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Kevin F

 -  Public
Does anyone know a better way to just go to a post that you posted on a specific day ? Like if it was 3 months ago ?
Kevin F
Hmmm... I wish I did that. It was a private post I sent to someone. I don't want to really ask that person as the situation is kinda, iffey... Is that a word ?  Oh well... I'll keep trying to find it the hard way
Jeremy Cabral
Try these search queries - using the date range in google search you should be able to isolate down to the day you want
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Introducing the Google+ Help page

It's shiny. It's new. It's here for you — the Google+ Help page!

In addition to posting tips and tricks, we’ve also got a team of experts ready to answer your questions about how to use Google+. Just follow our page, then add ‘+Google+ Help’ to your post or comment whenever you’re looking for help, and we’ll do our very best to respond!

In the meantime, you can always check out the Google+ Help Center at

#googleplusupdate   #googleplushelp  
Luis Valencia
Yep, Already did it and it's working. I don't understand why it will not work from the Metro UI Chrome app. Ideally it should also work.
Google+ Help
Hi everyone, we have a new post up so we're going to close this post to new comments. Going forward, we'll close our posts after 24 hours so we can prioritize replying to the other incoming +mentions and shares we've been receiving, and help keep the conversations fresh. Thanks, and have a great weekend.
Google+ I can not tag anyone or change my birthday... and I can't go into the settings or help or feedback menu!!! Grrrr!!!!  PLEASE fix this! #googleplushelp
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Steve Plunkett

has shared a Google+ page with you  -  Public
Tips and tutorials on using Google+
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Download Entire Album from Google Plus | Technology Made Easy »
Recently Google has introduced the ability to download complete albums from Google plus. So, from now on, if you wish to download an album from Google plus, you just have to follow three simple steps
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So firstly for those who haven't a clue what #annoyance  we're talking about.  But mostly because we've been told that the very nice people over at +Google+ Help or #googleplushelp  will kindly tell us all how to get rid of this monstrosity!
Dave Turner
+kazz myob  only has 11 and has never seen it.... well apart from watching me repeatedly throw things across the room and hit my keyboard
Google+ Help
+Dave Turner When did you first start seeing this, and have you been able to exit out of it? Also, what browser and OS are you using?
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it's happening again.... I made a comment on a person's post, and now my main stream contains pretty much nothing but their posts.  My main stream is setup to show just one of my circles and that circle has 150 people in it. On any given day I see posts from maybe 20 people. 

If I make a comment on someone's post though, or sometimes just +1 something, my stream goes nuts and pretty much only shows that person for a day or so. Right now I'm seeing about 8 people in my main stream.

Before you say it, yes the other 100+ people are actually posting today as well.


Frank Wetmore II
I set my stream to "all circles" and though I see some in my stream than others, I can't say I see the same few individuals all the time. I +1 many [nay most] items in my stream and comment on several each day but I can't state that I've noticed any immediate or overwhelming change to my stream as a result if my plussing or commenting activity.
Frank Wetmore II
The situation you describe is quite puzzling....
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What are your favorite examples of long posts written in Google+? I'd love to include yours in my Google+ 101 class! Share them in the comments! #googleplus   #googleplushelp   +Rahul Roy 
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Aygul Zagidullina

has shared a Google+ page with you  -  Public
Introducing the official +Google+ Help page

Got a question about how to use Google+? Add +Google+ Help and #googleplushelp to yout post or comment whenever you're looking for help.

We also have the Google+ Help Center at and Google+ Help Forum at!forum/google-plus-discuss but you knew it already, right? ;)
Tips and tutorials on using Google+
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Rahul Roy

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Google+ Guide for New Google+ Users

Long Post Open in New Tab

Google+ Tips, Tutorials and How to's

1. Complete List of Google+ Features by +Shamil Weerakoon
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Vesselin Markov
great post, I personally think that both +Rahul Roy and +Shamil Weerakoon did great job for the G+ community as +Lee Smallwood said, so i would give you both +2, thanks guys
Muhammad Iqbal
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How to Host a Google Plus Hangout On Air
#hangoutsonair   #plushelp   #googleplushelp  
Developers, Independent Journalists and News Organizations from France 24, KRNV-TV, KOMU-TV and WSPA-TV share information on how to host a Hangout On Air. Th...
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Introducing the +Google+ Help page

It's shiny. It's new. It's here for you — the Google+ Help page!

In addition to posting tips and tricks, we’ve also got a team of experts ready to answer your questions about how to use Google+. Just follow our page, then add ‘+Google+ Help’ to your post or comment whenever you’re looking for help, and we’ll do our very best to respond!

In the meantime, you can always check out the Google+ Help Center at

#googleplusupdate   #googleplushelp
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i'm too lazy to confirm this completely, but i'm pretty sure that when someone posts a photo, there's an unfortunate disconnect between comments on the post that contains the photo versus comments on the photo itself.

on the iOS version of g+, there's also a further disconnect that i can get notified that someone commented after me on a post that contained a photo, but when i, um, "press" on the notification, it takes me to the photo and comments directly associated with the photo and not any comments associated with the post that contains the photo.

this qualifies as a grrrr.

#googleplushelp #googleplusbugs #googleplusannoyances  
Angie Person
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Rahul Roy

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More exposure for Newbies.. (Be a part of special shared circle)

Small part of Newbies Guide

If you are new to Google+ and looking for more exposure( visibility) you are at right place. Nominate yourself /yourfriends or other newbies(new Google+ users) for special circle.

Benifits of newbies circle: ...
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Chadwick Jones
Haha I don't even remember posting in this... lol
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Difference Between Google+ Image Uploads and Picasa Web Albums Image Uploads:

Whatever images you share on the Google+, it will not be counted for your Google Account Storage. ( So it is actually FREE image uploads in Google Plus.

But if you want to keep your original size of the image, Go to and create a new album for higher resolution...
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Feroz Bakht
Nice info thanks +Albert Albs 
Albert Albs
Welcome +John Holme & +Feroz Bakht  :)
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Google+ problem. Can anyone help me?---SOLVED! Thanks all!

I am using Chrome 17.0.963 and on G+ (on my desktop) when clicking the "home" icon, messenger isn't fact it is as though it doesn't even exist at all period. On the latest release of Firefox it is there however. However I am NOT a Firefox fan and much prefer Chrome.
I have disabled all extensions and tried to run Chrome totally bare with the same results....nothing there... I am banging my head completely.
Ideas? Can anyone help? Feel free to share this post if you all know someone who might be able to lend me a hand.
Thanks all!

#googleplus #googleplusupdate #googleplushelp +Brian Rose
Thorben Groth
What +Simon Janssens de Varebeke said. The chat extension works well. Even when your browser is closed.
John De Bord
+Simon Janssens de Varebeke now that is something I have never seen before. I did fix the problem but I am grabbing this regardless, thanks! +Thorben Groth Yep, I am grabbing it now :)
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Techniques for Gathering Guests for Hangouts

#hangouthelp   #googleplustips   #hangoutsonair   #interviewtips   #googleplushelp   #videorocks  
A question a few of you have asked in the comments of our previous videos is how we are able to obtain guests and interviews for our ReelSEO videos, especial...
Sheila B. DuBois
+Charles Hogge  Chris did a good job getting folks to talk on the hangout last night.    
Charles Hogge
That event bombed hard.  +Chris Yates pulled off some magic there.  That's what it's all about though.  Thanks for joining and hanging in there as long as you could.
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