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November 16, 2007
UNT HSC Logo Campus Connection Newletter Title. People. Plans. Progress. Feature photo

New administration appointments announced

As part of our ongoing vision to become a top 10 health science center, several changes have been made to the administrative organization this fall.

Click on headline for a list of new administrative appointments.



EIS Logo

Planned software upgrade for UNT portal and EIS Learning Solutions
Some portions of the Health Science Center’s Enterprise Information System (EIS) are being upgraded to stay current with federal regulatory updates and take advantage of new PeopleSoft features and software improvements.    

From noon on Wednesday, Nov. 21, the myUNT portal (, HSC portal ( and the EIS Learning Solutions ( web sites will be unavailable until Monday, Nov. 26. EIS Financials (,, and GroupWise are not affected by the outage and will continue to be in service.

Click on headline to read more.


Students during telecast

UNT System Regents meet at HSC
The UNT System Board of Regents held its quarterly meeting at the Health Science Center on Nov. 15 and 16. The regents meet quarterly to discuss and vote on key items such as expanding programs and buildings at all UNT campuses, and to get updates on activities at each campus. The regents meet at the Health Science Center once a year. Three new board members attended this meeting and visited our campus for the first time.

For a full report on the Board of Regents' actions and more, attend one of President Ransom’s quarterly town hall meetings: Wednesday, Nov. 28 at noon and Friday, Nov. 30 at 7am. Both will be held in Everett Hall. UNT HSC Logo


For HER logo
HSC sponsors women’s health symposium
Women’s health experts from the Health Science Center and from around the country met to participate in the 19th annual Pelham P. Staples, Jr., Educational Symposium on Women’s Health Care this week. The conference, which continues through Saturday, Nov. 17, focuses on new trends and controversies in primary care and is sponsored by the Health Science Center and John Peter Smith Hospital. It is hosted by Dr. Ralph Anderson, chair and assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology.

The symposium is at the Sheraton Arlington Hotel in Arlington. You can still attend Saturday’s primary care-focused events for a reduced fee. CNE/CEU credit is available. UNT HSC Logo



Call Center Employee

735-DOCS operators answer the call….over 60,000 times
Tarrant County residents are quickly becoming familiar with UNT Health’s 735-DOCS phone number as a resource for their health care needs. The last four month’s numbers have been tallied and analyzed… they totaled a whopping 62,514 calls. The average waiting time before speaking with a live representative was 51 seconds. Each call averaged just under three minutes, which means each staff member averaged 11.5 calls every hour. Currently, there are seven customer service representatives manning the phones and two of them are bilingual. There are also efforts underway to add additional staff and an RN Assistant Director. UNT HSC Logo



Inauguration Logo

“World of Possibilities” photos and video online
Check out the newly updated “World of Possibilities” Inauguration web site... It’s got photos from all of the inaugural events, as well as President Scott Ransom’s ceremony address and the “World of Possibilities” video. UNT HSC Logo



Tree Decoration

Mark your calendars: HSC announces holiday celebration schedule
Help the Health Science Center family celebrate the holidays in the upcoming weeks. Check "Save the Date" and mark your calendars with the dates and times for all of the holiday festivities. UNT HSC Logo



In Remembrance

Dr. Jerry McGill

Jerry McGill, PhD
Associate Professor in the Department of
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
November 2, 2007



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Feature photo

Is photography your hidden talent?  We’re holding the first ever non-judged UNTHSC Employee Photography Show in December and January in the Atrium Gallery. Click here for details.

Shea Patterson-Young
Special Events Planner

In the News

DNA and Health Disparities

Employee Kudos

Notable achievements by our colleagues


Volunteer Spotlight

Women build for Habitat for Humanity


Save the Date

UNTHSC calendar of events






Campus Connection
University of North Texas Health Science Center
3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard | EAD 806 | Fort Worth TX | 76107-2699