Frequently Asked Questions:

What is included in the University Union Building Master Plan?

The Project of the University Union will provide:

  • New, state-of-the-art sustainable building practices throughout each element of the building infrastructure. This will eliminate the many environmental concerns that are currently facing the standing Union building.
  • New and upgraded technology throughout the building, including reliable substructures (heating and air, water and sewer, etc), better wi-fi access, audio-visual equipment, etc.
  • Expanded dining options uniquely-tailored to the needs of the campus community and designed with student voiced choices. This will provide for enhanced service, options, and seating space for our expanding campus population.
  • Larger, more secure lounge and study spaces that will allow students to better focus or relax between classes. This will decrease the noise distractions as well as provide more options for students while they concentrate on classroom materials or take a break.
  • Increased space for student organizations and study group meeting rooms, as well as expanded storage areas and office space for student activities.
  • A better, more visible representation of Eagle spirit and tradition and the pride of the UNT campus.

How would the University Union Master Plan project benefit the UNT student body?

There are critical infrastructure concerns throughout the Union building which significantly hinder our abilities to serve the student body in the best way possible. Because of these concerns we have been unable to deliver on key issues that students have brought up over the past several years, including the need for expanded study lounges, conference rooms, dining facilities, and recreational spaces. The current facility's aging infrastructure is a hindrance to our ability to solve these problems without majorly disrupting the academic experiences of the student body as well as comply with local and state regulations on budgetary requests.

A well-maintained Union with new technological systems such as mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems would further guarantee our ability to provide a high-level of uninterrupted service to the UNT campus community. An improved Union would be an asset to the UNT campus and the student body by providing space and access to new and enhanced services, permitting space to accommodate each student an area to study, relax, or visit with friends; a broader-range of dining options in new and clean facilities; and the ability to provide the necessary impression upon our future Eagles as they visit our campus and experience the culture of our diverse campus. This project is about more than some tape and spackle over the holes, it's about making your impression and leaving your mark on campus for our future students.

We have a major parking problem on our campus and some of the classrooms on campus appear to be in worse condition. Shouldn't we focus on addressing those issues first?

Money to repair or build academic buildings on campus comes from a completely different fund. University budget dollars are not able to be spent on a Union master plan; however, student fees are currently responsible for covering and maintaining the costs of operating the Union facility. The University Master Plan does address the parking problem on campus, and in conjunction with a new rail system through the City of Denton we are confident that these issues will be appropriately addressed. These crucial upgrades will be funded by parking and transportation fees.

I hardly ever use the University Union. Why should I be responsible for paying for it?

The Union is widely known as the center of the campus community. As the Union does support numerous divisions on campus, we have always played a vital role in each student's educational experience. Because we see more than 17,000 people per day, ¼ of which are visitors, the Union is directly related to enrollment recruitment and retention. A new Union would not only improve the quality of your academic career, add to UNT's reputation and prestige, but will also add immeasurable value to your degree.

Will the Master Plan be compliant with ADA (American Disabilities Act) standards?


How have students been involved in the development of the University Union Building Master Plan project?

From the very beginning, the Union development team has understood the importance of giving students an opportunity to have a voice in every part of the decision process. Students held prominent positions on committees, participated on focus groups and open forums, and interacted at information sessions throughout the year.

If approved, how do you plan to continue involving students as the project moves forward?

After the vote if the referendum is approved, students will continue to play an integral part of the approval and planning process. This will ensure that the student voice is carried through each discussion with UNT leadership and that each design element incorporates the desires of your campus community.

The Union is old, but looks like it still works okay. What improvements need to be made?

The current Union building was built in the 1960’s, and has not undergone any major renovations or changes to the facility since then. While cosmetic changes have been made to upgrade certain areas, there are several threats to the infrastructure that need to be addressed that are nearly-impossible or impossible to complete under the current conditions, these include:

  • Life-cycle of the current building's mechanical system is failing
  • Lacking adequate spaces per student for the current population, and will continue to decline as the campus grows.
  • Because of our rapid enrollment increases we have already lost services and functions that we once were able to offer, and are standards in other colleges and universities in the state of Texas and the country.
  • As time goes by and inflation continues to rise, the cost of repair the current facility have almost exceeded the cost of building a new facility. These costs will continue to rise, crippling Union and university operations.
  • The building's interior is widely perceived as tired, aging, and dilapidated.
  • Current infrastructure upgrades are blocked by the inability to fix necessary problems such as the very large amount of asbestos in the walls, floors, and ceilings as well as rain-gutter infrastructure that is unable to handle large rainstorms without flooding the facility.
  • The current facility was designed to serve up to 17,000 students. Our campus population now includes more than 40,000 students, thereby limiting our capability to function properly.
  • National statistics show that the Union's current dining areas are short roughly 35,000 square feet. Our main food service area, The Campus Chat, is too small to properly serve our campus community; it also limits our abilities to provide expanded options, better seating, and quicker access for students.
  • Student lounges fail to meet the national standard by approximately 6,000 square feet.
  • Student organizations space is short by 7,500 square feet according to the national standards.
  • Student meeting space in the Union has reached a critical point, we only have 5,285 square feet compared to the national average of 22,100 square feet.
  • We serve 2.5 million users per year in a space that was designed to meet the needs of significantly smaller population in 1976.
  • In a survey conducted in 2006, students stated that they would rather have services in a central location of the Union and that the Union builds a sense of community that enhances the academic mission of UNT by large majorities.

Will the new Union facility be a more eco-friendly sustainable building?

The Union has always taken the need for a sustainable building very seriously. One of our top concerns for the new facility is for it to be a Gold-certified LEED building. Our campus community and student body has worked very hard to ensure that we are doing our part to be environmentally-friendly in every way possible. We are hoping to take that a step further. The major areas that the new design would focus on include:

  • A sustainable site
  • Water efficiency
  • Energy and atmosphere
  • Materials and resources
  • Indoor environmental quality
  • Innovation of the design process

LEED certified buildings typically use resources more efficiently when compared to conventional buildings which are simply built to code. LEED certified buildings often provide healthier work and living environments, which contributes to higher productivity and improved student and occupant health and comfort.

Why can't my tuition pay for the Union Master Plan?

Tuition dollars are only allotted to pay for certain budget items for the University which does not include facilities like the University Union. The Union is paid for with a separate fee that is locked at an increase of $1 per year, hardly enough to cover the rise in inflation. A phased-in fee increase would be set aside specifically for the Master Plan project.

When will the building be completed?

What will the fee increase be used for?

The fee will be used for all of the expenses of the project and then to pay the debt services on the bonds that will need to be purchased prior to the construction process commencing. The master planning team has done extensive benchmarking to target a fee range that would most benefit the students and the project while being fiscally responsible to the needs of the campus community.

Should we expect more fee increases in the future to cover the cost of the Master Plan?


Why should I support this Master Plan project if I will be gone before it is complete?

Just like in 2003, students voted to begin funding the construction of the new Pohl Recreation Center when few would actually be on campus and able to use the facility. These students invested into the future of UNT, so students like yourself would be able to enjoy a nice new facility that is able to accommodate and serve the student population well. Their contribution to the campus is seen by nearly 40% of the campus population every day. The Union facility serves almost 50% of the student population on a daily basis. This is your opportunity to give back to the future students at UNT. Today UNT students can take pleasure in knowing that a new union would mean for them:

  • ADMIRATION : Bringing recognition and admiration to your degree from UNT by attracting the very best and brightest in students and faculty.
  • SUPPORT : Opportunities to provide vital support systems that the Union has been unable to delivery because of lack of space.

  • EXPANSION : More space to connect, eat, study, relax, reflect, and be a part of the campus at UNT.
  • PRIDE : Centralized home for UNT spirit and tradition, a home for the vibrant history and diverse community at UNT.
  • LEGACY : Leaving your mark on history at UNT. Make a change for the future.

More Information about the relocation of programs during the renovation process can be found here and here.