Engineering Laboratory Topic Areas

Topic: Building Economics
Topic: Building Energy Conservation
Topic: Building Materials
Topic: Coatings and Sealants
Topic: Concrete/Cement
Topic: Construction Integration and Automation
Topic: Disaster and Failure Studies
Topic: Disaster Resilience
Topic: Earthquake Hazards Reduction
Topic: Emergency Egress and Access
Topic: Fault Detection and Diagnostics
Topic: Fire Detection
Topic: Fire Fighting Technologies
Topic: Fire Measurements
Topic: Fire Modeling
Topic: Fire Protection Technologies
Topic: Fire Resistance of Structures
Topic: Fire Spread
Topic: Flammability of Materials
Topic: High Performance Buildings
Topic: Indoor Air Quality
Topic: Intelligent/Automated Construction
Topic: Metrology
Topic: Nanocomposite Materials
Topic: Nanomanufacturing
Topic: Ontologies
Topic: Polymers/Polymeric Composites
Topic: Product Data
Topic: Progressive Structural Collapse
Topic: Robotics
Topic: Service Life Prediction
Topic: Simulation
Topic: Supply Chain
Topic: Sustainable Manufacturing
Topic: Systems Integration
Topic: Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Fires
Topic: Wind Engineering
William Grosshandler,
Deputy Director for Building and Fire Research
Engineering Laboratory