U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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All blogs filed under Kenya
  • Senators Coons and Kerry urge administration to expand licensing of aid providers in Somalia

    Just days after chairing a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs looking into the growing famine and drought crisis in the Horn of Africa, Senator Coons joined Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry today in calling for the administration to license additional humanitarian groups to distribute aid in Somalia.

    “In the Horn of Africa today, over 12 million people are in desperate need of food and water amidst the worst drought in three generations,” the two senators said in a joint statement.  “In Somalia alone, approximately 3.2 million people are in need of immediate life-saving assistance, half a million children are acutely malnourished, and more than 29,000 children under the age of 5 have tragically died.  The drought has blasted an already hostile landscape, but the actions of the terrorist group al-Shabaab and the shortcomings of the Somali government have turned a natural disaster into a human catastrophe.”

    Hundreds of thousands of Somalis, displaced by years of civil war, already live in difficult conditions in Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti, Uganda, and Eritrea, and they have been hard hit by the famine and drought.  For Somalis still living in areas controlled by al-Shabaab, limited access by international aid organization has made it extremely difficult both to measure the famine’s effects and provide assistance.  For years the United States has maintained tight restrictions on American organizations operating in areas under al-Shabaab control, due to the groups designation as a terrorist organization.  While praising the administration’s efforts, both senators believe more can be done to ease suffering while preventing aid from ending up in the hands of the al-Shabaab. 

    “We encourage the administration to consider additional ways to ease and expedite the provision of aid. Specifically, it should explore expanding the pool of those licensed to provide assistance in southern Somalia to include U.S. humanitarian groups funded by private donors or other countries. While it is absolutely imperative to restrict the flow of resources to al-Shabaab, we must draw on all available resources as we balance security concerns with pressing humanitarian needs.”

    Horn of Africa
    Subcommittee on African Affairs
  • 12 million at risk from drought and famine in the Horn of Africa

    Senator Coons chaired a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs Wednesday with witnesses from from  the State Department, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and representatives of humanitarian organizations to examine conditions in the Horn of Africa following the worst regional drought in 60 years.  Currently, the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance and emergency relief to the stricken region, which includes Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Uganda, and Djibouti. 

    Click here for a map of the affected areas and the aid organizations at work in each country.  

    Since receiving record low rainfalls over the past several months, which have caused drought and contributed to reduced crop yields and the lost of livestock, these countries – and Somalia in particular – are experiencing a growing humanitarian crisis that has jeopardized  the lives of millions of people.  Children are especially susceptible to the effects of hunger and malnutrition that accompany famine and drought, and UNICEF has estimated that 2.3 million children in the region are acutely malnourished and half a million are at risk of imminent death.  Last month, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (UNOCHA) declared the conditions on the Horn of Africa to be a major, large-scale emergency and the UN declared a famine in five regions of Southern Somalia.  They are expected to declare the entire Southern area of Somalia as a famine zone within the next six weeks, and famine is expected to persist across Southern Somalia until the end of the year. 

    Ensuring critical aid reaches those in need has been especially difficult in Somalia, where areas in the South are controlled by al-Shabaab, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization with ties to al-Qaeda.  Al-Shabaab has obstructed access to areas of Southern Somalia, and the Obama administration recently provided legal assurances to aid groups in order to ease the flow of emergency relief.  “Just yesterday, the U.S. government announced an easing of restrictions on humanitarian organizations operating in Somalia in order to facilitate the delivery of aid”, Chris said in his opening statement.  “I look forward to hearing from today’s witnesses about this new policy, which aims to provide additional guidance and legal assurances to U.S. partner organizations operating Southern Somalia.”

    Testifying on the first of two panels at today’s hearing were Ambassador Donald Yamamoto, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; Nancy Lindborg, Assistant Administrator of USAID for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance; and Dr. Reuben Brigety, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration.  Testifying on the second panel were Wouter Schaap, Assistant Country Director for CARE International; Jeremy Konyndyk, Director of Policy and Advocacy for Mercy Corps; and Dr. J. Peter Pham, Director of the Ansari Africa Center at the Atlantic Council. UNICEF submitted a statement for the record. 

    As drought and famine conditions have worsened, thousands of Somali refugees have fled to already overcrowded refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia each day, many in need of critical medical care and emergency food relief.  In the hearing, Senator Coons called on the United States and international community to continue to partner with regional governments to provide essential humanitarian aid.

    “Americans have demonstrated great leadership helping those in need both domestically and abroad,” Chris noted, “and I am confident we will continue to partner with the international community to save lives and protect future generations in the Horn of Africa.”

    After the hearing, Chris appeared on MSNBC's Mitchell Reports to discuss the situation and the findings of the hearing. You can watch that below.

    Horn of Africa
    Subcommittee on African Affairs
    United Nations
  • Senator Coons chairs first hearing of the African Affairs Subcommittee

    Senator Coons embarked on his chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on African Affairs by holding its first nominations hearing of the 112th Congress. Appearing before the Subcommittee were President Obama’s nominees to serve as our ambassadors to Kenya and Botswana. Chris is the only freshman member of the Senate to lead a subcommittee in the 112th Congress.

    Chris’s opening statement focused on Africa’s importance as a place of strategic importance for our national security, of expanding markets, and of emerging democratic institutions.  He further cited the many challenges still facing the continent, in particular those of human rights abuses, obstacles to health care access, and widespread poverty. 

    Drawing on his own experiences in Africa, Chris said:

    Africa is a continent of tremendous strategic importance to the United States and the world, and I am extremely grateful to Senator Kerry and my colleagues on the Committee for entrusting me with the gavel. 

    I look forward to working with my friend Senator Isakson to accomplish a shared vision and strategic goals, and hope to serve as a model for bipartisan cooperation on issues pertaining to Africa in the 112th Congress and beyond.

    …While different countries with divergent histories, accomplishments and challenges, the issues we will discuss today in the context of Botswana and Kenya – governance, democratic institutions, health initiatives, human rights, trade, counterterrorism, U.S. interests and a broader regional strategy – will serve as focal points for the Africa Subcommittee. 

    Kenya has special meaning for me, as I developed a deep interest in Africa during my junior year of college when studying at the University of Nairobi and traveling through Kenya and Tanzania to immerse myself in African culture.  After college, I wrote about anti-apartheid divestiture strategies while serving as an analyst for a research center in Washington.  I subsequently returned to Africa on behalf of the South African Council of Churches, so my ties to both Kenya and Africa are both professional and personal.

    President Obama has nominated former U.S. Air Force Major General J. Scott Gration to serve as Ambassador to Kenya.  Previously, Gen. Gration was the President’s special envoy to the Sudan, where he played an important role in that country’s recent steps toward peaceful referendum on Southern Sudan’s independence.  For the top post at our mission in Botswana, the President nominated Michelle Gavin, until recently the Senior Director for Africa at the National Security Council.  Both would bring considerable experience and deep knowledge of the continent to their jobs if confirmed. 

    Foreign Relations Committee
    National Security
    Subcommittee on African Affairs
  • Senator Coons talks about faith and poverty

    Chris Coons speaks about faith and poverty at the National Press ClubAt a gathering of global aid activists, scholars, and clergy this evening, Senator Coons spoke about his travels in Africa as a youth and how the depth of poverty he witnessed on that continent affected him as a person of faith. The event was hosted by International Relief and Development and the Yale Divinity School, of which Chris is an alumnus, having earned his degree in ethics there in 1992.

    Timed to coincide with the beginning of Lent, the event featured Chris discussing how faith can be a powerful catalyst for action to ease the suffering of others.  He drew on his own religious background as an ordained Presbyterian elder as well as lessons from other faith traditions, including Islam and Judaism, to explore the meaning of our connections to one another as people sharing this world.  Faith, he told those in attendance, has the power to motivate us to act – as individuals, as communities, and as a nation – to help feed the hungry, heal the sick, and shelter the homeless. 

    Chris recalled some of his early experiences in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania as a student in college:

    I’ll never forget walking through Nairobi’s Mathare Valley for the first time.  Its seemingly-endless slum fills the narrow space between the hills, a mess of corrugated metal, dirt roads, animals, and people.  It is difficult to imagine unless you have actually been there. 

    While there is difficult poverty in every nation, including our own, the depth of poverty in the slums of the developing world is unmatched. 

    Mathare today is home to nearly half a million Kenyans, and they live without running water, sewers, and access to basic health care, education, and adequate food.  Homes are constructed from garbage, and the stench of the slum is just unbearable to those who were not forced to grow up inside it.

    …I saw something else in Mathare and in all the slums I visited that stood in striking contrast to their poverty.  I once attended a church service lasting over four hours, and the faith and hope and joy that overflowed from the worshippers was incredible. 

    These people, so poor in wealth, were so abundant in their love for God and hope for the future.  Several of us who were there working on relief visited the home of a family who slaughtered their last goat in order to serve their guests an adequate meal.  We were as the three strangers arriving at Abraham’s tent. 

    After returning to the United States, Chris worked with the South African Council of Churches against apartheid and later worked with the Coalition for the Homeless in five states. He noted how striking it was that, twenty-five years after that first experience in Nairobi, he has just recently been selected to chair the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs. 

    In his leadership of the Subcommittee, Chris looks forward to working with his colleagues, with the Administration, with our allies, and with aid groups – including faith-based organizations – to help Africans escape the painful cycles of poverty and work toward political freedom and economic developme

    Yale Divinity School