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Heroin, Methadone, Other Opiates & Injection Drug Use

bulletHeroin use

bulletInjection drug use

bulletHeroin & other opiates treatment


bulletAll reports on heroin, methadone, other opiates & injection drug use

bulletAnalgesics /pain relievers


bulletTEDS treatment admissions for heroin and injection drug use

bulletCrack, heroin, ecstasy, oxycontin, etc. by State


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 All Reports on Heroin, Methadone, Other Opiates & Injection Drug Use


newThe NSDUH Report:  Demographic and Geographic Variations in Injection Drug Use

newThe DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1995-2005

new The DASIS Report: Facilities Operating Opioid Treatment Programs, 2005  

The DAWN Report:  Opiate-Related Drug Misuse Deaths in 6 States, 2003

The DASIS Report:  Non-Heroin Opiate Admissions, 2003

The DASIS Report:  Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Use, 2003

The NSDUH Report:  Injection Drug Use Update: 2002 and 2003

The NSDUH Report: NonMedical Oxycodone Users:  A Comparison with Heroin Users

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1992-2002

The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Primary Heroin Injection and Inhalation Admissions: 2002

The DAWN Report:  Methadone-Involved Deaths in 8 Metropolitan Areas, 1997-2001  (PDF format)

The National Treatment System:  Outpatient Methadone Facilities  (Alcohol and Drug Services Study (ADSS))

The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection of Multiple Drugs: 2000

The DASIS Report:  New Heroin Users Admitted to Treatment: 1992-2000

Results of the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use & Health (HTML format)

Chapter:  Illicit Drug Use

Trends in New Heroin Users

Trends in Lifetime Heroin Use

Heroin Treatment Admissions and Planned Use of Methadone2000 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS)

The DASIS Report:  Planned Methadone Treatment for Non-Heroin Opiate Admissions

The DASIS Report:  Planned Methadone Treatment for Heroin Admissions

The NHSDA Report:  Injection Drug Use

The DASIS Report: Facilities Providing Methadone/LAAM Treatment to Clients with Opiate Addiction

Heroin by Smoking or Snorting (PDF format)  Go to Table 1.106 A, B and Scroll down to "Heroin" When printing, on print options indicate that you want to print current page on screen.

Needle Use with Heroin, Cocaine, or Stimulants (PDF format)  Go to Table 1.106 A, B and Scroll down to "Any Needle Use"   When printing, on print options indicate that you want to print current page on screen.

Heroin section in 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Abuse

The DASIS Report: Heroin Treatment Admissions in Urban and Rural Areas

The DASIS Report:  Heroin Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used

Heroin Abuse in the United States

Heroin use by treatment completion status


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  Heroin Use


newThe DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1995-2005

The DASIS Report:  Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Use, 2003

The NSDUH Report:  Injection Drug Use Update: 2002 and 2003

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1992-2002

The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Primary Heroin Injection and Inhalation Admissions: 2002

The DASIS Report:  New Heroin Users Admitted to Treatment: 1992-2000

Results of the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use & Health (HTML format)

2002 National Survey on Drug Use & Health Detailed Tables (PDF format):

2001:  Heroin by Smoking or Snorting (PDF format)  Go to Table 1.106 A, B and Scroll down to "Heroin" When printing, on print options indicate that you want to print current page on screen.

2001:  Needle Use with Heroin, Cocaine, or Stimulants (PDF format)  Go to Table 1.106 A, B and Scroll down to "Any Needle Use"   When printing, on print options indicate that you want to print current page on screen.

Heroin section in 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

The DASIS Report:  Heroin Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used

Heroin Abuse in the United States

Heroin use by treatment completion status


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 Injection Drug Use


newThe NSDUH Report:  Demographic and Geographic Variations in Injection Drug Use

newThe DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1995-2005

The DASIS Report:  Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Use, 2003

The NSDUH Report:  Injection Drug Use Update: 2002 and 2003

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1992-2002

The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Primary Heroin Injection and Inhalation Admissions: 2002

The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection of Multiple Drugs: 2000

The NHSDA Report:  Injection Drug Use

Needle Use with Heroin, Cocaine, or Stimulants (PDF format)  Go to Table 1.106 A, B and Scroll down to "Any Needle Use"   When printing, on print options indicate that you want to print current page on screen.  When printing, on print options indicate that you want to print current page on screen.

The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Abuse

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used


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Also see All Reports on Heroin, Methadone, Other Opiates & Injection Drug Use


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 Treatment for Heroin & Other Opiates


newThe DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1995-2005

new The DASIS Report: Facilities Operating Opioid Treatment Programs, 2005  

The DASIS Report:  Non-Heroin Opiate Admissions, 2003

The DASIS Report:  Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Use, 2003

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1992-2002

The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Primary Heroin Injection and Inhalation Admissions: 2002

The DAWN Report:  Methadone-Involved Deaths in 8 Metropolitan Areas, 1997-2001  (PDF format)

The National Treatment System:  Outpatient Methadone Facilities  (Alcohol and Drug Services Study (ADSS)

The DASIS Report:  New Heroin Users Admitted to Treatment: 1992-2000

Heroin Treatment Admissions and Planned Use of Methadone2000 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS)

The DASIS Report:  Planned Methadone Treatment for Non-Heroin Opiate Admissions

The DASIS Report:  Planned Methadone Treatment for Heroin Admissions

The DASIS Report: Facilities Providing Methadone/LAAM Treatment to Clients with Opiate Addiction

Characteristics of Heroin & Other Opiates Treatment Admissions:  TEDS Report 1992-2000

The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Abuse

The DASIS Report: Heroin Treatment Admissions in Urban and Rural Areas

The DASIS Report:  Heroin Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999

Heroin use by treatment completion status  


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 TEDS  treatment admissions for Heroin & Other Opiates


newThe DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1995-2005

2004 Substance abuse treatment data from TEDS highlights (full report):

Admissions by primary substance of abuse (percent distribution)

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This page was last updated on December 30, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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