University of North Texas

College of Visual Arts and Design

UNT CVAD - Images
  • CVAD Alum Carl Finch heads the two-time Grammy winning band, Brave Combo.

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  • The CVAD Art Education Doctoral Program is a nationally ranked program, #13 in North America

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  • One of every fifteen students at the University of North Texas is a CVAD major! 

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  • UNT is an institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design

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  • Art Education faculty members Chris Bain and Nadine Kalin served on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Art Education, one of the most prestigious journals in the field.

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  • UNT‘s MFA program ranks in the upper 25% nationally according to US News and World Report

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  • CVAD‘s Communication Design students won nine of fifteen Best of Show prizes in this year‘s Dallas Society of Visual Communication 4th Annual National Student Show.

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  • As of Fall 2008, all new CVAD MFA students will receive $1000 scholarships.

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  • In Spring 2008, CVAD donors sponsored over $50,000 in scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students!

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  • The CVAD NAEA student chapter won the 2008 Student Organization Distinguished Service award from the University

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  • The Department of Art Education and Art History prepares more art teachers each year than any other university in Texas.

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  • CVAD‘s Ph.D. program in Art Education is among the top-rated programs in the U.S.

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  • Recent graduates of the art history program have pursued advanced degrees at University of Texas, Tufts University, University of Rochester, City College of New York, University of Arizona, Southern Methodist University, and Texas Christian University.

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  • CVAD art historians were the first UNT faculty chosen to participate in UNT‘s Next Generation course redesign. This program is considered to be a national model.

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  • The Department of Art Education and Art History faculty includes presidents of three national and international professional societies and the 2006 Art Educator of the Year.

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  • CVAD offers regular opportunities to study and travel in countries such as China, England, Ireland, Russia, and Scotland.

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  • CVAD‘s Texas Fashion Collection includes over 15,000 fabulous dresses by designers such as Balenciaga, Dior, de la Renta, and many others.

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  • CVAD Art Education alum Susan Gabbard is the former president of the National Art Education Association.

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  • CVAD alum, sculptor, Jesús Moroles, is on the Board of the Smithsonian Institute

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  • “I learned a lot about the creative process for producing a complete original work.”

    - Jezzalie Gill (Drawing 1)

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  • CVAD‘s Texas Fashion Collection includes over 15,000 fabulous dresses by designers such as Balenciaga, Dior, de la Renta, and many others.

    Did you know?

  • CVAD Art Education alum Susan Gabbard is the former president of the National Art Education Association.

    Did you know?

  • CVAD alum, sculptor, Jesús Moroles, is on the Board of the Smithsonian Institute

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  • Interior Design MFA student Greta Buehrle was named one of two IDEC Foundation Graduate Scholars for 2009.

    Did you know?

UNT CVAD - Images

Effective fall term 2012, in addition to the university admission requirements, students wishing to major in any program in the College of Visual Arts and Design must meet minimum academic requirements to be classified as a pre-major. Admission to the college through this process does not guarantee acceptance into your chosen major as several programs have entry reviews and all have midpoint reviews that must be passed in order to complete the program. For entry review details go to: Students who are admitted into the College will be classified as pre-majors and will be advised by Student Services in Art. To be admitted to the major (and be eligible to enroll in advanced art program courses), a pre-major must meet all the requirements listed for their chosen major.

Admission to Art History Major

Complete at least 30 hours of college courses and:

  1. complete ART 1200 or 1301, 2350 and 2360 with a grade of C or better;
  2. complete the Art History Entrance Event
  3. have at least a 2.5 GPA on the required Art courses;
  4. have a minimum 2.0 UNT grade point average.

Admission to Visual Art Studies Major

Complete at least 60 hours of college courses and:

  1. complete ART 1200 or 1301, 1440, 1450, 1500, 1510, 2350 and 2360 with a grade of C or better;
  2. Complete ASTU 2200, 2350 (may substitute ASTU 2210 or 2417); AEAH 3753 with a grade of C or better;
  3. Successfully complete portfolio review while enrolled in AEAH 3753;
  4. have at least a cumulative 2.75 GPA;
  5. Successful completion of all parts of Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA or TASP) (successful completion means scoring 230 or better in Math,
    220 or better in Writing, and 240 or better in Reading) or the appropriate score for certification on one of the following SAT, ACT, TAAS, or TAKS.

Admission to Interdisciplinary Art and Design Studies Major

Complete at least 30 hours of college courses and:

  1. complete ART 1200 or 1301, 1440, 1450, 1500, 1510, 2350 and 2360 with a grade of C or better;
  2. have at least a 2.5 GPA on the required Art courses;
  3. have a minimum 2.0 UNT grade point average.

Admission to Communication Design Major

Complete at least 30 hours of college courses (including those listed below) and have:

  1. Completed ART 1200 or 1301, 1440, 1450, 1500, 1510 and ADES 1500 with a grade of C or better;
  2. Submitted an entry portfolio ( to the Communication Design Entry Portfolio Review and have been admitted to starting the Communication Design Freshman and Sophomore studio Sequence;
  3. Completed ADES 1540, 2510, 2515, 2520, 2530 with a grade of C or better;
  4. Submitted a portfolio ( to the Communication Design Mid Point Portfolio Review and have been selected in the spring semester
  5. Earned at least a 2.75 GPA on the required Art courses;
  6. Earned a minimum 2.25 UNT grade point average.

Admission to Fashion Design Major

Complete at least 30 hours of college courses and:

  1. Complete ART 1200 or 1301, 1440, 1450, 1500, 1510; ADES 1550 with a grade of C or better. Once completed students are eligible to receive codes for ADES 1560 and 2550
  2. Completed ADES 1560, 2550, and 2560 with a grade of C or better;
  3. Submit and pass the portfolio to the Fashion Design Entry Portfolio Review at the end of ADES 2550;
  4. Have at least a 2.50 GPA on the required Art courses;
  5. Have a minimum 2.25 UNT grade point average.

Admission to Interior Design Major

Complete at least 30 hours of college courses and:

  1. Complete ART 1200 or 1301, 1440, 1450, 1500, 1510 and ADES 1625 with a grade of C or better;
  2. Complete ART 2350 and ADES 2630 with a grade of C or better;
  3. Submit a portfolio ( and pass the portfolio review in the fall semester for program entry;
  4. Have at least a 2.50 GPA on the required Art courses;
  5. Have a minimum 2.25 UNT grade point average.

Admission to Studio Arts Major

(Applies to concentrations in Ceramics, Drawing and Painting, Fibers, Metals and Jewelry, New Media, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Watercolor.)

Complete at least 30 hours of college courses (including the following) and:

  1. Complete ART 1200 or 1301, 1440, 1450, 1500, 1510; ART 2350 and 2360 with a grade of C or better;
  2. Complete the 2000-level courses in the ASTU concentration of your choice with a grade of B or higher (for Printmaking majors, the beginning ASTU course is a 3000-level);
  3. Have at least a 2.5 GPA on the required Art courses;
  4. Have a minimum 2.0 UNT grade point average;
  5. Photography and Watercolor also require selection through entry portfolio (as described on website).

Happening at CVAD

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