University of North Texas

College of Visual Arts and Design

UNT CVAD - Images
  • CVAD Alum Carl Finch heads the two-time Grammy winning band, Brave Combo.

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  • The CVAD Art Education Doctoral Program is a nationally ranked program, #13 in North America

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  • One of every fifteen students at the University of North Texas is a CVAD major! 

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  • UNT is an institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design

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  • Art Education faculty members Chris Bain and Nadine Kalin served on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Art Education, one of the most prestigious journals in the field.

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  • UNT‘s MFA program ranks in the upper 25% nationally according to US News and World Report

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  • CVAD‘s Communication Design students won nine of fifteen Best of Show prizes in this year‘s Dallas Society of Visual Communication 4th Annual National Student Show.

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  • As of Fall 2008, all new CVAD MFA students will receive $1000 scholarships.

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  • In Spring 2008, CVAD donors sponsored over $50,000 in scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students!

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  • The CVAD NAEA student chapter won the 2008 Student Organization Distinguished Service award from the University

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  • The Department of Art Education and Art History prepares more art teachers each year than any other university in Texas.

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  • CVAD‘s Ph.D. program in Art Education is among the top-rated programs in the U.S.

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  • Recent graduates of the art history program have pursued advanced degrees at University of Texas, Tufts University, University of Rochester, City College of New York, University of Arizona, Southern Methodist University, and Texas Christian University.

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  • CVAD art historians were the first UNT faculty chosen to participate in UNT‘s Next Generation course redesign. This program is considered to be a national model.

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  • The Department of Art Education and Art History faculty includes presidents of three national and international professional societies and the 2006 Art Educator of the Year.

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  • CVAD offers regular opportunities to study and travel in countries such as China, England, Ireland, Russia, and Scotland.

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  • CVAD‘s Texas Fashion Collection includes over 15,000 fabulous dresses by designers such as Balenciaga, Dior, de la Renta, and many others.

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  • CVAD Art Education alum Susan Gabbard is the former president of the National Art Education Association.

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  • CVAD alum, sculptor, Jesús Moroles, is on the Board of the Smithsonian Institute

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  • “I learned a lot about the creative process for producing a complete original work.”

    - Jezzalie Gill (Drawing 1)

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  • CVAD‘s Texas Fashion Collection includes over 15,000 fabulous dresses by designers such as Balenciaga, Dior, de la Renta, and many others.

    Did you know?

  • CVAD Art Education alum Susan Gabbard is the former president of the National Art Education Association.

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  • CVAD alum, sculptor, Jesús Moroles, is on the Board of the Smithsonian Institute

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  • Interior Design MFA student Greta Buehrle was named one of two IDEC Foundation Graduate Scholars for 2009.

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UNT CVAD - Images


Announcement | 500X Gallery Opening Saturday December 1, 7-10pm

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

Opening December 1, 2012 7-10PM  
December 1-January 6, 2012

In the Downstairs Main Gallery-

Elaine Pawlowicz  & Irby Pace

Elaine Pawlowicz, Rainbow Roots

A Rock in the Sky
A series of oil paintings by Elaine Pawlowicz reinterpreting images found in nature located the bottom of the world and responding to the phenomena of gravity, attachment, suspension, and vertigo.

Irby Pace, Red Pop
With Pop! I am creating a new way to view the traditional landscape through photography. I am painting the sky with clouds of colored smoke which are released via canisters that I am levitating into the physical space.

500X Presents
In the Upstairs Gallery
White Lie
Benjamin Terry

Goodbye To Sleep, 60" x 80", mixed media on panel

Working with memory, fantasy, dreams and time, I create narrative sequences that reflect on internal conflict, self-doubt, ulterior motives and emotional trauma. The complexity of relationships with loved ones serve as a constant resource for narrative content. Like a memory or dream, parts of those stories become blurred or fragmented, and the original thought is always transformed. Each painting's evolution, whether through multiplicity, incompleteness or obliteration implies that my subjects are odd fragments of a half-forgotten memory.

In the Project Spaces-


All in All
Jonathan Snow

Matthew Clark, Clayton Hurt, Tiffany Wolf

Announcement | State of the Art: Discussions about Technology in Contemporary Art

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Announcement | 500x Gallery Opening

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500X Gallery
Opening December 1, 2012 7-10PM  
December 1-January 6, 2012
In the Downstairs Main Gallery-
Elaine Pawlowicz  & Irby Pace
Elaine Pawlowicz, Rainbow Roots

A Rock in the Sky
A series of oil paintings by Elaine Pawlowicz reinterpreting images found in nature located the bottom of the world and responding to the phenomena of gravity, attachment, suspension, and vertigo.

Irby Pace, Red Pop

With Pop! I am creating a new way to view the traditional landscape through photography. I am painting the sky with clouds of colored smoke which are released via canisters that I am levitating into the physical space.
500X Presents
In the Upstairs Gallery
White Lie
Benjamin Terry

Goodbye To Sleep, 60" x 80", mixed media on panel

Working with memory, fantasy, dreams and time, I create narrative sequences that reflect on internal conflict, self-doubt, ulterior motives and emotional trauma. The complexity of relationships with loved ones serve as a constant resource for narrative content. Like a memory or dream, parts of those stories become blurred or fragmented, and the original thought is always transformed. Each painting's evolution, whether through multiplicity, incompleteness or obliteration implies that my subjects are odd fragments of a half-forgotten memory.

In the Project Spaces-
All in All
Jonathan Snow


Matthew Clark, Clayton Hurt, Tiffany Wolf
500X Gallery
500 Expositon Ave.
Dallas, Texas 75226
214.828.1111 |
HOURS: Saturday & Sunday Noon-5pm, and Weekdays by appointment


Announcement | Visiting artist Beauvais Lyons

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

Thank you to visiting artist Beauvais Lyons ( who showed his work and performed at P.R.I.N.T Press during his week-long visit to the University of North Texas. He also gave presentations in Core Design's Core Talk series, Core Drawing, and Art Education / Art History's History of Prints class. Additionally, Beauvais participated in a panel discussion hosted by Contemporary Art Dealers of Dallas (CADD) at the Business Council for the Arts (BCA).

We are grateful for Beauvais' work at UNT and for the broad interest that his visit generated.

Beauvais' residency was co-sponsored and by Art Education / Art History, Core Design, Core Drawing, Printmaking and P.R.I.N.T Press. 


Announcement | FW: Paula Gaetano-Adi receives prestigious VIDA Art and Artificial Life Award

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

CVAD Assistant Professor of New Media Art Paula Gaetano-Adi wins prestigious international award for her work in art and artificial life.

Announcement | Elmer Taylor's Retrospective Show - Opening

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

Elmer Taylor will be having his Opening Reception on Saturday, October 13th from 5-9 in the Main Art Gallery in the Art Building. Attached is the card for the show. Download it to view it.
We hope to see you all there!!

Announcement | UNT wins 2012 Green School Award

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UNT wins 2012 Green School Award

The University of North Texas is a Higher Education winner of the 2012 Green School Awards by the U.S. Green Building Council Central Texas – Balcones Chapter.

The Green School Awards recognize sustainable design that promotes public awareness with the idea that every school can present the opportunity for each student to develop a love for learning through energy efficient buildings, higher test scores and low absenteeism, according to the website. U.S. Green Building Council Central Texas – Balcones Chapter is a nonprofit organization committed to accelerating growth in sustainable building and land development practices in Central and South Texas through innovation, education, advocacy and partnerships, according to their mission.

Winners of this award had to submit a PowerPoint presentation exhibiting characteristics of green school designs in either public, private, K-12 or higher education schools; submit a description of the project; site plan and images.

UNT’s Life Science Complex will be honored as the Higher Education  winner of the 2012 Green School Awards Oct. 11 in Austin at the 2012 Green School Symposium; Perkins+Will Architects will also present the project case study at the symposium.

Announcement | The Art Foundation presents: twain

| Submitted by Admin

The Art Foundation presents
October 27- December 15, 2012
Opening reception: Saturday, October 27, 6-9 PM.

Gray Matters Gallery
113 N Haskell, Dallas

The Art Foundation
presents twain, an examination of the alter ego as an artistic method of expansion and safe haven.
Concerned with the increasing burden of reputation as a stultifying constraint upon artists, the exhibit allows its artists to take-up an artificial duality, promoting unfulfilled desires by negating a recognizable identity through the person of the alter-ego.  This anonymity of the true individual leaves objects and embedded concept free from qualifying associated status.

Capitalizing on this highly democratic method of exhibiting, The Art Foundation has invited a range of internationally recognized artists, art groups, and writers to participate in the exhibition, many of whom will remain anonymous. Specific works will: engage reflections on both local and international issues, address the phenomena of the alter-ego’s persona eclipsing the artist's original identity, allow for the permissive recreation of works previously authored, promote dubious legitimacy, and highlight the written word as contextual subterfuge.

Recognizing the internet as a primary source of avatar dissemination, The Art Foundation will also provide a partner, online, catch-all exhibition to further explore these themes at

The Art Foundation is a Dallas-based art collective that aims to cultivate rigorous artistic dialogue and innovative art exhibition strategies. Joshua Goode, Ryder Richards, Lucia Simek, and Andrew Douglas Underwood are The Art Foundation. (

Cain Nevaeh, Religious Icon, Digital Photograph, 2008

Triple Candie, Unwitting Accomplices: Thirty-six Objects Thrown in Violent Incidents, 2008

Announcement | PRINT hosts open house for BEPS Conference

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

PRINT hosts open house for BEPS Conference participants.

CVAD faculty members Lari Gibbons, Lesli Robertson, and James Thurman
participated in the 2012 BEPS (BioEnvironmental Polymers Society)
Conference at the University of North Texas. Poster presentations detailed
their work with fibers, polymers, and recycled materials in the production
of artworks. During the conference, participants were invited to an open
house at PRINT (the Print Research Institute of North Texas) to see
applications of polymer plates in the printing process. CVAD helped
sponsor the conference to further research and partnerships in materials
science and art.


See the video here.

Announcement | Painting

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN


Professor at Washington University, St. Louis, Whitney Biennial participant.

Speaker: Michael Byron

Date & Time: TBD @ 1:00pm

Location: Sage Hall 116

Announcement | Professional opportunities for

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

Professional opportunities for

Represented by the Michael Weiss Gallery, NYC.

Speaker: Ana Ort

Date & Time: TBD @ 1:00pm

Location: Sage Hall 116

Announcement | Joy Ude in CraftTexas 2012

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Joy Ude, a 3rd year MFA candidate in the Fibers program, had her work selected for CraftTexas 2012 at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft.  For more information about the show, including exhibition/opening dates and participating artists, click the link below.

Announcement | Students drawing in space

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

Announcement | CVAD faculty help students adjust to College life

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

CVAD faculty members Tim DeVoe and Eric Ligon are helping students adjust to college life in a very personal way.  This fall, Associate Deanand Distinguished University Teaching Professor  Eric Ligon and his family have taken up residency in the Honors College Dormitory!  Eric and Leslie Ligon and their two sons and family pet have taken up long-term residency on campus to help the 200 students in the dorm.  You can read about their decision and adventure at

New CVAD Assistant Professor of Sculpture Tim DeVoe is serving as a mentor for the REAL Community ifor students with interests in art and design.  The REALCommunity program links faculty members with students iinterested in the field and provides field trip opportunities as well as special dormitory resources for students with similar interests. See for information on the Art and Design REAL Community.

Announcement | CVAD Archival Project

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

The CVAD Archival Project is now available for the CVAD community.  Faculty, staff, students and alumni may submit digital images and all the requisite information by completing the "License to Use Works of Art form (attached)  and transferring it with the digital files to the CVAD Archival Project office via WeTransfer.   See the poster and flyer for information and availability. On these days the CAP will have a back drop and lights set up in the LapTop Lounge on the second floor of the Art Building  to shoot artworks for those who need this service.


CVAD Archival Project

Visual Resources


Announcement | P.R.I.N.T Press is pleased to announce its fall 2012 schedule of events. Come join us!

@ CVAD | Submitted by ADMIN

P.R.I.N.T Press is pleased to announce its fall 2012 schedule of events. Come join us!

Announcement | Blog information | View Here

| Submitted by ADMIN

Announcement | UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS 2012

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Impressions:  Print Group Exhibition
June 1 - July 7, 2012
Wade Wilson Art
Houston, Texas

Group Exhibition
Grand Opening June 29, 2012
Wade Wilson Art Santa Fe
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Notations: Contemporary Drawing as Idea and Process
A Selection from the Sally and Wynn Kramarsky Collection, New York.
September 14, 2012 - January 7, 2013
Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University,
St. Louis, Missouri

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Happening at CVAD

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