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Mission Statement

Human Resource Services is committed to creating a premier work environment that will attract, develop, and retain a productive workforce, while maximizing the potential of individual employees. We will provide innovative strategic approaches that support the institution's vision of becoming a top ten health science center through an emphasis on exceptional customer service, partnerships, consultation and communication.

HR Core Values

INTEGRITY: We will have a firm adherence to a personal and professional code of ethical behavior that will be evident to all.

EXCELLENCE: We will provide the best service or product we can. We will strive to exceed the expected outcome.

CREDIBILITY: We will demonstrate quality which evokes such a strong belief and confidence in our knowledge and expertise that our customers will act on our guidance without hesitation.

RESPECT: We will hold all of our customers and each other in high esteem without consideration of position, status, or need, by acting in a manner that honors differences, preserves dignity, and acknowledges the worth of every individual, being ever mindful that all people are worthy of our full attention and commitment.

TEAMWORK: We are a group of individuals, all with unique skills, coming together through effective communication to achieve excellence in accomplishing common goals.

EQUALITY: We believe in mutual respect by providing fair and equitable treatment for all our customers. Our policies and procedures are fair and consistent. Most importantly, we value diversity and work to ensure all people within our circle of influence have equal access to UNTHSC opportunities.

This page last updated Mar 21, 2011
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