Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > NACO > Training > Training Materials for the NACO and BIBCO Workshops

NACO Program Training Workshop materials are on the Cataloger's Learning Workshop (CLW) page

Other Information and evaluation forms

Required Documentation of the NACO Program:

  • The Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (2nd rev. ed. & subsequent updates) Chapters 22-26 & appendices
  • The MARC 21 Authority Format
    • Subset of MARC 21 Authority Format for NACO training
    • Part 1 [99 pages]
    • Part 2 [72 pages]
  • The Policy and Standards Division has made available a comprehensive version of the Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1 and the LC Guidelines Supplement to the MARC 21 Format for Authority Data. These documents are current as of August 1, 2009.

    Note to NACO participants: DCM Z1 includes an appendix with instructions specific to Library of Congress staff that may be exluded when printing.

    Electronic versions of both documents are also available through Cataloger's Desktop. Quarterly updates are available from the Cataloging Distribution Service.

  • The Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRIs) Chapters 22-26
  • ALA-LC Romanization Tables in .pdf format (required only if contributing headings in non-Roman languages)

The underlying principle of NACO is that participants agree to follow a common set of standards and guidelines when creating or changing authority records in order to maintain the integrity of a large shared authority file. During the week of NACO training these guidelines are discussed and built upon with a view to streamlining processes while building a consistent and predictable file that will reduce the duplication of efforts of the global library community and maximize its resources.

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