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UNTHSC Human Resources Policies and Procedures 

Human Resources policies and procedures are listed below.
Click here to view these policies in the 05 Human Resources section of the Health Science Center policy web site.


05.101 Purposes: Personnel Policy Manual
05.102 Human Resource Services Functions


05.201 Nondiscrimination/Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
05.202 Age Discrimination
05.203 Employment of Persons with Disabilities
05.204 Employment of Veterans
05.205 Sexual Harassment
05.206 Whistle Blower Act
05.207 Racial Harassment
05.208 Consensual Relationships
05.209 Sexual Exploitation by Mental Health Services Providers
05.210 Grievance Procedure for Alleged Discrimination in Employment Information and Procedural Guidelines for Pursuing and Resolving a Complaint of Discrimination, including Sexual Harassment


05.301 Employee Categories
05.302 Definition of Terms
05.303 Classification and Allocation of Positions
05.304 Position Classification - Classified Positions
05.305 Salary Administration - Classified Services
05.306 Salary Administration - Faculty


05.401 Types of Staff Appointments
05.402 Procedures for Filling Non-Faculty Positions
05.403 Beginning and Ending Dates of Employment
05.404 Probationary Employment Period
05.405 Promotion, Transfer, or Demotion
05.406 Termination Clearance (Exit Interview)
05.407 Reemployment and Reinstatement
05.408 Employment of Non-citizens
05.409 Return to Work
05.410 Reduction in Force
05.411 Early Retirement with Modified Service
05.412 Contract Workforce
05.413 Criminal History Background Checks

05.500 GENERAL

05.501 Orientation
05.502 Employee Affidavit/Certification and Other Requirements
05.503 Changes in Personal Status
05.504 Requests for Information/Employee Information
05.505 Employee Ethics and Standards of Conduct
05.506 Outside Employment and Other Activities
05.507 Nepotism
05.508 Drug-Free Workplace
05.509 Drug and Alcohol Testing
05.510 AIDS Policy and Procedure
05.511 Protection from Occupational Exposure to Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection
05.512 Records Administration
05.513 Employees'/Students' Rights While Assuring Patient Care
05.514 Violence in the Workplace
05.515 Drug and Alcohol Testing for Positions Requiring a Commercial Drivers License
05.516 Public Information Policy
05.517 Institutional Compliance
05.518 Responsibilities and Rights of Employees Under the University of North Texas Health Science Center's Compliance Program
05.519 Fraud Policy
05.520 Pre-Hire Drug and Alcohol Screening


05.601 Official Workweek and Hours of Work
05.602 Absence/Attendance
05.603 Time and Attendance/Leave Records
05.604 Holidays
05.605 Vacation Leave Policies
05.606 Sick Leave Policies
05.607 Family and Medical Leave and Parental Leave
05.608 Emergency/Administrative Leave
05.609 Military Leave of Absence
05.610 Absence to Attend Conferences, Profesional Meeting and Community Service
05.611 Compensatory Leave And Overtime
05.612 Leave of Absence Without Pay
05.613 Sick Leave Pool
05.614 Other Paid Leaves
05.615 Injury Leave for Peace Officers


05.701 Training and Development
05.702 Staff Development/Performance Planning and Review


05.801 Retirement Plans and Annuities
05.802 Uniform Group Insurance Programs
05.803 Workers' Compensation Insurance
05.804 Unemployment Compensation Insurance Program
05.805 Time Off for Voting
05.806 Jury and Witness Duty
05.807 Longevity Pay and Hazardous Duty Pay
05.808 Charitable Contributions


05.901 Performance Counseling and Discipline
05.902 Voluntary Alternative Dispute Resolution
05.903 Complaint and Grievance

You may also click here to view these policies in the 05 Human Resources section of the Health Science Center policy web site.


This page last updated Jul 25, 2011
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