David Molina

Associate Professor
Director, Center for Inter-American Studies and Research

Department : 
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Molina has expertise in North American Free Trade Agreement, water resources, water conservation, Mexican economics, U.S.-Mexico border economics, U.S.-Mexico trade, and border air pollution.

Ph.D., Economics, Texas A&M University, 1983
B.B.A., Economics, Saint Mary’s University, 1979


ECON 3150: Economics of Discrimination
ECON 4510: History of Economic Thought
ECON 4980: U.S.-Mexico Economics Relations
ECON 4850/5850: International Trade
ECON 5600: Mathematical Economics
ECON 5090: Seminar on the History of Economic Thought


Molina, D. (2012). Are the impacts of taxes on the household racially and ethnically blind? The story of how tax compliance and morality impacts the redistribution of income. National Tax Journal.

Jewell, T., Melgra, N., Molina, D., & Rossi, M. (2012). Attitudes towards immigrants: A cross-country perspective. Journal of Economic Issues.

McPherson, M., Molina, D., & Jewell, T. (2010). The determinants of the growth of microenterprises in central Mexico: Evidence from a survey in Toluca. Canadian Journal of Development Studies.

More Articles


Molina, D., Fullerton, Jr., T. M., & Barraza de Anda, M. P. (2010). Education, direct foreign investment, and regional economic performance in México. In L. Rueda & L. Casas (Eds.), Mercado laboral, población y desarrollo Estudios sobre Ciudad Juárez Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.

Erickson, C. A., Molina, D., & Ghosh, S. N. (2005). Using emission permit trading to coordinate environmental policy: The U.S.-Mexico border. In T. Curry, M. Lownes-Jackson & S. Ghosh (Eds.), Globalization and Urbanization: Opportunities and Challenges (pp. 26-60). Tennessee State University Press.

Erickson, C. A., Molina, D., & Ghosh, S. N. (2004). The U.S.-Mexican border environment: Improving transboundary air quality with binational emission reduction credit trading. (SCERP Monograph Series, No. 10 ed.). San Diego, CA: San Diego State University Press.

More Books


Molina, D., & Dorman, M. (2010, November 19). Emulation vs. socializing consumption: The Hispanic consumer. Presented at the Americas center of the federal reserve bank of Atlanta and the American Society of Hispanic Economists Organized a workshop on Hispanic economic issues.

Molina, D., & Dorman, M. (2010, November 20). Emulation vs. socializing consumption: The Hispanic consumer. Presented at the Southern Economic Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Molina, D., & Salinas, G. (2010, October). Implicaciones de las remesas en la alimentación. Presented at the Seminario internacional en ordenación y gestión sustentable del territorio of the geography department at the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico

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