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Armed Forces Crossroads
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The Armed Forces Crossroads Web Site Information page provides information as well as statistical and historical information about this site, and will help you find explanations of its navigation and structure; and your privacy while using the site.

We invite you to use the technical, help, and information resources available here to assist with your experience.

  • Technical Issues/Help - If you have a technical question or believe there is a problem with the functionality of the site, please refer to the Help page.
    • Note: Armed Forces Crossroads and GIMail users can review online FAQs and Help pages, and may submit requests for support at any time, 24/7. Help requests submitted outside normal work hours (nights, weekends, and holidays) will be answered during the next work day during the hours of 08:00 to 18:00 East Coast time
  • Suggestions - Armed Forces Crossroads is a "live" site...that is, one that continually updates its information, features, and sometimes its "look and feel". We invite you to provide your suggestions and recommendations to:
  • Contact - To contact the Webmaster, the Information Management Team, or any of the Support Staff, or to suggest linking your site with AFCrossroads, use the links on the Contact page.
  • Privacy - Your privacy is important, and so is your understanding of your rights and responsibilities while here. The Privacy Statement (also available at the bottom of all pages on the site) will aid your understanding.
What do I need to view the site?

The Armed Forces Crossroads site can be viewed using major web browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera.

Some downloads or resource files may require Microsoft Word compatibility or Adobe Reader. Videos required either Microsoft Media Player or the Apple QuickTime Player.

Navigation & Structure

Access to all information is organized into four main areas:

Primary Navigation

  • The Main Menu on the left side of the screen, which features “mouse-over” automatic menuing to all sections of the site.
  • The central area of the screen, where popular and important features and sections of the site are available with a single click.
  • The right and left (beneath the Main Menu) margins of the home page, which presents banners allowing instant access to seasonal, limited duration, or new features.
  • The Site Map, which allows immediate, direst access to any areas of Armed Forces Crossroads.
Section Directory Pages

On each submenu page there is a list of links to corresponding subject pages. These pages function as Section Directories, for quick, easy identification of the subject you want and immediate access to that resource.

Other Menuing

Some sections use the popular and colorful "10X10" style of menuing, which features a grid of clickable choices that either open submenus or go directly to your chosen resources.

All menu options and screens offer a text-only version for visually impaired users or for better usability for reader or magnification programs and equipment.


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