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The 4SIGHT computer program combines electro-diffusive transport, permeation, and chemical reaction to predict the ingress of external species dissolved in the aqueous solution that is in contact with the concrete. As species in solution reaction with the mineral phases within the microstructure (dissolution/precipitation), the porosity changes, thus changing the transport coefficient. The service life is defined as the time required for chlorides to reach a critical threshold concentration at the depth of the steel reinforcement


The software can be used to predict the service life of a concrete under user-specified boundary conditions, determined through the concentration of species dissolved in the aqueous solution that is in contact with the concrete.


Link to Web Site: 4SIGHT


Version: 2.0

Type of software: Service life prediction for concrete materials in saturated environments.


Kenneth A. Snyder


Any web browser.


A complete description of the assumptions, algorithms, validation tests, and input variables are provided in NIST-IR 6747.


Reference: K.A. Snyder, "Validation and Modification of the 4SIGHT Computer Program," NIST-IR 6747, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce (May 2001).


Disclaimer: The National Institute of Standards and Technology shall not be liable for any damage that may result from using the 4SIGHT computer program. NIST has made its best efforts to assure that the information provided by 4SIGHT is correct and accurate. However, NIST makes no warranties to this effect.