Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI)

Program Overview

Date: 2011 Description: UN Peacekeeping troops. - State Dept Image
UN Peacekeeping troops. Date: 2006 Description: Instructor leads training operation at ''Khaan Quest'' international peacekeeping training exercise. (Mongolia, 2006) - State Dept Image
Instructor leads training operation at “Khaan Quest” international peacekeeping training exercise. (Mongolia, 2006) Date: 2009 Description: President Obama emphasizes U.S. support for UN peacekeeping during a September 2009 meeting with leaders from top troop and police contributing countries. - State Dept Image
President Obama emphasizes U.S. support for UN peacekeeping during a September 2009 meeting with leaders from top troop and police contributing countries.

GPOI is a U.S. government-funded security assistance program intended to enhance international capacity to effectively conduct United Nations and regional peace support operations (PSOs) by building partner country capabilities to train and sustain peacekeeping proficiencies; increasing the number of capable military troops and formed police units (FPUs) available for deployment; and facilitating the preparation, logistical support, and deployment of military units and FPUs to PSOs.

GPOI was launched as the U.S. contribution to the broader G8 Action Plan for Expanding Global Capability for Peace Support Operations, adopted at the 2004 G8 Sea Island Summit. Initially proposed as a five-year program (fiscal years 2005-2009), GPOI’s mandate was renewed for a second five-year period (fiscal years 2010-2014). The primary objectives for the program’s first five years (Phase I) included training 75,000 peacekeepers and building regional capacity to conduct peacekeeping operations. In Phase II, program emphasis has shifted from the direct training of peacekeepers to assisting partner country efforts to build sustainable, indigenous peacekeeping training capacity.

GPOI is funded through the Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) account, which is managed by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.

The program has a substantial metrics and evaluation component which is guided by the following outcome-oriented considerations: actual deployments, effectiveness in PSOs, improvement of capacities, and self-sufficiency.


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