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What's HOT

My Take on Food Styling and Photography

When I first picked up a DSLR camera and began photographing/blogging regularly, I never imagined I'd fall so head-over-heels in love with food photography and styling. Nor could I have predicted that less than 2 years later, I'd be getting such incredible support from my readers, and more recently, an increasing number of emails asking for photography advice. I have no idea if this comes across online, but I'm actually quite a shy person in real life. It's truly a testament to you all that I feel quite at ease writing this post today.  Read more >

Instagram Fans, Meet Animoto


The many fans of Instagram will be interested in learning about using Animoto to create videos with Instagram photos. Michele McGraw from Scraps of My Geek Life tells you more about it. She writes,  Read more

Tech Trends Coming from CES 2012

CES 2011

Kristy Korcz and the gang at Geek Sugar are going to be keeping you up with all the news from CES 2012. Here's their early look at what trends are expected to emerge from this year's event. Kristy says,  Read more

4 year old Geek Girl Knows Her Dinos (video)


Did you happen to notice the article in The Ottawa Citizen earlier this week about Stella Hatton? She's an adorable little budding paleontologist who found flaws in a dino toy when she was out shopping with her parents. They taped her explaining the issues and posted the video on YouTube for family and friends.  Read more >