
Home of AKD

Please note the AKD website is under construction. We are working on building a brand new website for your convenience!


The National Office for Alpha Kappa Delta is located at:

Alpha Kappa Delta
Le Moyne College
1419 Salt Springs Road
Syracuse, NY 13214

Email: AKD@lemoyne.edu
Voice: (315) 445-5452
Fax: (315) 445-6029

Happening Now!

To place an order for new memberships and/or merchandise click here
(All attachments are at the bottom of the page)
*Click "Download" to open the file

Attn Chapter Reps:
If you have not yet applied for your chapter's EIN or submitted your chapter's
IRS confirmation letter,
your chapter has become inactive.

Please apply for your EIN and/or send in
your chapter's IRS confirmation letter

if you have not already done so. 

To determine if your chapter is exempt from obtaining an EIN, please visit the EIN webpage:
EIN & IRS Form 990-N

Find us on

Student employees Kris and Marissa modeling our
*NEW T-shirts!*
Order one today!


2011-2012 Chapter Report
Due June 30, 2012
Click here to complete your report today

2012 Winter/Spring Newsletter
View our fall newsletter here!

2012 Undergraduate and Graduate
Paper Competition
Winners Announced!

Congratulations to all who submitted a paper!

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