Speaker's Blog

November 02, 2012General

Speaker Boehner is calling on President Obama to personally “order the release of all administration records associated with the decision to slash pensions for non-union auto workers at Delphi during his taxpayer-funded auto bailout.”

November 02, 2012Press Release

"Four years of persistently high unemployment and long-term joblessness might be the best President Obama can do – but it’s nowhere near what the American people can do if we get Washington out of their way."

October 26, 2012General

In a letter to the White House yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner urged President Obama to provide a full accounting to the American public of his administration’s response to the terrorist attack in Libya that claimed the lives of four Americans.  The Speaker’s letter comes in response to new information that raises questions about what the administration knew during, and immediately following the attack, and how it has responded to the tragedy.  Here are

October 26, 2012General

Last quarter’s paltry two percent economic growth – “too weak to rapidly boost hiring” – is another indictment of President Obama’s failed mixture of ‘stimulus’ spending, excessive regulations, and looming tax hikes.

October 25, 2012Press Release

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today sent the following letter to President Obama asking him to explain to the American people the Administration’s response to the terrorist attack in Libya and the fact that publicly-available information has consistently contradicted Administration accounts describing the cause and nature of the attack.

