great education great people
A great education; but as important, a life changing experience because of the relationships that a ...student develops with faculty, coaches, administrators, staff, fellow students, parents, and last but not least alumni. WAF! See More
Boys will be boys, but men go to Wabash. Masculinity is under attack in America. I can say this afte...r spending time in half a dozen countries over the past 4 years of my military service. Wabash College fills a needed gap in the educational marketplace by educating young men to think critically, lead effectively, and live humanely. It's a great place to go and a place that forces students to focus on academics and get involved in extra curricular activities.
However, Wabash isn't perfect. I graduated in 2004 and haven't been back in several years. Housing for independent students was an issue. Career services was awful and has been improved from what I've heard. Town and gown relationships were awful. One of the best things I did was work off campus in Crawfordsville, which is an underrated town.
The big thing that Wabash lacks is a national reputation. It's never going to be IU. It's never going to be an Ivy League. But it's well known in state and among academic circles due to its faculty and staff.
The less Wabash changes it's unique educational experience the better. I hope it never goes co-ed. If you want a co-ed, private college then I can point you to Greencastle or you can go north to South Bend.
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