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Event speaker encourages employees to take charge of careers
Focus on yourself and take charge of your career were the main messages delivered Oct. 2 by the guest speaker at the McNamara Headquarters Complex’s National Hispanic Heritage Month event, hosted by the Defense Contract Audit Agency.
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DLA director builds relationship with U.S. military clothing makers
Fortifying industry partnerships is vital to help the Defense Logistics Agency meet budget reductions, DLA Director Navy Vice Adm. Mark Harnitchek told a group of military clothing and textiles suppliers at a Sept. 28 trade association meeting in Philadelphia.
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DLA meets second milestone on audit readiness journey
The Defense Logistics Agency has met a second milestone on the path to be audit ready by 2015. The agency has certified that it has a method for balancing its books, according to a memo signed by DLA Finance Director Tony Poleo Sept. 26.
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Director speaks at conference, visits DLA team members in Alaska
With $46 billion in sales, fiscal 2011 was one of the Defense Logistics Agency’s biggest years, DLA Director Navy Vice Adm. Mark Harnitchek told attendees at the 66th Annual National Defense Transportation Agency Logistics and Transportation Forum and Exposition in Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 25.
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DLA recruitment cadre expanding efforts to hire veterans
The Defense Logistics Agency’s Corporate Recruitment Cadre, an agencywide team of DLA employees, is busy expanding its efforts to hire veterans.
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DLA Headquarters service members learn about suicide prevention
Service members should not consider suicide-prevention training business as usual, the Defense Logistics Agency’s new senior enlisted leader told DLA Headquarters troops Sept. 26.
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DLA logistics operations director tells Troop Support he’s ready to help
The Defense Logistics Agency’s new director of logistics operations told DLA Troop Support employees he wants to know how he can help enhance the organization’s mission to support warfighters during his first visit there, Sept. 24.
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Air Force takes home win in first 'DLA Director's Sabre' competition
Defense Logistics Agency military members from the McNamara Headquarters Complex got a head start on the weekend with barbecue and good-natured service rivalry during the annual DLA Military Picnic Sept. 21.
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DLA’s senior enlisted position changes hands in headquarters ceremony
Army Command Sgt. Maj. Otis Cuffee handed the reins of the Defense Logistics Agency’s senior enlisted position to Army Command Sgt. Maj. Sultan Muhammad Sept. 20 in a sometimes touching and sometimes comical two-hour ceremony at the McNamara Headquarters Complex.
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DLA Troop Support Medical ordering screening process ensures lower costs
A Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Medical screening process analyzes high-demand customer orders and, where possible, reroutes them to the less-costly electronic commerce buying process, reducing customer costs by about $20 million per year, an official in the organization said.
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