Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > NACO > Training > Five-day NACO Training Outline
Day 1

Introductions, brief history of PCC, context of NACO program

MARC21 Authority Format review

  • DCM Z1, supplement
  • components of authority records
  • content designation review
  • 670 field


Searching (why, where, how much is required)

"Hands-on" utility input/update practice

  • logging on
  • calling up authority form

Note: Participants are asked to bring at least 3-5 examples from their current cataloging for input/contribution

Day 2

Chapter 22, Personal names

  • review AACR2
  • focus on LCRIs

Chapter 26, References (personal names)

  • review AACR2
  • focus on LCRIs


Workbook exercises to reinforce Ch. 22/26

Hands on practicum

  • searching, inputting/establishing personal names

Note: Participants are asked to bring at least 3-5 examples from their current cataloging for input/contribution

Day 3

Chapter 24, Corporate bodies

  • review AACR2
  • focus on LCRIs

Chapter 26, References (corp. names)

  • review AACR2
  • focus on LCRIs


Workbook exercises to reinforce Ch. 24/26

Hands on practicum

  • inputting/establishing corporate names

Note: Participants are asked to bring at least 3-5 examples from their current cataloging for input/contribution

Day 4

Chapter 23, Geographic names

Chapter 25, Uniform titles

Changes to existing name authority records/reference evaluation

Workbook exercises to reinforce Ch. 23/25/changes


Hands on practicum

  • inputting/establishing geographic, uniform titles, etc.

Note: Participants are asked to bring at least 3-5 examples from their current cataloging for input/contribution

Day 5

Administration and communication

  • Quality review period
  • Independent phase
  • ongoing participation in NACO

SACO Program overview

  • Procedures for contribution of subject heading proposals


  • Wrap-up, resolution of outstanding issues, etc.
  • Continuation of input/update in utility using "live" examples

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