Representative Todd Rokita
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Representative Todd RokitaSee All
    • Rep. Rokita, You have been evaluated according to 40 different legislative actions to establish how fair you are to your constituents. You received and "F" because you overwhelmingly favor the rich, the top 1% of the nations.
      5 hours ago
    • Are you going to work across the aisle and with the President? Mid terms will be here quicker than you think.
      18 hours ago
    • Vote for a new speaker, latest is the current one is wishy washy about Obozocare repeal, I will not be happy with any of you, if this is not repealed.
      Yesterday at 2:43am
    • If the Jones Act needs to be waived in order to transport fuel from the Gulf of Mexico to the Northeast, why is it still on the books. Why keep a law that impedes commerce?
      Sunday at 9:53am
  2. For businesses, obligations and liabilities are shown right on the front of their financial statements. But for long-term federal spending like Social Security and Medicare, that's not the case, and so our debt situation is much worse than many people realize. Following my presentation, I enjoyed a good, thoughtful conversation with the CPAs about what we must do to solve our spending crisis.
    Photo: For businesses, obligations and liabilities are shown right on the front of their financial statements. But for long-term federal spending like Social Security and Medicare, that's not the case, and so our debt situation is much worse than many people realize. Following my presentation, I enjoyed a good, thoughtful conversation with the CPAs about what we must do to solve our spending crisis.
  3. On Friday, I spoke to more than 100 members of the Indiana CPA Society at their Leadership Cabinet/Emerging Leaders Alliance annual meeting in Indianapolis. CPAs have a particularly keen understanding that the real truth of our financial condition is in our financial statements, which show what the federal government is committed to spending over the long-term.
    Photo: On Friday, I spoke to more than 100 members of the Indiana CPA Society at their Leadership Cabinet/Emerging Leaders Alliance annual meeting in Indianapolis. CPAs have a particularly keen understanding that the real truth of our financial condition is in our financial statements, which show what the federal government is committed to spending over the long-term.
  4. Visiting with Plainfield Rotary Club members yesterday.
    Photo: Visiting with Plainfield Rotary Club members yesterday.
  5. Sharing my spending and debt presentation with Rotary Club members in Plainfield yesterday.
    Photo: Sharing my spending and debt presentation with Rotary Club members in Plainfield yesterday.
  6. Order has been restored - family picture time. Happy Halloween from Kathy, Ryan, Teddy and me. Stay safe and bring home some good candy.
    Photo: Order has been restored - family picture time.  Happy Halloween from Kathy, Ryan, Teddy and me.  Stay safe and bring home some good candy.
  7. The boys went as moo cows this evening for Halloween. A few minutes in and older brother Teddy is already pulling rank and raiding Ryan's candy. Side note: Eat More Chikin' :)
    Photo: The boys went as moo cows this evening for Halloween.  A few minutes in and older brother Teddy is already pulling rank and raiding Ryan's candy.  Side note: Eat More Chikin' :)
  8. On my way to Plainfield to speak to the Rotary Club. Looking forward to a good discussion on spending/debt/entitlement reform!
  9. Major congratulations to West Lafayette High School faculty, staff, and students on being ranked in top 20 schools nationally for STEM education. What a great achievement - something the entire community should be proud of.
  10. Excellent visit today with around 15 members of the Montgomery County business community at my business roundtable in Crawfordsville. We discussed the drivers of our debt, the tax hike looming at the end of this year, and ways to reform our tax code.
    Photo: Excellent visit today with around 15 members of the Montgomery County business community at my business roundtable in Crawfordsville. We discussed the drivers of our debt, the tax hike looming at the end of this year, and ways to reform our tax code.
  11. I had some extra time today in Crawfordsville. I stopped in to visit with one of my favorite doctors, Dr. Marri and his partners. Good to see you doc!
    Photo: I had some extra time today in Crawfordsville.  I stopped in to visit with one of my favorite doctors, Dr. Marri and his partners.  Good to see you doc!
  12. Kathy and I took the boys on an adventure to IHOP this morning. Here's a photo with a friend we met!
    Photo: Kathy and I took the boys on an adventure to IHOP this morning. Here's a photo with a friend we met!
  13. Today, I joined about 50 Hendricks Power Cooperative workers at an employee town hall meeting. Over lunch, I shared my spending and debt presentation and addressed their questions concerning the drivers of our debt.

    Many were alarmed to he...
    ar about the dire financial condition of our republic, and agreed that our current path of intergenerational theft is not sustainable. Those who have children or grandchildren (nearly everyone in the room) particularly understand why it's immoral to leave such an economic time bomb for our future generations.
    See More
    Photo: Today, I joined about 50 Hendricks Power Cooperative workers at an employee town hall meeting. Over lunch, I shared my spending and debt presentation and addressed their questions concerning the drivers of our debt.

Many were alarmed to hear about the dire financial condition of our republic, and agreed that our current path of intergenerational theft is not sustainable. Those who have children or grandchildren (nearly everyone in the room) particularly understand why it's immoral to leave such an economic time bomb for our future generations.
  14. This morning, I joined Gov. Mitch Daniels and other state and local officials at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Lafayette-to-Delphi segment of the Hoosier Heartland Highway. I brought along my restored 1973 Corvette to help lead the caravan after we cut the ribbon. It's been an honor to be part of the team that helped make this happen. Here I am pictured with Delphi Mayor Randy Strasser:
    Photo: This morning, I joined Gov. Mitch Daniels and other state and local officials at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Lafayette-to-Delphi segment of the Hoosier Heartland Highway. I brought along my restored 1973 Corvette to help lead the caravan after we cut the ribbon. It's been an honor to be part of the team that helped make this happen. Here I am pictured with Delphi Mayor Randy Strasser:
  15. In addition to my visit with Meritor this week, I had another opportunity to speak to leaders of our auto industry when I visited with the Indiana Automotive Council. Representatives from Chrysler, Cummins, Delphi, General Motors, and many other companies were in attendance, and we talked about the looming “fiscal cliff” and the need for comprehensive tax reform.
    Photo: In addition to my visit with Meritor this week, I had another opportunity to speak to leaders of our auto industry when I visited with the Indiana Automotive Council. Representatives from Chrysler, Cummins, Delphi, General Motors, and many other companies were in attendance, and we talked about the looming “fiscal cliff” and the need for comprehensive tax reform.
  16. Boiler up! Big game today against Ohio State!
  17. Had a great visit on Thursday with the Brownsburg Rotary Club, where we talked about spending and debt. You can see my presentation on my website at A very special thanks to all of the club members, including Merlin Outcalt for the invitation and to Club President Danielle Snyder for the hospitality.
    Photo: Had a great visit on Thursday with the Brownsburg Rotary Club, where we talked about spending and debt. You can see my presentation on my website at A very special thanks to all of the club members, including Merlin Outcalt for the invitation and to Club President Danielle Snyder for the hospitality.
  18. I had the opportunity yesterday to address Meritor’s North American Site Management and Human Resources Management Summit in Indianapolis. Meritor is a great Hoosier employer with a major facility in Plainfield, and I worked with them throu...
    gh my Red Tape Rollback program to successfully push the GAO to conduct a study on using remanufactured parts in maintaining the federal vehicle fleet. You can read more about that effort here:
    See More
    Photo: I had the opportunity yesterday to address Meritor’s North American Site Management and Human Resources Management Summit in Indianapolis. Meritor is a great Hoosier employer with a major facility in Plainfield, and I worked with them through my Red Tape Rollback program to successfully push the GAO to conduct a study on using remanufactured parts in maintaining the federal vehicle fleet. You can read more about that effort here:

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