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Faculty Staff Survey

In January 2010, 820 faculty and staff shared their opinions through the Health Science Center’s Survey of Organizational Excellence, which solicited feedback on work environment, pay and benefits, employee development, teamwork, organizational characteristics, communication and job satisfaction.  

The survey results identified areas of strength for UNTHSC (including Physical Environment, Strategic Orientation, Employment Development and Job Satisfaction) and areas for improvement (including Fair Pay, Internal Communication, and Team Effectiveness).  You can get an in depth look at the survey results, including a comparison of divisions within UNTHSC, a comparison of faculty and staff responses and a comparison between 2010 and 2008 responses by divisions within UNTHSC, by clicking the links below:  


2010 UNTHSC Faculty/Staff Survey of Organizational Excellence Executive Summary

2010 UNTHSC Faculty/Staff Survey of Organizational Excellence Complete Report

2010 Comparison of Constructs by School or Unit

2010 Comparison of Constructs by Faculty and Staff

Comparison of Survey Constructs Change from 2008 to 2010 by School or Unit



If you’d like someone to discuss survey results with your department or group, contact OSM at x2612.


This page last updated Oct 26, 2011
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