Just received following message from Insider and, as requested, passing it on to all of you:

That Biden visit to Tampa got my wheels spinning.  What the hell are they up to?  How far is Biden willing to go to remain relevant?  To stay on the ticket?  So I put some feelers out to the WH.  Got lots of people willing to talk and share these days.

Here’s the deal.  Nobody has heard anything on that visit beyond it’s being planned.  SS had protocols in place only as recently as 72 hours ago.  So this thing wasn’t planned more than a week ago.  At the most.  That means the campaign is being damn tight lipped about it which is out of the ordinary for them.  Now that has me really thinking.  Something don’t sit right here.  Why send the #2 right down to the GOP convention?  What is the purpose?  Leak the trip, but don’t say anything substantial regarding the reason for the trip.  Just a publicity stunt?  An attempt at poking the eye of the Romney team?

That don’t add up for.  Not even close.  So I’m asking around some more. And I’m not the only one.  Nothing is coming back. Finally get a call into the Old Man.  Alert him to my concerns.  Within 30 minutes he gets back to me.  We got legit Intel from military source.  Nothing concrete.  Which got our source’s attention.  That is a big red alert.  This thing is being planned.  Staged.  Might be a handful of local law enforcement in on it.  Apparently a related communication from DHS within the last 24 hrs.   Union thugs.  Got to be a Jarrett Gerard initiated plan.  Something along those lines.

I’m giving you and your readers a heads up here.  False flag.  The real deal.  They will try and control it but make it look uncontrolled.  Dangerous.  Make it reflect poorly on the Republicans and their supporters.  A dangerous and desperate operation here.  Even a dimwit like Biden has to know how dangerous.

So have everyone you can reach, all your readers, let them know.  Obama operatives are attempting a set up here.  Dimes to dollars that’s what is going down.

Will update if more becomes available.  The Old Man is on it now.  Pushing heavy influence to deflect.  One or two secure media sources made aware.  The Romney people will be alerted, though they might have already been thinking along the same lines.  Trying to confirm that now.  If this thing is legit, we are going to try and shut it down within the next 48-72 hrs.  Won’t say more on that. 

If they do go operational on this next week,  you and your readers will know what it is and what it isn’t.  Hoping it don’t get that far, but these maniacs are getting so desperate now they are trying to pull it off. 

As promised, keeping you informed in a more timely manner.  I owe you that. 

Things moving very fast now kid.  Hang on.  This is gonna be the most terrifying, most interesting, and potentially gratifying time of your life.

Or, it all goes to shit????  We lose.  They win.

Welcome to my world.




My understanding of this warning from Insider points to the true intent of the visit to Tampa during the GOP Convention by Vice President Biden.  There will be a staged protest or something of that nature, intended to make Republicans look bad, and though not mentioned here by Insider, create sympathy for Joe Biden who has received a slew of bad press in recent weeks that is doing harm to the Obama campaign.

The protest is to be initiated by Obama operatives and/or forces sympathetic to the Obama campaign.  Insider is suggesting those forces believe they can control the environment to ensure the safety of those involved – while at the same time getting the intended media coverage images that will then be used to paint Republicans and conservatives as dangerous radicals.

If I learn from Insider my own interpretation is incorrect I will update accordingly.



UPDATE FROM INSIDER:  (late Tuesday, August 21, 2012)


Here is what I know to this point.  At least what I am comfortable sharing with you:


-Biden scheduled for event Monday prior to official opening of the GOP convention. 

-There is to be some form of altercation, protest, outbreak, etc.  Not sure on specifics.  Purpose is to make VP look sympathetic but more important, give media portrayal of “radical” conservatives a timely visual upon which to build that right through to Election Day. 

-Source relayed they confirmed whispers of this locally by some media in Tampa later this afternoon.  Biden’s arrival in Tampa already deemed “provocative” which will ensure significant media coverage.  The event/false flag will be used to overshadow the Monday convention ceremonies, as well as cast a shadow on convention for remainder of the week.

-Military source indicated this plan did NOT come from Chicago.  Axelrod is indicating surprise and uncertainty.  He has either become a much better actor or he had very little if anything to do with this.  Not that he isn’t capable.  Guy is an assh-le.  That means it is WH specific.  That means Jarrett, as I indicated earlier.  Where is Gerard? 

-What the Obama team is doing here is incredibly dangerous.  Country is at brink already. Just beneath the surface.  This kind of thing, if not totally controlled, could break out into an even more significant event.  Perhaps they want that outcome?????

-Tie this in with earlier reports regarding the ammunition purchases.  Originally I ignored your questions on that.  Last week it received my full attention.  It’s the real deal.  I am gonna add that you don’t do target practice with hollow point.  Those are designed for one thing and one thing only.  Let that sink in.  Why is the Obama government buying up this kind of ammo in such massive amounts?  Place those ammo purchases with their willingness to stage a confrontation such as what they intend this Monday.

-You are right when pointing to the fact this was leaked by SS.  Rest assured they probably gave the Romney details a heads up well before any of us did.  They will continue to do their job as they always do, but there is no love loss between that organization and the administration.  The backstory on that may come out after Obama has left office.  

-Military source warned this could be a well played head fake to try and expose leakers.  In my rush to get this to you I had not considered that. Rookie mistake.  I should have known better.  I’m still capable of losing my own ass in the dark.

That’s my attempt at humor, but this sh-t is absolutely serious.

As to your last question.  My recommendation is you stay away.  At this point none of us know how this thing is going to break.  Hopefully now that the word is out they will back off it.  But who knows.  So sit this one out.




I would ask all those planning to attend the GOP Convention next week to please make certain you conduct yourself with dignity and care at ALL TIMES.     Do no allow yourself to be manipulated into becoming part of something manufactured by forces favorable to the Obama campaign.

May everyone who attends return home safely – including those we might disagree with politically.



84 days ago by in News | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. -G. Washington

    • AquaStar
    • IF all that polling on how this race is neck and neck is true than why this level of desperation from the Obama campaign?

      My thinking is that things are far worse than the planted polls (to elevate the #’s) and the media are letting us know.

      There’s a smell of desperation so powerful it could overwhelm you…or them.

      Let’s hope it’s THEM.

      • werbaz neutronName
      • Seems a ValJar false flag would be more workable at the democrat convention, rather than planning to deny nomination at the republican convention. Maybe both? Can union goons be camouflaged as tea party “militia?” Biden is really careless to go there.

        Those democrats might well heed a poem by J.V. Cunningham, viz:

        I had gone broke, and got set to come back,
        And lost, on a hot day and a fast track,
        On a long shot at long odds, a black mare
        By Hatred out of Envy by Despair.

      • Rob Crawford
      • One thing the Akin story revealed to us is that polling outfits are perfectly willing to “adjust” their poll to get the outcome their client wants. The McCaskill campaign wanted a poll that led Akin to think he was still ahead — they got one.

        Have no doubt that all the polls paid for by the press are intended to puff up the left-wingers and downplay conservatives. The most obvious example I know of comes from Minnesota, where the biggest paper up there ALWAYS has the left-wing candidate leading by a large margin up until the last few days — when their poll suddenly starts making a more representative sample and swings to something more resembling the final vote count.

        • RyanMN
        • You are oh so correct, sir. If Stalin was still alive, he’d no doubt wake up every morning holding the (Red) Star Tribune in one hand and I suppose borscht in the other.

          I’m just hoping this might be the first time in my lifetime where my presidential vote matters. Remember, we were the one state that went for Mondale. *sigh*

    • VTX
    • It does make a difference – to be forwarned, and especially if the press is alerted in advance. When it goes down, it proves that it is, indeed, a plot – not a “conspiracy theory.”

      I get the distinct feeling that an alerted press could stop the thing in its tracks, because the press – useful idiots or not – don’t like LOOKING like idiots. Many are simply and truly tired of being patsies for the old purple-lipped pud.

    • Ebysan
    • WHI & UM Thanks for the update!!

      Getting Obama’s plan out there should take the wind out of it’s sail….

      Mr Gaff Biden will be a big mistake on the Democrat’s part

    • truthandjustice
    • Thanks so much for the heads up. Not surprising …as I said before there’s SO much potential evil, weird, bad stuff…, be prepared for anything here on out. I’ll be praying specifically about it and if it does “go down” it will indeed backfire and will only show what evil people and danger we are in with this Admin. – wake up all who “don’t know” or haven’t accepted this…especially the Romney campaign, consultants, media, etc. All need to know what we’re up against. – perhaps forcing Congressmen, politicians into a corner where they must act whether they like it or not.

      • gena
      • What I’m concerned with is is this an attempt to bump off Biden, and get Hillary on the ticket while making the Republicans looks bad. They have got to want to get rid of Biden, and to have their operatives bump the guy off and make it look like Reps did it, and get Hillary on the ticket, to replace the poor guy who was sacrificed, apparently against his will or knowledge, would really help them if they can blame it on the Republicans. That way they can turn Biden, the liability, into Biden, the asset.

    • MJM
    • With all of the postings since UM began about how evil the people behind this Administration were, this takes the cake. Talk about “By Any Means Necessary”. I never thought that they would take the idea of bumping Biden off the ticket LITERALLY!

      Some additional things to consider that this might have been some sort of a back-up plan of theirs for some time. Why were they constantly warning about possible civil disruptions for this convention, that there could be domestic terrorism events there, and that the harbor would be filled with boats manned with full automatic weapons? While they and the media were trying to portray the GOP as hateful people, I never saw any signs of this ever turning into Chicago 1968 to justify that show of force.

      Secondly, you might want to do some background into people I call “creative writers”: Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock and “Drake”. All of these are part of a group claiming that the arrests of the bankers and corrupt politicians was just around the corner, and they have web sites and make frequent Internet radio appears to promote this idea.

      Of particular interest was an Internet broadcast made by Drake around Weds, Aug 8th (you can still find it on Blogtalk Radio). He claimed to have sources inside the military who were supposedly fed up with things and were going to reclaim the Constitution. Their big announcement was going to take place in Tampa while the convention was taking place, and the arrests would start soon after. While Drake advised people to keep their weapons at home, there was sort of a veiled invite for all patriots and militia to come to Tampa and be part of history in the making.

      Just hearing that broadcast at the time made me nervous and sounded like one heck of a set-up. Now with the Biden situation it sounds like TPTB were looking for some naive useful idiots to go stumbling into this and yes, unfortunately, “be a part of history” – for all of the wrong reasons.

      Hopefully enough people can publicize this to put a stop to this. Even if there isn’t a false flag behind it, it shows the poor taste that the Dems and the White House have. There are just some things that are expected of you, and one is not to try to horn in one someone else’s party. Next week is for the GOP to shine, and the week after that for the Dems. You don’t grandstand during the other person’s party.

    • InTheKnow
    • The polling isn’t close. Even the MSM is having to report the race at 4 points now, because they will look horrible if they don’t start correcting their fake polls. As the election comes closer, the polls will have to be more accurate or polling firms will lose all credibility.

      We’ve seen an example of what WHI is suggesting here. The usual false flag method is to have Group A pretend they are really members of Group B. So, what that would work out to here would be something along the lines of Obama supporters dressing up as Tea Party supporters and then trying to heckle Biden or worse.

      This exact kind of thing happened during 2009-10 with the Obamacare fight. And, it was often uncovered and exposed, through means such as legitimate Tea Party folks encircling and pointing out the fake ‘Tea Partiers.’

      This is likely to be much more sophisticated. It could involve Biden in a location with only the fake anti-Obama people near him, so the filming of the possible staged event can go off without a hitch.

      Goal would be simple: Poor Joe Biden, attacked by a bunch of likely unhinged white Tea Partiers. You don’t want to associate yourself with that, do you Joe White Voter? Aren’t you mad, Joe Black Voter?

      To me, this is very clear evidence that the Obama campaign is starting to panic. Akin won’t save them, at least they don’t seem to think so.

    • Rurik
    • Joe don’t wana quit, so send him on a mission to beard thre lion. Set him up to get hurt or killed. Plugs gets plugged. Martyrize him and then replace him with someone less of a handicap. A twofer. But who? Maaybe the exact opposite of an old White guy with thinning hair??? Would thaat be a youngish Black Woman with lots of hair? The Mediots keep telling us how popular is the Mooch! Oh Phease! Don’t let it happen!!! Joe don’t Go!

    • Mark Anderson
    • This is just not adding up. Biden is not a valuable enough target to use in such a strategy for an assassination attempt. Michelle is, he isn’t.

      Now, if they wanted to put him in the spot light and have him keel over with a stroke or fatal heart attack, a la the Kevin Kline movie, “Dave”, I could see that happening.

      Civil unrest I can see, but the protagonist /antagonist factor would be readily apparent and could easilybackfire.

      I think I’ll stick with door number two.

    • VTX
    • Call this what you want…paranoid, whacky…but could Biden be in the process of being set up? There are no planes headed to Bosnia – currently.

      The only way to remove Biden is to make him sympathetic – collateral damage. One does not harm clowns, unless one plans to blame the opposition for the harm.

      The reports that his Secret Service detail thanked the baker who wouldn’t allow the entourage their little visit? (Leaked? Then denied?) This actually DOES sound like a conspiracy theory – or a Pelican Brief.

      • RyanMN
      • “Call this what you want…paranoid, whacky…but could Biden be in the process of being set up?” It may be paranoid VTX but if it’s any consolation, that’s the exact same thing that I thought.

        • ITYS
        • Biden has been being set-up all along. He floats the trial balloons and everyone calls him an idiot and Obama has lean hands in igniting the trouble. IMO….where the heck is his family?? Have they no respect for ths man’s remaing dignity, as they shamefully allow him to be so destroyed publicly.

        • ITYS
        • Biden has been being set-up all along. He floats the trial balloons and everyone calls him an idiot and Obama has clean hands in igniting the trouble. IMO….where the heck is his family?? Have they no respect for ths man’s remaing dignity, as they shamefully allow him to be so destroyed publicly.

        • Saving Grace
        • Didn’t a similar situation happen to Hillary a few years back? Someone shot up her campaign office, remember? What I don’t get about “Old Man” WSI and WHI is….did they really not know Obama & the Chicago Mafia were of the black panther persuasion? The rest of us have known about leftist radicals for decades.

      • Kansas Patriot
      • It would seem that our Military may be being set up. The people who perpetrate this fraud will be made to look like Tea Party Vets. Its quite obvious that Obama’s people hate the Tea Party and the Military….

    • USA4ever
    • This is madness.

      But whatever they might be planning, how is it supposed to win an election??

      I mean really, tens of millions are suddenly going to have some sympathy swing and forget the last 4 years?

      This plot MUST be exposed in the media.

    • VTX
    • Here’s a novel I’m thinking of writing:

      Chapter I: A political party plans to take out an international terrorist, right before the opposition party’s Convention. Dampen the enthusiasm; takes the wind out of their sales. But something happens: the press gets ahold of the location of the terrorist, and the administration has to act early or be blamed for incompetence – or worse.

      Chapter II: the economy goes to hell, allies won’t hold back on their own plans, and the administration is desperate. They want another event to take the proverbial wind out of the other party’s sales. They think back: ah, Bosnia. Accidents happen! Happy accidents!

      Chapter III: the second in command makes a blithering fool of himself at every
      stop, to the point where the administration wonders if he’s a plant by the other side. They decide that he’ll fit nicely into the plan: no one harms a clown! Least of all your own side!

      Chapter IV: a terrorist act – a major terrorist act – is planned with the intent to cause friendly fire. Who would suspect? Plus, the sympathy!
      And there happens to be a hurricane on the way, to cover all the tracks! No need for a cleanup crew.

      Chapter V: Intel exposes the plot, stops the major damage, but not without collateral damage. The hurricane goes in another direction and…the authors of the plot are exposed. The party that sponsored the terrorism – ? Let’s just say that trials have to be held with defendants in cages like animals, there being so many to prosecute.

      Anyone think that this would make a fine story?

    • AmericaTheBeautiful
    • I hope BiBi has his guys protecting Romney and Ryan…false flag ….so we have the Trayvon riots beginning with Leo Gerard’s Unions and the Occupy Thugs help….Making citizen arrests …and riots …we’ll see how serious these communists are…instilling fear is one of their tactics

      A terrorist attack…perhaps this is why BiBi said he would attack Iran …maybe during the convention

      “Jesus I Trust in Thee”…please pray the miracle prayer with me…”For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” ..In God is our hope

      • cobra
      • Wishing for a foreign country to protect our own is not a winning strategy…
        Foreign countries only care about their own interest, not our own.

        • AmericaTheBeautiful
        • Just for more backup…Bibi is epecially interested in new leadership in our WH…
          if you happened to notice Ryan’s first day on the trail in Iowa…as two women climbed upon the stage, Ryan looks to his security on either side of him…they did not step in to help …Finally a middle aged white woman and the a sherrif comes to Ryan’s aid, grabbing the women approaching within a couple short feet…it did appear to be a set up…I would not be surprised if it were a set up from this incredibly corrupt administration

    • Charlotte
      Thats what I think. I think everyone should post this theory far and wide on their FB pages so they know we are onto them

      • Redwine
      • Exactly what I was thinking. Seems like others here are on the same wave length. “By any means necessary.” We are going to know what this really means. Occupy Black Bloc is the movement’s death squad. They were just trying out their stuff in Oakland. All American freedom-loving people who will be at the convention in Tampa should be forewarned. The murderous, fascist Left wants blood. We must not give them any opportunity to wreak deadly havoc.

      • SheilaK
      • Charlotte, that was my first thought. Otherwise, any ‘protesting’ would only appear to be anti Romney folks anyway, would it not? Most people would expect that what with all the occupy union thugs around. I guess I don’t really grasp what WHI is trying to say? Starting riots is what the left does all the time, throwing Biden into the mix, I don’t get it.

    • Laurie Pruser-Stockman
    • Don’t be surprised if Biden is in the line of fire. . he’s not going to realize he’s being set up. . . Martial Law, Civil unrest.. .. DON”T BE A PARTY TO IT. .

    • bill o'rights
    • It’s like the old Navajo proverb…

      Man kill two birds, use one stone.

      Seems likely they would want to eliminate Biden and at the same time drum up resentment for conservatives. I would call that predictably Marxist. It’s exactly how these f-cks think.

    • Bobbi
    • They say George Washington won a critical battle because God sent a rainstorm and fog, crippling the Brits. 
      Well, maybe it’s happening again, by the grace pf the Almighty, hurricane “Isaac” may very well disrupt the evil. 
      God has not abandoned us. 

        • molly pitcher
        • someone reminded me this morning – Issac means “laughter”. Perhaps the Yiddish proverb is truer than we think: “Mentsh trakht, Got lakht.” Translation: Man plans, God laughs.

          • Francesca
          • Check out Psalm 2: v2: The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his annointed, . . .

            v4: He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision.

      • 57th State
      • And just in case there is a break in the storm, it is comforting to know that this is in Tampa, which by luck (divine providence?) happens to be the home of the United States Special Operations Command. If anyone can stop a two-bit plan, it is these people.

      • truthandjustice
      • Same thoughts – we all must remember the story of the Revolutionary War and let that be a guide as to what to do (PRAY) and realize that was a MIRACULOUS WIN. We need another. Plus, in my experiences, God DOES give “signs”. I’ve mentioned some of them re Obama before (flies landing on him, rats running in front of the podium, the Presidential Seal actually FALLING completely OFF while he was speaking, etc.). He uses all kinds of things. Ask God to open your eyes to these things & recognize them. Same with this coming hurricane. I don’t believe in “coincidences”. God is always in control. That hurricane is scheduled to hit Monday, the first day of the convention. The name also is of significance…also the saying “rain on my parade”. So just as satan has his plans for destruction/harm, God also has HIS plans. If He has decided to help and restore us, you will keep seeing signs of Obama’s defeat. He will turn these events into revealing the “real” evil Admin., and/or stop it. I keep praying for their “mask”, “protection” to be ripped off. I really think that is indeed happening…….

        • CHHR, VA
        • Speaking of signs. Did you hear this morning about the Athiest’s law suit against the “cross” found at the 9/11 WT site? Seems the good non-believing folks are feeling slighted – the rubble of the twin towers didn’t turn up a symbol they could use as part of the museum.

          What I found most interesting though was an email from another Athiest – he was sick and tired of the law suits against Christians and remined folks that the 1st Amendment was a protection OF religion not FROM religion.

          Yea, it sure seems that the noise of the left is being turned down if not off all together. At the very least, something most consider a very important sign of God’s love may have more support than the ACLU and Athiests anticipated. That’s good to see.

    • Publius
    • SHAME on Jill Biden if she lets Joe go to Tampa. WHI, WSI, and UM: this insanity has to be stopped – by any means necessary.

      Otherwise, here’s my scenario.

      Biden gets attacked by gun-wielding, beefy white guy with shaved head and “Don’t tread on me” tattoo – carrying identification showing he is retired Navy SEAL (or Army Ranger). Gunman is then killed by security forces so he can’t talk. Biden is either seriously wounded, or worse. If he survives, Jill and doctors deem him not fit for the rigors of a campaign. Cue the violins – “Adagio for Strings”

      Enter VP Hillary – ever reluctant, but incapable of refusing to serve her party and country at such a time of national crisis.

      In the meantime, GOP convention/nomination becomes irrelevant, as Black Jesus does wall-to-wall media from the moment of the event through election day, decrying “domestic tea party terrorism,” while praising his beloved hero Biden for taking the racist bullet that would surely have found its way to Obama himself, if the hateful white guy from central Florida had not seized this opportunity closer to home.

      Anybody remember the old “Saturday Night Live” skit showing a continuous video loop – from all angles and in slow-mo of the “Death of Buckwheat?” I think it was Eddie Murphy playing “Mr. Wheat,” as some crazed fan called his name, then shot him down on the street. It was a brilliant send-up of what was then considered trashy tabloid journalism, but today would be considered mainstream.

      Imagine Romney and Ryan trying to compete with a continuous video loop of the Biden attack – the bloodier and gorier the better. On the other hand, if this is some elaborate ploy to unmask WHI as source of so much damaging inside info, I think it may have already gone off the rails, since media outlets have been reporting on the unprecedented plan of a sitting Vice President to disrupt the nominating convention of the legitimate opposition party.

      How low can they go with their campaign? Suggest a new bumper sticker: “Obama-Biden, the Core of the Earth!”

      • werbaz neutronName
      • That scenario assumes a closed system, all other nations standing pat. There might be a national government out there that absolutely refuses to allow the present regime to succeed. Ex ante or ex post. Alla same. As long as we are all writing novels here, might as well suggest adding this chapter.

      • Justawhoaman
      • Duh. What if they didn’t REALLY “Gabby Giffords” Biden but let Hollywood put on the most grand production ever (“CUT”, Directors Spielberg and Hanks, “nice job, Joe. Realistic! It will great on the nightly news. Have a nice vacation in….”. The way these people think and work (ignorantly with Satan), why not?

        It would still put Conservatives in the totally screwed position of trying to prove they didn’t “beat the wife”….

        Truthfully, Conservatives are easy targets. Some of us here can’t even SAY that word out loud as it is so repulsive… All of us don’t want any part of it… Which, again, makes us easy targets.

        Hollywood… Disneyland… Illusion…. Mind control… Plasma, baby.

    • Ben
    • I was a volunteer at the RNC in 2008 when it was here in St.Paul MN. There was a solid group of thugs around, but nothing was needed to be done here since the financial collapse was already set up.

    • CeeJay
    • “Diktador Obama

      America was once a place where American Traditions were respected. The stories that Joe Biden is about to violate the Republican Convention is but another rape of the American political virgin and an aborting of American traditions.

      It is vile, disgusting and completely 3rd world. It is Barry Chin, son of a Filipino Chinese anchor whore and bastard of hosts of African and Asian males fingered to raising this social, political, physical and mental retard.

      For Obama voters this is not funny, as you have been warned that the Obama stealing of elections, vote fraud and crimes degenerates thee entire political structure and in time the blacklash and backlash will take place in revolution.

      Examine every revolution dear brats, from Paris, New York, Moscow, Peking, Berlin, and one soon discovers it is the urban dwelling elitists who degraded the moral structure and traditions of the host nation who are the ones who end up dead or exiled with nothing to live on.

      This foreigner Obama and thug Biden are unleashing a degradation far worse than Bill Clinton’s culture of rape for Obama is not just raping women, Obama is raping America and aborting the offspring of her womb in civilized traditions.

      Pissing on someone always gets one splattered in their own pissful stench.

      Dictator Obama has violated every thing American and this violation will stand for generations now.

      Crashing the GOP convention shatters the shards of America.

      There is a storm brewing in the Gulf and that is the sign just as the GOP convention smashed by a hurricane on the OIL INDUSTRY in Texas which was the bad Obama omen in 2008.

      agtG 281Y”

      Lame is on a TEAR this morning!

      More here:


    • Obeline
    • George Santayana once said something to the effect that those who ignored history were doomed to repeat it.

      Team Zero probably thinks ‘why reinvent the wheel?’

      “The Gleiwitz incident in 1939 involved Reinhard Heydrich fabricating evidence of a Polish attack against Germany to mobilize German public opinion for war, to establish casus belli, and to justify the war with Poland. This, along with other false flag operations in Operation Himmler, would be used to mobilize support from the German population for the start of World War II in Europe.”

      Cornered rats, continued . . .

    • rosie
    • Could this be an attempt by the WH to recreate the chaos of the 1968 Democratic Convention with the then “Chicago Seven” types? And if some local law enforcement “has gotten the word” could that word be to “stand down” as has been down re: some of the “Occupiers” events…..causing the Repubs to have to go on offensive for own security and look like reactionaries?

      Could Biden be playing along like the dufus he is and be actually putting himself in danger and make the convention event itself look like the cause of anything happening to him rather than the possible thug atmosphere being arranged by the WH?

      Re: that “no love lost” between SS and administration…..remember the shop that recently refused Biden and his SS actually thanked the shop owners??

    • Den
    • This is an interesting comment and may point to serious conflict with in the law enforcement which is DHS. The recent issues Napolitano and the agency could be at play here as well.

      -You are right when pointing to the fact this was leaked by SS. Rest assured they probably gave the Romney details a heads up well before any of us did. They will continue to do their job as they always do, but there is no love loss between that organization and the administration. The backstory on that may come out after Obama has left office.

      • truthandjustice
      • My thoughts too — a lot of this will no doubt come out later. Surely there are patriots in this infiltrated Depts. that know & the “enemy” doesn’t know about it and are doing what they can to help but we wouldn’t know about it until later on down the road.

      • rosie
      • Whenever there’s chaos that isn’t immediately brought down I tend to see the hands/prior threats of the DHS to local law enforcement at play. Law enforcement can be pushed or overwhelmed (as in the flash mob attacks) and then look (via photos taken out of the bigger picture) as though they are responding with too much force (which is only self defense in reality). Then DHS will “investigate” the “force” used against “people of color” or whatever, saying that law enforcement are heavily defending the “1%”, etc. IOW, a setup! And then all the political judges will simply do the WH’s bidding as we’ve seen throughout the country these past years. Sooooo, eventually will law enforcement, military, security entitities become unified and end the “divide and conquer” tactics used against them? Somebody has just got to stand up and “just say no” to the threats of the “Chicago” methods!

        • daybreak
        • All that is needed to trigger the ‘chaos’ is Biden, the admins very own useful idiot and dumb-cluck extraordinaire, to open his big mouth for the fawning press. Then cue the fake tea-party’ers, etc…

          I have a hard time believing even Biden would be dumb enough to set himself up for an assassination attempt, but it sure could be useful for Obama if something like that were to happen.

          Personally, I think Biden was chosen to be there to open mouth and insert feet, as per usual. This admin has been trying desperately to trigger some kind of social chaos all summer.

          They need a plausible reason to bring out the big guns.

    • lovelypeace
    • I just want to point out to people who are relative newbies to following politics that we aren’t just being paranoid when we hear that Joe Biden is going down to Tampa.

      It’s an unspoken rule that each Party will let the other have their convention and ‘go after them next week – after they’ve had their fun.”

      The fact that Biden is going down to Tampa really is a big deal and there are legitimate reasons for red flags.

      Usually, it’s just the normal “kooks” and “protestors” who will go down to the opposition’s conventions.

      The sitting VP/VP candidate for the other party doesn’t announce that he’s going to ‘rain’ on the opposition’s party’s convention. That just doesn’t happen. The parties usually sit back and respect the convention process.

      Something’s up and we need to be vigilant. Kudos to WHI for the insight because it just adds to the information we have and confirms my suspicions.

      • Just-Saying
      • The VPOTUS going to the convention of the opposing political party is just insane. He’s not wanted, nor eligible, and to endanger the VPOTUS in order to protest a convention is a very bad idea. Shows how Obummer’s administration doesn’t deserve to be reelected — too incompetent.

    • Rob Crawford
    • “I am gonna add that you don’t do target practice with hollow point”

      Yes, you do. Most civilians don’t, because JHP is expensive — but it’s still a good idea to run some through your weapon to make sure they cycle properly. The military doesn’t because they just don’t use JHP (Geneva Conventions). Small departments with small budgets don’t.

      But federal departments with cash left over at the end of the fiscal year? Yeah, they’ll buy expensive ammo to target shoot with.

    • Ylem
    • Let’s go back to 1968…”The 1968 Democratic National Convention of the U.S. Democratic Party was held at the International Amphitheatre in Chicago, Illinois, from August 26 to August 29, 1968. Because Democratic President Lyndon Johnson had announced he would not seek a second term, the purpose of the convention was to select a new nominee to run as the Democratic Party’s candidate for the office. The keynote speaker was Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii). [Remember him?]

      The convention was held during a year of violence, political turbulence, and civil unrest, particularly riots in more than 100 cities following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4. The convention also followed the assassination of Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who had been murdered on June 5. Both Kennedy and Senator Eugene McCarthy had been running against the eventual Democratic presidential nominee Hubert Humphrey.

      Chicago’s mayor, Richard J. Daley, intended to showcase his and the city’s achievements to national Democrats and the news media. Instead, the proceedings became notorious for the large number of demonstrators and the use of force by the Chicago police during what was supposed to be, in the words of the Yippie activist organizers, ‘A Festival of Life.’ Rioting took place between demonstrators and the Chicago Police Department, who were assisted by the Illinois National Guard. The disturbances were well publicized by the mass media, with some journalists and reporters being caught up in the violence. Network newsmen Mike Wallace and Dan Rather were both roughed up by the Chicago police while inside the halls of the Democratic Convention

      Is this what Obama has planned for the RNC convention? If the police are in on it, then they could do what the Chicago Police Department did back then. Make it a racial thing, etc. They’ll rough up a couple of Leftist reporters so the MSM is all on board.

      • CHHR, VA
      • And from all that we got “I’m not a crook” Nixon a quasi republican according to many. But hey, with the riots of the time, I can certainly understand the fear of electing Wallace who hailed from Alabama. Many today say that the issues of the Nixon Presidency are the reason that the Black community are lock step Democrats today too.

        For whatever reason, it seems that the plan to disrupt swung the country middle in that election, don’t you think?

      • AmericaTheBeautiful
      • Right on point..Consider those in charge in this administration were born of the Dem ’68 National Convention…the leftists like Ayers, Schkowsky, the new Black Panthers were all born of that convention, and like Soros in collusion with the Nazi’s, they wish to recreate the highlight moment of their sorry lives….this is what emboldens them with their new found power…They now feel they are “the man” and will extract a revolution from this country …proof they have always been correct but until the Obama years largely ignored…So yes we all now are well aware of Alinsky and have seen inside their twisted minds…the mind of the disgruntled and dejected…and their twisted righteousness wil be on full display …as they push their Marxist revolution and try to usher in their god —communism.

        • CHHR, VA
        • Yes, I get all that, but why the RNC Convention, why not wait until the DNC Convention to cause a ’68 like issue. Especially since Reince Priebus very stupidely said that whatever disruption the DNC causes next week will be met with an equally disruptive crowd at the DNC Convention a week later. It would seem to me the DNC could get quite a bit of mileage out of that, don’t you think?

          • AmericaTheBeautiful
          • Seems they want those shots across the screens of every American’s nightly news of the ” poor beleaguered folks being put down by the rotten rich GOP with an assist from the rotten rich protecting police pigs” …that should appeal to the already ramped up Trayvon supporters who already believe they’ve gotten the short end of the stick from Florida’s finest…seems this is Trayvon payback chapter 2….so like Holder and OBAMA….

            • CHHR, VA
            • geesh, unfortunately, that’s a very good point.

              Well, for what it’s worth, I hope I feel like the majority of America. I’m tired and just want this bozo out… even intimidation is not working for me lately. At some point America will do what’s it’s done everytime these wingnuts come to the surface… flush the toilet.

    • CHHR, VA
    • Honestly, I don’t know what to think. As dumb as Biden tends to be, he’s not totally stupid and I can’t imagine he would not be at least a little suspicious of the entire arrangement to break convention protocol. I also think that there are more than you know looking onto this BS. This thing has been bantered for several months and it seems that the SS has been finding and resolving an increasing number of OWS plots in recent weeks.

      Like I said, I just don’t know. But there are a couple of things happening lately that are very interesting.

      Denish D’Souza just released that documentary “2016: Obama’s America.” It was released a couple weeks ago to select theaters nationwide and is set to be released nationally this weekend. What’s most interesting is that the movie is already #12 without the benefit of a full audience. Heck, it would seem this documentary even could chase Michael Moore out of first place… now that’s very interesting.

      Couple that with the map showing what America is reading from Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/election-heatmap Now consider that map with the high purchases by candidate and you begin to get a very interesting picture. The purchase of Obama’s book “Audacity of Hope” is a very high selling book. But also notice, Paul Ryan also tops the list. IMO, it seems, by this map anyway, that folks are finding out about the real (vetting) Obama while giving Ryan a looksee as well.

      I also find it interesting that the local police are going to use a “behavior recognition” software during the convention… that ought to be interesting.

      I am concerned about something though. When considering the meaning of “False Flag,” you can’t help but wonder about the Paul crowd… they actually have access to the convention where anyone under the banner of OWS won’t. As I’ve said many times, there is little to no difference between the far left or the far right. One only has to remember that Kucinich did endorse Paul to realize that one.

      Other than that concern, I’m sorry, I don’t have a criminal mind to actually consider how they will attempt to pull this all together. I can only consider what I’ve noticed and be on alert knowing that something is definately up. But hey, Biden in Florida? Gee that was a stretch.

      • P Walker
      • I just heard oin the news that the roll call vote for the nomination has been moved up to Monday , partially because of weather and partially to thwart Paul supporters .

    • Obeline
    • Sultan Knish on Biden: a few highlights – but recommend reading the whole piece.

      “The chief function of a Vice President is making the President look good and by that measure Joe Biden is one of the best vice presidents who ever lived. The rule of thumb is that the more incompetent the man at the top is, the more of a buffoon the man just below him needs to be to make him look good. And again Biden does this job brilliantly.”

      “Biden’s ego has made it impossible for him to understand the uses he has been put to. And that is part of the joke. Joe Biden wasn’t selected despite his penchant for saying stupid things in public. He was selected because of it. He is there to project incompetence in order to make Obama look better. He is there to make the idea of white male leadership look like a joke. That is his one and only job and he has succeeded at it.”

      “No halfway responsible man would have deliberately chosen an idiot as his potential replacement. But an administration that has done the things to America that this one has done is not in any way responsible. If you step into Obama’s head for a moment, you realize that he does not care at all what happens if he should die. A man who can’t be bothered to take care of his own extended family is not likely to care one way or another what happens to a country of several hundred million, most of whom are not even related to him.”

      “Biden still does not understand what he is. He is a fellow traveler, a dupe, a scarecrow of the old white male liberal establishment hung up over a cornfield to attract unknowing liberals while serving as a figure of fun to the left. And despite his corruption and arrogance, there is something sad and pathetic in the spectacle of a hollow man with capped teeth set in a grin making a fool of himself for the amusement of the Post-American crowd. A crowd that he thinks are laughing with him, when they are actually laughing at him. ”


      • CHHR, VA
      • You forgot one thing. Biden’s position as VP was Obama’s impeachment insurance. If Obama knows he’s lost, he and his goons have shown that they wants to leave with a bang. So who needs Biden now but for that lasting boom?

    • Obeline
    • Note to Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper, and any other MSM shill who’s starting to see the light . . . investigate and expose this and you might regain a little respect.

    • VTX
    • Considering the fact that one of Obama’s books was ghostwritten by Bill Loughner-Ayers-Cho-Ayers-Holmes-Ayers, it seems likely that someone is planning some mayhem.

      Another possibility is that the administration will set up a faux-Iranian terror group – make things really easy for them to get through. Would Napolitano do something like that? Holder? Both are neck deep in their self-made misery: a distraction would be a beautiful thing, in their eyes.

      The question is: homegrown terrorists (Holder, Napolitano, OWS, unions) or foreign – aided by all of the above? Intel? Where are you? Wanna prevent another 9-11?

    • Diane Wright
    • Have any of you ever read”Lamb to the Slaughter”???

      Sacrificing J.Biden,, as a Martyr would NOT/NEVER be beneath these people.

      He is the 1 that is in danger if WHI/WSI are correct about this thing.
      If all of us pass this along,their work will not be in vain…They would NEVER attempt a False Flag if everyone knew…

    • liveforliberty
    • http://www.wtsp.com/news/topstories/article/269650/250/Police-Chief-Violent-protesters-will-be-dealt-with-swiftly

      Castor’s comments follow the latest video posted by someone claiming to belong to the collective Anonymous. In the video, the unidentified person says they should not be labeled “domestic terrorists” and says Tampa residents should not fear them. But the person does say the upcoming convention is a time to fight back.

      During a lengthy one-on-one interview with 10 News on Wednesday Castor said tear gas will be used as a last resort. She said riot gear will likely be brought out at some point and she said expects some arrests next week but declined to offer a prediction.

      Castor also called it “ridiculous” that protesters with a concealed weapons permit would be allowed to bring a gun into the Event Zone.

    • Jules
    • My guess, and it is only a wild guess mind you, is that if Gaffe-oMatic 2012 went to Tampa, he has done the filming of the false flag already. There will be a closed, event, drill whatever, film of which will just be what has already been filmed; and come actual convention time, ol’ Joe will be nowhere near The Sunshine State.

    • truthandjustice
    • Breaking – Just saw on Hannity on the news crawl at the bottom that the FBI/Homeland Security has issued a bulletin about a warning of “extremists” at the Convention, using molotov cocktails and acid eggs. Also that the MSM networks announced they will not cover the Convention except for 1 hour of the last three nights – something like that. Going from memory and then I couldn’t get on this site for 15 minutes or so (?) To me, this confirms what SHI warned about and is a prep. for what they have planned. Note the Commie networks in compliance of course. FBI/DHS all in cahoots………..

    • VTX
    • If it’s a domestic disturbance they want – and not a “terrorist” attack, they’ve prepared from the time OWS started training.

      That’s it, folks: training.

      Anyone know about sound cannons and other non-lethal means of dealing with unruly crowds. Anyone see the PD – in any city, including NYC – using these methods? If only for testing and practice, did they use them?

      The ones training were OWS and other Occupy sites. The police departments were basically told to stand down.

      • truthandjustice
      • Yeah, I saw this yesterday – I’m a Texan and thought that very interesting. I was going to post it here but couldn’t et on again so gave up last night. Maybe good plan for other counties – as many as possible.
        We were on vacation recently and in Reno, Nevada – when I told them we were from Texas I added we’re thinking of seceding and they said they’re also thinking of joining us if Obama is re-elected !

    • Jules
    • The picture accompanying this article is interesting, as they always are.

      What is with Barry’s right hand? How many finger’s does he have? Why is he so wide-eyed? Where is ” Mr. Dodd?” [get back, Joe] What is Barry telling ol’ Joe?

      So many questions.

    • ThroughtheLookingGlass
    • The hurricane will blow all this out of play at the RNC. In which case…will they move the plans to Charlotte to add another historically violent event to the Black History of North Carolina? NC has forsaken the would-be king voting down same sex marriage and trailing in the pro-Obama polls. The National Banking Capital of the South is a prime target for all kinds of OWS protests and upheaval. Talk of trouble at the RNC is a send-up balloon to see what will fly and what gets blown away by the winds of a hurricane and pre-convention press. Barry & Co will get more play out of trouble at their own convention…not muddying the waters at the RNC.

      This is my opinion…for what it’s worth.

      • Charlotte
      • Or Donald Trump’s assertions that something big about Obama’s past is going to be revealed? Trump too better watch it- last time Andrew Breitbart said something similar we know what happened…

    • plainolamerican
    • OR Uncle Joe takes a licking from some crazed Republican just bad enough to keep him off the ticket. Brings sympathy votes and prevents anymore Biden gaf laughs.

      Joe with a really big smile retires with government stimulus dollars er. I mean pension for taking one for the team as they say…

      The real investigation should be on whom his replacement may be. Billary? Panetta?

      Things that make us go HHHhhhmmmmmm.

    • CeeJay
    • And, The Insiders (Including MI) are quoted in an article over at “American Thinker” called “Will Obama Keep Power ‘by Any Means Necessary’?” by Stella Paul.



      PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, take the time to read all and pass on to all your contacts!

      Just a taste of the article:

      “Let’s go there: if Obama thinks he’s losing, will he allow safe and fair elections on November 6? And if he does lose, will he peacefully turn over power to Mitt Romney on January 20, 2013? Or will he cling to power “by any means necessary,” as a highly placed insider alleges?

      Now, I’m truly sorry to raise such disgusting, un-American, crazy-sounding questions, but, alas, they’re not crazy, and I’ve got a disquieting amount of evidence. The Democrats have already accused Romney of murdering a woman with cancer, financial felonies, and not filing taxes for ten years — the last charge delivered by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate floor, on the basis of absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

      By Democrat standards, I’ve got enough proof to put away Obama, et al. for life without parole….”

      This really gets scarier by the minute. We have militia in my State (LA) that are preparing for the worse as I write this!

      GOD HELP US.

    • PerpWalkThemThruTheRoseGarden
    • Sorry, I posted this on the wrong thread:

      August 23, 2012 at 6:17 am

      What do you think of these threats to white people in Tampa from the New Black Panther Party? Maybe they want civilized, clear thinking people to feel threatened enough to retaliate? If so, please let’s keep our powder dry & not take their vile bait.

      Here is a sample of the transcript from their daily radio broadcast (the rest is available at the link below)

      “WE ARE UNDER SEIGE IN TAMPA BECAUSE OF THIS Republican National Convention.”

      “The Republicans hate black people.”

      “You better believe I’m going to put my God damned boot on their motherf****** necks!”

      If that woman’s voice, Michelle Williams, sounds familiar, it’s because it is familiar. Williams called for a Red Sea of violence and bloodshed back in April.

      They also have plans to put King Samir Shabazz, the man who was caught on video intimidating voters outside of a Philadelphia polling station in 2008, in charge of a NEW MILITIA DEDICATED TO KILLING WHITE BABIES AND SKINNING WHITE PEOPLE.

      “If you want to be free you’re going to have to get out here and kill some of these God damn peckerwoods (SP.) You’re going to have to KILL SOME OF THESE BABIES JUST BORN THREE SECONDS AGO. YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE TO GO INTO THE GOD DAMNED NURSERY AND JUST THROW A DAMN BOMB IN THE NURSERY AND KILL EVERYTHING WHITE IN SIGHT.”

      “I want nothing more than to come home with a cracker’s head in my book bag.”

      Audio LINK: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/08/14/NBP-Threaten-Cracker-Republican-Tampa-Convention-Wont-Be-Tolerated-Our-Feet-Will-Be-On-Your-Necks

    • IS
    • We should just ask @BarackObama on twitter what his plans are with regards to this false flag. We should probably warn @JoeBiden that he may be getting set up. ;)

    • truthandjustice
    • Hey guys — how about this piece about why Biden was chosen for VP?? And if so, how does this relate to the latest re the false flag.

      “Joe Biden, never a serious candidate, was the perfect match for Obama. A dumb old white man to confirm all the dirty impulses of the left while mockingly giving mainstream Democrats someone they could relate to. Biden’s gaffes aren’t an embarrassment, they are the whole point, signaling the end of the old American era of leadership. Their implicit message is that you can choose a McCain or Biden, another old white man, or the savvy multicultural representative of a new generation that looks like the America of 2050.

      Obama and Biden are both symbols of the Post-American America. Biden represents the outgoing American administration and Obama represents the incoming Post-American administration. It is vital to make the American administration look weak, foolish and useless so as to affirm the right of the Post-American administration to seize power from it.

      Project incompetence in order to make Obama look better
      Biden’s ego has made it impossible for him to understand the uses he has been put to. And that is part of the joke. Joe Biden wasn’t selected despite his penchant for saying stupid things in public. He was selected because of it. He is there to project incompetence in order to make Obama look better. He is there to make the idea of white male leadership look like a joke. That is his one and only job and he has succeeded at it.

      To moderate liberals, the selection of Biden sends a message that race has finally been transcended through the hard work of men and women like them. To the left, the message is that the old patriarchy is on the way out and is about to be replaced by a multicultural people’s leadership that knows what a ridiculous joke the old white male power structure is. The left is not at all troubled when Republicans ridicule Biden. They chuckle because Republicans aren’t in on the joke. Biden is meant to be them. They are Biden.

      The left harbors its greatest contempt, not for Republicans, but for liberals. “I love Harry and Sidney and Sammy/I hope every colored boy becomes a star/But don’t talk about revolution/That’s going a little bit too far,” Phil Ochs sang mockingly. “Love me, love me, I’m a liberal.” Obama’s people are singing Phil Ochs’ song and displaying the traditional contempt for all the parts of the Democratic Party that aren’t as committed to revolution as they are.

      Biden is a joke because the Democratic Party is a joke
      Biden is a joke because the Democratic Party is a joke. He represents what the left sees as the flaws of the Democratic Party and liberalism, the old white males who wanted slow reforms and gradual change instead of abrupt revolution. Obama’s people could have chosen a more credible figure who would have provided useful cover, but instead they couldn’t hold back their contempt.

      To the left, race is a means to an end, it is not the end. Its collectivism requires enlisting individual groups dissatisfied with the system to help overthrow it in a coalition whose ultimate aims do not serve the needs of any of the individual groups. The racial identity of millions of African-Americans is a tool, like the former Senator from Delaware who somewhere beneath his hairpiece, past nerves deadened by Botox injections, harbors dreams of inheriting the job in 2016.

      Biden still does not understand what he is. He is a fellow traveler, a dupe, a scarecrow of the old white male liberal establishment hung up over a cornfield to attract unknowing liberals while serving as a figure of fun to the left. And despite his corruption and arrogance, there is something sad and pathetic in the spectacle of a hollow man with capped teeth set in a grin making a fool of himself for the amusement of the Post-American crowd. A crowd that he thinks are laughing with him, when they are actually laughing at him.


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