Yes, Obama White House Proposed Defense Sequester -- & Has No Plan to Solve It

President Obama claimed last night that the defense ‘sequester’ “is not something that I've proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.” Veteran journalist Bob Woodward says otherwise.

According to Politico, a new book by Woodward documents how the idea for the defense ‘sequester’ “originated in the White House – and not in Congress.” Page 326 highlights the moment White House officials first took the ‘sequester’ idea to their allies in the Democratic-controlled Senate:

The president also said ‘sequestration’ “will not happen.” That’s great news for our troops – but the only ones taking action to stop the ‘sequester’ are House Republicans. In May, the House passed a bill that replaces the president’s ‘sequester’ with common-sense spending cuts and reforms. It even reduces the deficit by another $243 billion.

President Obama still “hasn’t laid out a comprehensive plan to avoid” his ‘sequester,’ reports The Hill. Neither have Senate Democrats. They won’t even debate and vote on the House-passed bill.

Instead, Democrats have threatened to drive the country off the “fiscal cliff” – which includes these devastating defense cuts – in their quest for a tax hike on small businesses. They’re pushing for tax hikes that will destroy more than 700,000 jobs but have no taken no action at all to stop the ‘sequester.’

Learn more about the House-passed bill that averts the “fiscal cliff” and protects our troops here.