Opposing AE911Truth

National Geographic Interview With Richard Gage, AIA

(206 MB, Windows Media Format)




^ Top








WTC Controlled Demolition Raw Footage

World Trade Center Buildings 1 and 2

CBS footage of World Trade Center Building 1 Collapsing
(9 seconds, 4.7 MB., MPEG Format)

World Trade Center Building 2 Demolition - South View
(1 min and 53 seconds, 53 MB, AVI Format)

World Trade Center Building Demolition - North East View
(45 seconds, 20 MB, MPEG-4 Format)

World Trade Center Building 2 - molten metal and base smoke
(2 min. and 43 sec., 72.7 MB, MPEG-4 Format)

WTC2 Demolition - South East View
(2 min. and 32 sec., 29 MB, MPEG-4 Format)

News Video of WTC2 Demolition Waves
(1 min. and 11 sec., 83.7 MB, Windows Media Format)

WTC1 - Explosions Highlighted
(5 min. and 31 sec., 30 MB, MPEG-4 Format)

WTC1 Collapse - North East View
(18 sec., 3 MB, MPEG-4 Format)

WTC1 Demolition
(56 sec., 70 MB., Windows Media Format)

WTC1 Collapse - CBS News Clip
(40 sec, 16 MB, MPEG-2 Format)

PBS Footage of WTC1 Demolition
(55 sec., 69.8 MB, Windows Media Format)

North View of WTC2 Collapse from ABC News
(36 sec., 15 MB, MPEG-2 Format)



World Trade Center Building 7

World Trade Center Building 7 Implosion
(18 sec., 9.2 MB., MPEG-2 Format)

Dan Rather from CBS News Reports about WTC #7(25 sec., 4.4 MB, MPEG-4 Format)



^ Top







II. Multimedia


NIST Slideshows

NIST WTC 7 Technical Briefing (PDF)

NIST Technical Briefing and Slide Show Concerning WTC 7 (Aug. 2008) (Video)



^ Top




AE911Truth Slideshows

AE911Truth Online Slide Show Presentation:

10 Minute (144 Slides, 13 Videos)

30 Minute (208 Slides, 23 Videos)

1 Hour (337 Slides, 30 Videos)

2 Hour (567 Slides, 58 Videos)





Flash Brochure



View online or download now.




^ Top






III. Audio


Radio Interviews

"A Firefighter, A Demolition Expert, and an Architect Look at Ground-Zero" with firefighter and founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Erik Lawyer; controlled demolition expert, Tom Sullivan; and architect and founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Richard Gage. Streaming Archive Here.

Guns & Butter with Bonnie Faulkner, Apr '10

WBZ, a CBS affiliate, is the largest AM radio station in Boston. This interview was aired to millions across the East Coast and we consider it to be our most successful 1-hour radio show.

NightSide with Dan Rea, Mar '10

Richard Gage, AIA on Progressive Radio Network with Gary Null.

The Gary Null Show, Mar '10

MERIA - Internet Radio for the alternative thinker - Commercial free talk with interviews, real news and alternative views. (

The Meria Show, Mar '10

Richard Gage, AIA on Truth News Radio Australia interviewed by Hereward Fenton. (

An interview with Richard Gage, AIA, Nov '09

AE911Truth is attacked heavily during this interview, but they prevail! This station is the premier Radio News broadcaster in New Zealand.

Richard Gage, AIA with Kim Hill on Radio New Zealand, Nov '09

KGO's Morning News is the number one rated morning program in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Cristine Craft KGO NewsTalk 810 AM, Mar '08



For more radio interviews, please visit our full archive.


^ Top







IV. Documents




The NIST Analyses: A Close Look at WTC 7, Mar 2010




^ Top





AE911Truth 9/11 Investigator Broadsheet Newspaper

911 Investigator banner


^ Top



Technical Articles

World Trade Center Blueprints

World Trade Center Tower A Architectural Drawings

29 Structural/Civil Engineers Cite Evidence for Controlled Explosive Demolition in Destruction of All 3 WTC High-Rises on 9/11, June '09

Republic Magazine — Evidence for the Explosive Demolition of World Trade Center, Building 7 on 9/11, Sept '09

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, 2009

Thermite: The Smoking Gun, Sept '09

World Trade Center Tower A Electrical Drawings

Explosives Found in World Trade Center Dust
Jim Hoffman

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, and others

(German translation)

(Spanish translation)

Why The Red/Gray Chips Are Not Primer Paint
By Niels H. Harrit, May 2009

Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials
By Kevin R. Ryan, James R. Gourley, & Steven E. Jones

Mysteries of the Twin Towers
R. Herbst

The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis
By Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti

Scientists, Scholars, Architects & Engineers respond to NIST
By 16 scientists, scholars, architects, and engineers

Public comments on the NIST WTC 7 draft report. Submitted to NIST 09/11/08.
Jonathan Cole P.E.

Journal of Engineering Mechanics:

Discussion of "Progressive Collapse of the World Trade Center: A Simple Analysis" by K.A. Seffen
Dr. Crockett Grabbe

Momentum Transfer Analysis of the Collapse of the Upper Stories of WTC 1
Gordon Ross Journal of 9/11 Studies

Direct Evidence for Explosions: Flying Projectiles and Widespread Impact Damage
Dr. Crockett Grabbe

Lies about the WTC by NIST and Underwriters Laboratories
Kevin Ryan - U.L. whistleblower - former Site Manager

Physical Chemistry of Thermite, Thermate, Iron-Alum-Rich Microspheres at Demise of WTC 1 & 2
Jerry Lobdill 6/15/2007

The Destruction of WTC 7
Vesa Raiskila

The NIST WTC Investigation -- How Real Was The Simulation?
Eric Douglas, Architect

Revisiting 9/11/2001 -- Applying the Scientific Method
Prof. Steven E. Jones, Ph.D., Physics

by Gordon Ross, ME [1], June 4, 2007*

Open Letter to Purdue President France Córdova
Kevin Ryan, B.S. Chem.

Jones vs. Robertson: A Physicist and a Structural Engineer Debate the Controlled Demolition of the World Trade Center
Gregg Roberts, Associate Editor,

Another Structural Engineer Questions WTC Collapses
William Rice, P.E.

Can Physics Rewrite History?
Chuck Thurston

Reply to Protec's "A critical analysis of the collapse of WTC towers 1, 2 & 7 from an explosives and conventional demolition industry viewpoint"
Jim Hoffman

NIST's World Trade Center FAQ: A Reply to the National Institute for Standards and Technology's Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Jim Hoffman

Building a Better Mirage: NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century
Jim Hoffman

The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True
David Ray Griffin

Another reason the 9/11 fire-mediated collapse theory is wrong
Joseph Smith

Popular Mechanics' Assault on 9/11 Truth
Jim Hoffman

Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?
Dr. Steven E. Jones

Proof That The Thermal and Gravitational Energy Available Were Insufficient to Melt Steel in the Twin Towers and 7 World Trade Center on 9/11/01
Terry Morrone

Report on Weidlinger Simulation
Leaked WTC Blueprints contain 3D simulations from the Weidlinger report that contradict the NIST repoort of the Twin Tower's destruction

Engineering News Record: The World Trade Center

Bad Science: Keith Seffen And The WTC 'Collapse'
Winter Patriot blog 9/14/07

UK Engineer: WTC 'Collapses' Were 'A Very Ordinary Thing'
Winter Patriot blog 9/11/07

Explosions or Collapse? The Semantics of Deception and the Significance of Categories
C. Thurston

My Response to Ryan Mackey and the Self-Crushing Building Theory, "On Debunking 9/11 Debunking"
by Chuck Thurston

Frank Legge (Ph D) Logical Systems Consulting Perth, Western Australia.

High Velocity Bursts of Debris from Point-Like Sources in the WTC Towers
Kevin Ryan

Response to NIST on Control Demolition Investigation Failure
Crockett Grabbe © January 13, 2008 University of Iowa & SeaLane Consulting

Response to NIST on Energy and Momentum
Crockett Grabbe © January 18, 2008 University of Iowa & SeaLane Consulting

Collapse of the South Tower of the World Trade Center
Crockett Grabbe © December 23, 2007 University of Iowa & SeaLane Consulting

Science in the Bush: When Politics Displaces Physics
By Dr. Crockett Grabbe and Lenny Charles 9/08/07

9/11 and the Twin Towers: Sudden Collapse Initiation Was Impossible
Dec 23, 2007
by Frank Legge, PhD & Tony Szamboti, Mechanical Engineer

Dr Seffen Paper Proven Ludicrous
by Mick Meany
Feb, 2008

Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center destruction
Steven E. Jones, Jeffrey Farrer, Gregory S. Jenkins, Frank Legge, James Gourley, Kevin Ryan, Danial Farnsworth, and Crockett Grabbe
January 2007

Engineer Sees Evidence of Extreme Temperatures in WTC Steel
Submitted by Shoestring on Mon, 02/25/2008

The Sustainability of the Controlled Demolition Hypothesis for the Destruction of the Twin Towers
Tony Szamboti, ME --- May, 2007

The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites

Kevin R. Ryan, 7-02-08

Response to ”Progressive Collapse of the World Trade Center: A Simple Analysis” by K.A. Seffen
Crockett Grabbe

How the Towers were Demolished
By Gordon Ross

How NIST Avoided a Real Analysis of the Physical Evidence of WTC Steel
By Andrea Dreger




^ Top



Foreign Language Translations


9/11: Blueprint For Truth 10 min. version

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (1 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (2 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (3 of 3)


9/11: Blueprint For Truth 10 min. version

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (1 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (2 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (3 of 3)


9/11: Blueprint For Truth 10 min. version

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (1 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (2 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (3 of 3)


9/11: Blueprint For Truth 10 min. version

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (1 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (2 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (3 of 3)


9/11: Blueprint For Truth 10 min. version

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (1 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (2 of 3)

9/11: Blueprint For Truth 33 min. version (3 of 3)



^ Top


Foreign Translations of Documents


Explosives Found in WTC Dust (WTCを破壊した高性能爆発物)

AE911Truth's Street Brochure (日本語版)


Active Thermitic Materials Found - Nachweis von reaktionsfähigem thermitischen Material im Staub der World Trade Center- Katastrophe vom 11. September 2001


Investigate 9/11 - Investigar el 11 de Septiembre




^ Top





This is the end of the evidence page.