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2007 USTR Reports and Publications

Below are 2007 reports.

Comprehensive Report on U.S. Trade and Investment Policy

This report builds on the information provided in previous reports, providing new and updated information on U.S. trade and investment policy toward sub-Saharan Africa, including the implementation of AGOA, the designation of AGOA beneficiary countries, the impact that AGOA has had on U.S. trade and investment with sub-Saharan Africa, and information on reforms being undertaken by AGOA beneficiary countries.

National Trade Estimate Report

The 2007 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE) is the twenty-second in an annual series that surveys significant foreign barriers to U.S. exports. The report provides, where feasible, quantitative estimates of the impact of these foreign practices on the value of U.S. exports. Information is also included on actions taken to eliminate barriers.

Report to Congress on China's WTO Compliance

After six years of membership in the World Trade Organization, China is no longer a new WTO member. Almost all of the specific commitments that China made when it acceded to the WTO on December 11, 2001, were due to be implemented over a period of five years, ending in 2006. Accordingly, the United States has been working to hold China fully accountable - just as we, and others, hold ourselves accountable - as a mature member of the international trading system, placing a strong emphasis on China's adherence to WTO rules.

Special 301 Report

The Administration's top priorities this year continue to be addressing weak IPR protection and enforcement, particularly in China and Russia. Although this year's Special 301 Report shows positive progress in many countries, rampant counterfeiting and piracy problems have continued to plague China and Russia, indicating a need for stronger IPR regimes.

2007 Trade Policy Agenda and 2006 Annual Report

In 2006, the Bush Administration built on its solid record of opening markets and creating economic opportunities for U.S. manufacturers, service providers, farmers, ranchers, and consumers. Under President Bush's leadership, the United States also continued to set the standard for all nations seeking to spur development and alleviate poverty by increasing trade flows.

EGSA Summary

In order to address the broader set of environmental issues, we propose to negotiate in the WTO a ground-breaking and innovative Environmental Goods and Services Agreement (EGSA) involving market access commitments on a wide range of goods and services that contribute to environmental protection.

Japan Regulatory Reform and Competition Policy Initiative

The U.S.-Japan Regulatory Reform and Competition Policy Initiative (Regulatory Reform Initiative) continues to contribute to growth and opportunity for the citizens of both countries by promoting reforms that open new markets, reduce burdensome regulations, increase transparency, and stimulate competition. The Regulatory Reform Initiative, now in its seventh year, also remains a key forum for deepening and broadening our bilateral economic relationship.

Progress in Reducing Trade-Related Barriers to the Export of Greenhouse Gas Intensity Reducing Technologies

The United States has made tangible progress since the initial report in pursuing a wide variety of trade and investment initiatives to encourage developing countries to embrace the marketbased economic reforms, transparent regulatory practices, intellectual property and investor protections and open trade regimes necessary to encourage widespread dissemination and use of GHGIRTs.

Results of the 2007 Section 1377 Review of Telecommunications Trade Agreements

The 2007 Section 1377 Review focuses on specific issues in Egypt, Jamaica, Mexico, Thailand and Guatemala, and on general issues of concern with respect to several countries, such as burdensome interconnection requirements, high mobile termination rates, problems with access to leased lines, and barriers to the provision of satellite capacity and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. The Review also highlights areas of progress on specific issues, some of which were cited in last year's Review.