U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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All blogs filed under Video
  • Video: Rev. Gerdts from Wilmington leads the Senate in its opening prayer

    Rev. Dr. Douglas Gerdts, pastor of First & Central Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, served as the guest chaplain and lead the Senate in its opening prayer on September 20, 2012. U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) selected Rev. Dr. Gerdts to be a guest chaplain from Delaware.

  • Video: Senator Coons urges colleagues to pass the Bring Jobs Home Act

    U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) took to the Senate floor on Wednesday morning to urge his Senate colleagues to stand together to help U.S. companies “insource” jobs by passing the Bring Jobs Home Act. The legislation, which Senator Coons is an original cosponsor of, ends taxpayer subsidies to companies that ship jobs overseas and incentivizes companies to bring jobs back to the United States.  The bill is expected to be voted on by the full Senate on Thursday.

  • Video: Senator Coons talks fiscal cliff on CBS This Morning

    NEW YORK — Senator Coons was interviewed about the "fiscal cliff" on CBS This Morning Saturday, describing his work with a bipartisan group of senators hoping to make real, rsponsible progress on reducing the deficit and minimizing the impact on Americans of a series of tax and legal changes due to take effect later this year. Watch below:

    Fiscal Cliff
  • Video: Senator Coons speaks at Supreme Court

    Senator Coons spoke briefly at a press conference on the steps of the Supreme Court on Thursday, praising the Court's decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act. Watch:

    Affordable Care Act
    Health Care
    Supreme Court
  • Video: Senator Coons introduces bill to spark investment in renewable energy projects

    U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) took to the Senate floor on June 7, 2012 to discuss legislation he introduced with Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) to give renewable energy projects access to a tax incentive available now only to oil, gas, and coal projects. Their bill, the Master Limited Partnerships Parity Act, brings fairness back to the tax code and helps level the playing field for investors in alternative energy projects.

    Click here to read more about the Master Limited Partnerships Parity Act.

    Master Limited Partnerships Parity Act
  • Video: Senators respond to Kony 2012 movement

    The day before the Kony 2012 movement’s global day of action, U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Mary Landrieu (D-La.), and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) released a video on the Senate’s efforts to support the removal of Joseph Kony and his top lieutenants in the Lord’s Resistance Army from the battlefield in central Africa. Former U.S. Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), is also featured in the video, which is aimed at the millions of young Americans who have become part of the Kony 2012 movement in the last month.

    Joseph Kony
  • Senator Coons touts Buffett Rule on Morning Joe

    Senator Coons appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Wednesday to talk about his support for the Buffett Rule and other policies that promote fairness in our tax code. Watch below.

    Buffett Rule
    Morning Joe
    Tax Reform
  • Video: Senator Coons calls on colleagues to move swiftly in confirming judicial nominees

    U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, spoke on the Senate floor Tuesday morning about the partisan gridlock that has dangerously prolonged the confirmations of judicial nominees.

    Click here to read the full text of the speech. 


    Judiciary Committee
  • Miss the State of the Union address?

    Did you miss President Obama's State of the Union address last night? You can watch it below, in its "enhanced" format from the White House.

    And click here to download President Obama's "Blueprint for an America Built to Last."

    Senator Coons was largely impressed with the President's strategy. Here's what he said in a statement afterward:

    "President Obama tonight laid out a positive vision for where our country is headed, powered by an economy built to work for all Americans. I share President Obama’s belief that if you work hard and play by the rules in this country, you deserve a real shot at economic fairness. I look forward to working with him this year to restore the economic fairness we seem to have lost. President Obama’s blueprint touches all the right areas if you’re trying to build an economy that works for everyone. For the first time in 15 years, America’s manufacturing sector is growing again. We need to invest in that momentum, grow domestic and clean energy production, and enhance the skills of American workers. Importantly, we have to do it in a bipartisan way that is economically fair to all Americans.”

    Throughout the day today here on the blog we'll post more specific thoughts on individual parts of the President's blueprint, including manufacturing, clean energy, equal pay for equal work, community colleges and more.

    Clean Energy
    President Obama
    State of the Union
  • Video: Chris previews the State of the Union on CNBC

    Senator Coons appeared on CNBC's Kudlow Report last night to preview the State of the Union. You can watch below.

    State of the Union