Barney Venables


Department : 
Biological Sciences
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Venables’ areas of research are invertebrate immunoassay techniques for assessment of terrestrial toxicity and LC/MS-based identification of proteins from archaeological pottery. With the Institute of Applied Sciences, his research interests include trace containments in wastewater treatment plant effluent and watershed protections. Lastly, in the Center for Plant Lipid Research, Dr. Venables’ main research interests include N-acylethanolamines in cytoprotection and signaling.

Ph.D., Biology, University of North Texas, 1976
M.S., Biology, Baylor University, 1972
B.A., Biology, Baylor University, 1970


BIOL 4120/5120: Environmental Chemistry
BIOL 6390: Techniques in Environmental Analysis
BIOL 4005: Contemporary Topics in Biology
BIOL 5040: Contemporary Topics in Environmental Science and Ecology


Barker, A., Venables, B., Stevens, S. M., Seeley, K. W., Wang, P., & Wolverton, S. (2012). An optimized approach for protein residue extraction and identification from ceramic after cooking. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.

Nallani, G., Paulos, P., Constantine, L., Venables, B.J., & Huggett, D. (2010). Bioconcentration potential of ibuprofen in fathead minnow (pimephales promelas) and channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.

Huggett, D., Baxter, D., Overturf, M., Overturf, B., Venables, B.J., & Constantine, L. (2010). Early life stage toxicity of selected pharmaceuticals to the fathead minnow, pimephales promelas. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.

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Baxter, D., Hala, D., Constantine, L., Venables, B.J., & Huggett, D. (2009, November). Early life stage toxicity of norethindrone, ibuprofen and verapamil to fathead minnows (pimephales promelas). 30th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, New Orleans, LA

Nallani, G., Paulos, P., Venables, B., Vaz, L., Constantine, L., & Huggett, D. (2009, November). Bioconcetration potential of ibuprofen in fathead minnow (pimephales promelas) and channel catfish (ictalurus puntatus). 30th annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, New Orleans, LA.

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