
Welcome to the BlogHer Publishing Network and welcome to the blogosphere...where women are power users and powerful consumers. Blogging has become mainstream, and tech-savvy women of all ages are increasingly drawn to the modern, authentic voices found on women-authored blogs. How many women? 36 million women a week participate in the blogosphere

  • 21 million women a week read blogs
  • An additional 15 million women a week read and publish blogs of their own
  • Trust and Influence

  • Blogs are considered a good source for information, advice and recommendations by the overwhelming majority of the BlogHer Network audience
  • 64% of BlogHer’s audience has purchased a product based upon a blog recommendation
  • These and many more facts provided in the Compass Partners/BlogHer 2008 Social Media Benchmark Study [PDF]

    The BlogHer Publishing Network is the definitive way to reach women who blog and their readers all over the Internet

  • More than 2,500 blogs
  • 15MM unique visitors* a month
  • Unique opportunities to cross-promote across online, on-air and in-person channels
  • *April 2009

    Our advertising media kit (pdf) provides the latest details on our program. Our sales team contacts include:

    West Coast

    Kristin Darguzas


    Kim Schraw

    East Coast and General Sales Inquiries
    Debbie Wogan
    Senior Vice President Sales


    Conference Sales
    Miriam Anton

    650-363-2564 ext. 29

    For inquiries regarding joining the BlogHer Ad Network:
    The BlogHer Ads Team

    Visit our information page for bloggers.